Marcus Meyer Stephan Rammeloo Thomas Biermeyer This ontology describes terms concerning companies, their cross-border movements within the European Union (EU), and associated EU company legislation. 2021-12-09T00:00:00 Copyright © 2021 Maastricht University The European Union Company Mobility Ontology (EUCM ontology) Tobias Breuer Walter Simoncini eucm 1.2.2 Institute of Data Science at Maastricht University Maastricht University Provides a human-readable written example of the entity in question. Example Examples include: MUST, SHOULD, RECOMMENDED and OPTIONAL Specifies a phrase to indicate the degree to which the providing of a value for the entity (e.g. a data or object property) in question is compulsory, recommended or optional. Requirement level (applicableTo creditorRight1 person1) (applicableTo ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some legal right ?ENTITY1 is awarded or assigned to a particular person or agent ?ENTITY2. applicable to (authoredBy independentExpertReport1 independentExpert1) (authoredBy ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that ?ENTITY1 is an instance of a publication that is created primarily by the entity referred to by ?ENTITY2. authored by (authors ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that (authoredBy ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) authors (cbcmDataProvenanceRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the relation between ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 captures provenance information for company transaction data. Cross-border company mobility data provenance relation (cbcmDocumentRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the relation between ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 captures information pertaining to a company mobility document or similar information source relevant to corporate mobility. Cross-border company mobility document relation (cbcmEntityRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that ?ENTITY1 is related to ?ENTITY2. Cross-border company mobility entity relation (cbcmObjectRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the relation between ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 captures information pertaining to an object. Cross-border company mobility object relation (cbcmOrganisationRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the relation between ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 captures information pertaining to an organisation. Cross-border company mobility organisation relation (cbcmTransactionRelation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the relation between ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 captures information pertaining to a company mobility transaction. Cross-border company mobility transaction relation (companyFormCountry ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that ?ENTITY1 is a company form recognized by the law of country ?ENTITY2. Company form country (containedIn transactionNotice1 nationalRegistry1) (containedIn ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some document or publication ?ENTITY1 is archived or stored in some other document collection, database or data repository referred to by ?ENTITY2. contained in (countryHasCompanyForm ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that ?ENTITY1 refers to a country the corporate law in that country permits and / or has occurrences of companies in that country which have the corporate legal structure (company legal form) referred to by ?ENTITY2. country has company form (documentValidatedByDocument mergerPlan1 mergerCertificate1) (documentValidatedByDocument ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some document or publication, ?ENTITY1, went through a process of approval and assessment through various criteria such as veracity, eligibility, legal relevance etc. and another document ?ENTITY2 was produced to prove the satisfaction of the critieria by ?ENTITY1. document validated by document (employedBy person1 company1) (employedBy ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some agent (person or organisation) ?ENTITY1 is promised and delivered an incentive (usually financial) to perform some work for ?ENTITY2 where ?ENTITY2 is an organisation. This exchange is usually governed by law and formal regulations in the particular country or social context in which the work is being performed. employed by (employs ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (employedBy ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) employs Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by a process. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation. Based (inverse of) on: Generated (hasAcquiringCompany crossBorderMerger1 company1) (hasAcquiringCompany ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company merger transaction ?ENTITY1 produces a new company or alters an existing one (?ENTITY2) such that ?ENTITY2 will acquire (via a universal transfer of assets and liabilities) one or more other companies involved in the process ?ENTITY1. has acquiring company Company legal form. Name given to describe the structure of a corporation or buiness in the different legal orders. For example Limited (Ltd.), Public Limited Company (PLC), Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH), Aktiengesellschaft (AG). The company legal form is regulated under national law and grants specific rights and obligations to the company stakeholders (such as shareholders, management & employees). Company Form (hasCompanyStakeholder company1 person1) (hasCompanyStakeholder ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some entity ?ENTITY1, which is either a significant process or agent has another agent ?ENTITY2 with personal interests