@prefix : . @prefix emmo: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix experts: . @prefix characterisation-methods: . @prefix manufacturing: . @prefix materials: . @prefix models: . @prefix software: . @base . rdf:type owl:Ontology ; owl:versionIRI ; owl:imports , , , , , , , ; dcterms:abstract "The MarketPlace Agent and Expert Ontology (MAEO) is an ontology for modeling experts, expertise, and more broadly, knowledge providers and knowledge seekers for the subject areas of Materials Modeling."@en ; dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Del Nostro, P., Goldbeck, G., Pozzi, A., Toti, D., 2023. Modeling experts, knowledge providers and expertise in Materials Modeling:MAEO as an application ontology of EMMO's ecosystem. Applied Ontology 18, 99–118. doi:10.3233/AO-230024." ; dcterms:contributor , , ; dcterms:creator , , ; dcterms:created "2020-05-05" ; dcterms:description "The MarketPlace Agent and Expert Ontology (MAEO) is an ontology for modeling experts, expertise, and more broadly, knowledge providers and knowledge seekers for the subject areas of Materials Modeling. MAEO is an EMMO-compliant application ontology, and has been loosely aligned with a number of existing ontologies, including Friend-Of-A-Friend (FOAF) and five recently-developed EMMO-based domain ontologies for the classification of materials, models, manufacturing processes, characterization methods and software products related to Materials Modeling."@en ; dcterms:license "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode" ; dcterms:publisher "EMMC ASBL" ; dcterms:title "MAEO - MarketPlace Agent and Expert Ontology"@en ; dcterms:modified "2024-04-12" ; dcterms:source "" ; dcterms:issued "2024-04-12" ; "experts"@en ; "http://w3id.org/emmo-maeo/maeo" ; rdfs:comment """Contacts: Gerhard Goldbeck Goldbeck Consulting Ltd (UK) email: gerhard@goldbeck-consulting.com"""@en ; owl:backwardCompatibleWith "" ; owl:priorVersion "" ; foaf:logo "" ; "" ; "" ; owl:versionInfo "1.0.0-beta3" . a foaf:Person ; rdfs:label "Daniele Toti" ; skos:prefLabel "Daniele Toti" ; foaf:name "Daniele Toti" ; rdfs:comment "" . a foaf:Person ; rdfs:label "Pierluigi Del Nostro" ; skos:prefLabel "Pierluigi Del Nostro" ; foaf:name "Pierluigi Del Nostro" ; rdfs:comment "" . a foaf:Person ; rdfs:label "Gerhard Goldbeck" ; skos:prefLabel "Gerhard Goldbeck" ; foaf:name "Gerhard Goldbeck" ; rdfs:comment "" . ####### EMMO mapping: ### Participant -> middle-persholistic emmo:EMMO_13191289_6c2b_4741_93e1_82d53bd0e703 ### hasProperty -> middle-semiotics emmo:EMMO_e1097637_70d2_4895_973f_2396f04fa204 ### Objective (property) -> middle-semiotics emmo:EMMO_2a888cdf_ec4a_4ec5_af1c_0343372fc978 ### Subjective (property) -> middle-semiotics emmo:EMMO_251cfb4f_5c75_4778_91ed_6c8395212fd8 experts:MarketPlaceAgentExpertOntology a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "MarketPlace Agent and Expert Ontology" ; skos:prefLabel "MarketPlace Agent and Expert Ontology"@en ; rdfs:comment "This is the root class of the MAEO ontology, introduced for providing the ontology itself with a tree-like structure, with all of its other explicitly defined internal classes being subclasses of this class at various hierarchical levels." . ### foaf:Agent as a subclass of emmo:Participant foaf:Agent rdfs:subClassOf emmo:EMMO_13191289_6c2b_4741_93e1_82d53bd0e703 . experts:MarketPlaceAgent a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "MarketPlace Agent" ; skos:prefLabel "MarketPlace Agent"@en ; rdfs:comment "It models a generic Agent in the MarketPlace, i.e. any entity (Knowledge Seeker, Knowledge Provider) that can act on the MarketPlace" ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:MarketPlaceAgentExpertOntology, foaf:Agent . experts:KnowledgeSeeker a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Knowledge Seeker" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge Seeker"@en ; rdfs:comment "It models a generic seeker of knowledge as a user of the MarketPlace application." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:MarketPlaceAgent . experts:KnowledgeProvider a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Knowledge Provider" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge Provider"@en ; rdfs:comment "It models a generic provider of knowledge that possesses a certain expertise." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:MarketPlaceAgent . experts:Expert a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Expert" ; skos:prefLabel "Expert"@en ; rdfs:comment "A knowledge-providing human expert that possesses a certain expertise and whose information can be stored and accessed within the MarketPlace application. It sports datatype properties like experienceInYears and yearsOnMarketPlace, and it is the domain of several object properties." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:KnowledgeProvider , foaf:Person . experts:Organization a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Knowledge-providing Organization" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge-providing Organization"@en ; rdfs:comment "A knowledge-providing juridical entity that possesses a certain expertise, and may or may not have something to do with Experts" ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:KnowledgeProvider . experts:Team a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Knowledge-providing Team" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge-providing Team"@en ; rdfs:comment "A knowledge-providing group of people." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:KnowledgeProvider . experts:Lab a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Knowledge-providing Lab" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge-providing Lab"@en ; rdfs:comment "a knowledge-providing laboratory." