@prefix : .
@prefix qb: .
@prefix dct: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix xml: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix dcat: .
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix prov: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix skos: .
@prefix stat: .
@prefix schema: .
@prefix af-inspire: .
@prefix act-inspire: .
@prefix foodie: .
@prefix saref4agri: .
@prefix common: .
@prefix fiware-agrifood: .
@prefix fiware: .
@prefix iso19109: .
@prefix iso19150-2: .
@prefix iso19103: .
@prefix iso19115-citation: .
@prefix geo: .
@prefix ssn: .
@prefix sosa: .
@prefix saref: .
@prefix obo: .
@prefix oceanCommon: .
@prefix oceanProperty: .
@prefix qudt: .
@prefix dwc: .
@base .
a owl:Ontology ;
owl:versionIRI ;
dct:contributor [ schema:affiliation [ foaf:name "OGC"
] ;
foaf:name "Rob Atkinson"
] ;
dct:creator [ schema:affiliation [ foaf:name "PSNC"
] ;
rdfs:seeAlso ;
foaf:name "Raul Palma"
] ;
owl:imports ,
dct:description "The ILIAD Ocean profile is a master profile importing all modules of ILIAD OIM"@en ;
dct:rights "This vocabulary is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0"@en ;
dct:title "Ocean Information Model (OIM) ontology"@en ;
rdfs:label "Ocean Information Model (OIM) ontology"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The Ocean Information Model (OIM) is the common vocabulary in ILIAD project providing the basis for semantic interoperability across smart ocean solutions"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The ILIAD Ocean Information Model (OIM) is based on the DEMETER Agriculture Information Model (AIM)"@en ;
owl:versionInfo "1.0" ;
foaf:maker [ foaf:homepage ;
foaf:name "ILIAD project"
] .