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:KnowledgeProvider . ### ExpertSubjectiveProperty as a subclass of emmo:SubjectiveProperty experts:ExpertSubjectiveProperty a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Expert Subjective Property" ; skos:prefLabel "Expert Subjective Property"@en ; rdfs:comment "It is meant to represent the superclass of subjective properties that may be possessed by entities modeled in the MAEO ontology." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:MarketPlaceAgentExpertOntology , emmo:EMMO_251cfb4f_5c75_4778_91ed_6c8395212fd8 . ### ExpertObjectiveProperty as a subclass of emmo:ObjectProperty experts:ExpertObjectiveProperty a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Expert Objective Property" ; skos:prefLabel "Expert Objective Property"@en ; rdfs:comment "It is meant to represent the superclass of all of the objective properties potentially possessed by the entities of the MAEO ontology." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:MarketPlaceAgentExpertOntology , emmo:EMMO_2a888cdf_ec4a_4ec5_af1c_0343372fc978 . experts:Expertise a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Expertise" ; skos:prefLabel "Expertise"@en ; rdfs:comment "It represents the expertise possessed by a generic knowledge provider, by which users of the MarketPlace application can look for experts and such (and vice versa)." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:ExpertSubjectiveProperty . ### maeoObjectProperty as a subclass of emmo:hasProperty experts:maeoObjectProperty a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "maeoObjectProperty" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf emmo:EMMO_e1097637_70d2_4895_973f_2396f04fa204 . experts:maeoDatatypeProperty a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "maeoDatatypeProperty" ; rdfs:comment "" . experts:hasExpertise a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "hasExpertise" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:KnowledgeProvider ; rdfs:range experts:Expertise . experts:expertiseOn a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "expertiseOn" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Expertise . experts:yearsOnMarketPlace a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "yearsOnMarketPlace" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Expert ; rdfs:range xsd:double . experts:experienceInYears a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "experienceInYears" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Expert ; rdfs:range xsd:double . experts:PersonalDetail a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Personal Detail" ; skos:prefLabel "Personal Detail"@en ; rdfs:comment "It models the personal details (name, address, contacts, etc.) of a human expert." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:ExpertObjectiveProperty . experts:OrganizationalDetail a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Organizational Detail" ; skos:prefLabel "Organizational Detail"@en ; rdfs:comment "It is meant to model the details of the company, institution, organization an expert may be working at/with." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:ExpertObjectiveProperty . experts:CertificationDetail a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Certification Detail" ; skos:prefLabel "Certification Detail"@en ; rdfs:comment "It is meant to describe the details of certifications possessed by a human expert." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:ExpertObjectiveProperty . experts:ProfessionalDetail a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Professional Detail" ; skos:prefLabel "Professional Detail"@en ; rdfs:comment "It is meant to encompass the professional details of a human expert, e.g. title, role, qualifications, languages spoken, current or desired daily rate for hiring and its corresponding remuneration, etc." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:ExpertObjectiveProperty . experts:ContractualDetail a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Contractual Detail" ; skos:prefLabel "Contractual Detail"@en ; rdfs:comment "It describes the details about the contract a human experts is currently under." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:ExpertObjectiveProperty . experts:ExpertOrganization a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Expert Organization" ; skos:prefLabel "Expert Organization"@en ; rdfs:comment "It models the organization an expert may be working at/with, distinguishing it from a knowledge-providing organization. An instance of the former may also be the same organization as an instance of the latter; in order to model such a case, the object property refersToOrganizationWithExpertise (domain: ExpertOrganization, range: Organization) has been introduced for connecting the two." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:OrganizationalDetail . experts:Location a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Location" ; skos:prefLabel "Location"@en ; rdfs:comment "It describes the physical address of an organization." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:OrganizationalDetail . experts:address a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "address" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Location ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:isLocatedAt a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "isLocatedAt" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:ExpertOrganization ; rdfs:range experts:Location . experts:worksAt a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "worksAt" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Expert ; rdfs:range experts:ExpertOrganization . experts:refersToOrganizationWithExpertise a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "refersToOrganizationWithExpertise" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:ExpertOrganization ; rdfs:range experts:Organization . experts:Language a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Language" ; skos:prefLabel "Language"@en ; rdfs:comment "It describes a language known by a human expert. By reification (via the rdf:Statement construct), the datatype properties languageType and languageLevel are associated with a 'Expert knowsLanguage Language' triple." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:ProfessionalDetail . experts:languageCode a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "languageCode" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Language ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:languageName a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "languageName" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Language ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:knowsLanguage a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "knowsLanguage" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Expert ; rdfs:range experts:Language . experts:languageType a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "languageType" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain rdf:Statement ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:languageLevel a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "languageLevel" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain rdf:Statement ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:DailyRate a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Daily Rate" ; skos:prefLabel "Daily Rate"@en ; rdfs:comment "It models the daily rate a human experts requests." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:ProfessionalDetail . experts:requests a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "requests" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Expert ; rdfs:range experts:DailyRate . experts:Remuneration a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Remuneration" ; skos:prefLabel "Remuneration"@en ; rdfs:comment "It models the remuneration value and currency of the daily rate requested by a human expert, as well as the one associated with an existing contract a human expert may be under." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:ProfessionalDetail . experts:amountsTo a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "amountsTo" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:DailyRate ; rdfs:range experts:Remuneration . experts:remunerationCurrency a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "remunerationCurrency" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Remuneration ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:remunerationValue a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "remunerationValue" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Remuneration ; rdfs:range xsd:double . experts:Certification a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Certification" ; skos:prefLabel "Certification"@en ; rdfs:comment "It describes an actual certification a human expert may possess, with datatype properties like certificationTitle and expirationDate." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:CertificationDetail . experts:hasCertification a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "hasCertification" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Expert ; rdfs:range experts:Certification . experts:CertificationAuthority a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Certification Authority" ; skos:prefLabel "Certification Authority"@en ; rdfs:comment "It models the authority that has issued a certification." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:CertificationDetail . experts:issuedBy a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "issuedBy" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Certification ; rdfs:range experts:CertificationAuthority . experts:expirationDate a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "expirationDate" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Certification ; rdfs:range xsd:date . experts:certificationTitle a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "certificationTitle" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Certification ; rdfs:range xsd:date . experts:certificationAuthorityName a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "certificationAuthorityName" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:CertificationAuthority ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:Profile a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Profile" ; skos:prefLabel "Profile"@en ; rdfs:comment "It includes the details of a human expert's profile." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:PersonalDetail . experts:hasProfile a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "hasProfile" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Expert ; rdfs:range experts:Profile . experts:profileName a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "profileName" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Profile ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:profileAddress a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "profileAddress" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Profile ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:profileEmail a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "profileEmail" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Profile ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:profileUsername a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "profileUsername" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Profile ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:ExternalProfile a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "External Profile" ; skos:prefLabel "External Profile"@en ; rdfs:comment "It represents a connection with an external profile for a given experts, e.g. a social network profile on LinkedIn, Facebook, etc." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:PersonalDetail . experts:hasExternalProfile a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "hasExternalProfile" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Expert ; rdfs:range experts:ExternalProfile . experts:externalProfileName a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "externalProfileName" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:ExternalProfile ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:externalProfileUrl a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "externalProfileUrl" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:ExternalProfile ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:Contract a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Contract" ; skos:prefLabel "Contract"@en ; rdfs:comment "It is meant to model the actual contract(s) a given expert may be currently under. It includes datatype properties like contractType and contractConstraint, the latter modeling potential legal or business constraints and limitations a contract may specify with regard to potential consulting and collaboration activities an expert may be allowed to carry out." ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:ContractualDetail . experts:isUnderContract a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "isUnderContract" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Expert ; rdfs:range experts:Contract . experts:hasRemuneration a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "hasRemuneration" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Contract ; rdfs:range experts:Remuneration . experts:contractType a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "contractType" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Contract ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:contractConstraint a owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:label "contractConstraint" ; rdfs:comment "" ; rdfs:subPropertyOf experts:maeoDatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain experts:Contract ; rdfs:range xsd:string . experts:Competence a owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Competence" ; skos:prefLabel "Competence"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf experts:MarketPlaceAgentExpertOntology ; rdfs:comment "" ; ### equivalent to Expertise when a CharacterisationMethod is the object of expertiseOn owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty experts:expertiseOn ; owl:someValuesFrom characterisation-methods:CharacterisationMethod ] ; ### equivalent to Expertise when a Manufacturing (process) is the object of expertiseOn owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty experts:expertiseOn ; owl:someValuesFrom manufacturing:Manufacturing ] ; ### equivalent to Expertise when a Material is the object of expertiseOn owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty experts:expertiseOn ; owl:someValuesFrom materials:Material ] ; ### equivalent to Expertise when a Model is the object of expertiseOn owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty experts:expertiseOn ; owl:someValuesFrom models:Model ] ; ### equivalent to Expertise when a Software is the object of expertiseOn owl:equivalentClass [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty experts:expertiseOn ; owl:someValuesFrom software:Software ] . ### Sample Individuals experts:PierluigiDelNostro a experts:Expert . experts:PierluigiDelNostro experts:hasProfile experts:Profile1 . experts:Profile1 a experts:Profile . experts:Profile1 experts:profileName "Pierluigi Del Nostro" . experts:GerhardGoldbeck a experts:Expert . experts:GerhardGoldbeck experts:hasProfile experts:Profile2 . experts:Profile2 a experts:Profile . experts:Profile2 experts:profileName "Gerhard Goldbeck" . experts:DanieleToti a experts:Expert . experts:DanieleToti experts:hasProfile experts:Profile3 . experts:Profile3 a experts:Profile . experts:Profile3 experts:profileName "Daniele Toti" . experts:English a experts:Language . experts:English experts:languageCode "EN" . experts:English experts:languageName "English" . experts:DanieleToti experts:knowsLanguage experts:English . experts:DTEN a rdf:Statement . experts:DTEN rdf:subject experts:DanieleToti . experts:DTEN rdf:predicate experts:knowsLanguage . experts:DTEN rdf:object experts:English . experts:DTEN experts:languageLevel "C2" . experts:DTEN experts:languageType "Native/Bilingual" . materials:EpoxyMatrixCompositeReinforced a materials:FiberReinforcedComposite . software:Gromacs5.1 a software:Gromacs . software:MySQL8.0 a software:Database . experts:Expertise1 a experts:Expertise . experts:Expertise2 a experts:Expertise . experts:Expertise3 a experts:Expertise . experts:Expertise4 a experts:Expertise . experts:PierluigiDelNostro experts:hasExpertise experts:Expertise1 . experts:GerhardGoldbeck experts:hasExpertise experts:Expertise2 . experts:GerhardGoldbeck experts:hasExpertise experts:Expertise3 . experts:DanieleToti experts:hasExpertise experts:Expertise4 . experts:Expertise1 experts:expertiseOn software:Gromacs5.1 . experts:Expertise2 experts:expertiseOn materials:EpoxyMatrixCompositeReinforced . experts:Expertise3 experts:expertiseOn software:Gromacs5.1 . experts:Expertise4 experts:expertiseOn software:MySQL8.0 .