in benefiting either financially or otherwise from the outcomes of ?ENTITY1 (if it is an event or process), or in its byproducts and profits (if it is an agent). has company stakeholder In which document did the researcher find information about the transaction? has document source In which countries' registry did the researcher find information about the transaction? data found in registry from country (hasMember worksCouncil1 employee1) (hasMember ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some agent ?ENTITY1 (usually an organisation) has a person ?ENTITY2 that participates in its activities. This need not represent an employment role nor imply financial incentives between the organisation and person. has member (hasMergingCompany crossBorderMerger1 company1) (hasMergingCompany ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company merger transaction ?ENTITY1 involves a company ?ENTITY2 which will be dissolved during the process of ?ENTITY1 and will be acquired (via a universal transfer of assets and liabilities) by another distinct company involved in ?ENTITY1. has merging company (hasOriginalCompany crossBorderDivision1 company1) (hasOriginalCompany ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company division transaction ?ENTITY1 involves a company ?ENTITY2 which will be divided (or "split") into multiple recipient or emerging companies. has original company (hasParentCompany company1 company2) (hasParentCompany ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company ?ENTITY1 is owned and under direct or indirect control by the company ?ENTITY2. has parent company (hasPart ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the entity referred to by ?ENTITY1 has a constituent entity referred to by ?ENTITY2. has part (?ENTITY1 hasPostCompanyForm ?ENTITY2) indicates the new company form of a company undergoing a cross border conversion or a national conversion. After-transaction company form Primary country of registration (location) of a company as a full country name Company primary registration location (?ENTITY1 hasPriorCompanyForm ?ENTITY2) indicates the original company form of a company undergoing a cross border conversion or a national conversion. Pre-transaction company form (hasMergingCompany crossBorderMerger1 company1) (hasRecipientCompany ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company division transaction ?ENTITY1 produces two or more distinct companies, one of which is ?ENTITY2 (a so-called "recipient company"). has recipient company Country of secondary registration (location) of a company Company secondary registration location (hasSubProcedure seatTransfer1 changeOfCompanyAddress1) (hasSubProcedure ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some process ?ENTITY1 contains another (shorter) process ?ENTITY2 that should be completed before ?ENTITY1 can complete. has sub procedure (hasSubsidiaryCompany ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (hasParentCompany ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) has subsidiary company (hasTransactionInput crossBorderMerger1 company1) (hasTransactionInput ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company transaction ?ENTITY1 has a prerequisite entity ?ENTITY2 that needs to be considered, assessed, or modified during the transaction referred to by ?ENTITY1. has transaction input (hasTransactionResult crossBorderMerger1 acquiringCompany1) (hasTransactionResult crossBorderMerger1 mergerCertificate1) (hasTransactionResult ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company transaction ?ENTITY1 has a byproduct ?ENTITY2 (e.g. a company, transaction certificate etc.) after completion of the process. has transaction result (involvesChangeOf seatTransfer1 businessAddress1) (involvesChangeOf ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the process ?ENTITY1 requires the modification or alteration of the entity or object ?ENTITY2. involves the change of (involvesCountry crossBorderMerger1 france) (involvesCountry ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company transaction ?ENTITY1 includes the modification of a company whose place of business is located in the country referred to by ?ENTITY2 involves country (isTransactionInputOf ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (hasTransactionInput ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) is transaction input of (isTransactionResultOf ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (hasTransactionResult ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) is transaction result of (issuedByOrganisation document1 organisation1) (issuedByOrganisation ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some document or publication, ?ENTITY1, was created (and possibly delivered or administered to another entity) by some entity ?ENTITY2. issued by organisation (locatedIn ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some entity ?ENTITY1 occupies the spatial region referred to by ?ENTITY2. located in (maintainedBy officialJournalRepository1 officialJournalAdministration1) (maintainedBy ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some digital resource ?ENTITY1 (e.g. database, website, document repository etc.) has stewardship by some agent or organisation ?ENTITY2 who is responsible for the upkeep of ?ENTITY1. maintained by (maintains ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (maintainedBy ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) maintains (ownedBy company1 company2) (ownedBy ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some agent ?ENTITY2 has proprietorship over another object or organisational agent ?ENTITY1. owned by (owns ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (owns ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) owns (partOf ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means (hasPart ?ENTITY2 ?ENTITY1) part of (reportedIn crossBorderMerger1 transactionNotice1) (reportedIn ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some significant event, process or statement ?ENTITY1 is published or mentioned or declared in writing in some publication, document or database ?ENTITY2. reported in (requiresDocument crossBorderMerger1 mergerPlan1) (requiresDocument ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some significant event or process ?ENTITY1 needs a compulsory document ?ENTITY2 to be submitted and reviewed before the process ?ENTITY1 can be completed. requires document (sourceCountry crossBorderMerger1 france) (sourceCountry ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company transaction ?ENTITY1 has some transaction input (a company) whose place of business is located in the country ?ENTITY2. source country (targetCountry crossBorderMerger1 belgium) (targetCountry ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company transaction ?ENTITY1 has some transaction result (a company) whose place of business is located in the country ?ENTITY2. target country (transactionValidatedByDocument crossBorderMerger1 mergerCertificate1) (transactionValidatedByDocument ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that some company transaction ?ENTITY1 went through a process of approval and assessment through various criteria such as veracity, eligibility, legal relevance etc. and a document ?ENTITY2 was produced to prove the satisfaction of the critieria by ?ENTITY1. transaction validated by document Variable indicating the SE-establishment mode: by merger, conversion, holding-SE, subsidiary-SE or unsure Type of SE Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity. Before usage, the activity had not begun to utilize this entity and could not have been affected by the entity. Based on: Used In which document did the researcher find information about the transaction? Has document source In which countries' registry did the researcher find information about the transaction? Data found in registry from country An activity association is an assignment of responsibility to an agent for a process, indicating that the agent had a role in the activity. Based on: Associated with Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by a process. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation. Based on: Generated by number of employees of the acquiring company - at the moment of the transaction AC Employees count at transaction The last available annual employment figure for the acquiring company Last employment figure for the acquiring company total number of employees of the acquiring company in the EU at the moment of the transaction Total EU employees The year the last annual employment figure was obtained for acquiring companies AC Last employment figure year Is an employee board level representation/participation (BLER) mechanism applicable prior to the cross-border transaction? 0 = no BLER prior to cross-border transaction 1 = BLER existing prior to cross-border transaction is BLER existing prior 0.0 1.0 What is the employee board level representation (BLER) ratio going to be after the completion of the transaction? The ratio is ranging from 0.00 (no BLER) to 0.33 (1/3 BLER) to 0.5 (50-50 Mitbestimmung) to (theoretically) 1.00, which would be 100% employee representatives on the board and no shareholder representatives. BLER composition Are the companies involved in the transaction having an economic committee? An economic committee advises the work council about the financial parts of the transaction. Companies have Economic Committee Are the companies involved in the transaction having employees? Only one company needs to have employees for this property to be true Companies have employees Are the companies involved in the transaction having a works council? Works councils safeguard employees' welfare Companies have Works Council If a different employee number for the acquiring company is found, it is recorded in this field Diverging employment figure The date and time a process ended Ended at Is the company having a European Works Council (EWC)? Has EWC Is the impact on employees of the envisaged transaction specified in the transaction document (e.g. the merger plan)? Part of merger plan that specifies how the transaction will affect employees. - Yes: there is an impact on employees (positive or negative); - No: no impact on employees; - Not applicable: the conditions are not met (e.g. no employees, BLER threshold not met) for this criterion to be applicable; - Unclear: the wording of the document is unclear with regard to the impact/effect/measures taken; - Not mentioned: given the parameters, this aspect should be addressed in the transaction document, but is not mentioned Impact on employees Whether the company is publicly listed. A company whose shares are bought and sold on a particular stock market. Is listed Variable indicating whether this case concerns an SE-creation (yes/no) to distinguish creations of SEs from other transactions Is SE creation Last available employment figure for the total worldwide employees Last WW employment figure Name of the lawfirm involved in the transaction, if available (for internal use; cross-border divisions and seat transfers are currently not possible within an EU legal framework.) Law Firm The acronym of a company legal form Legal form acronym Number of employees of the acquiring company - at the moment of the transaction MC Employees count at transaction The last available annual employment figure for the merging company Last employment figure for the merging company The year the last annual employment figure was obtained for merging companies MC Last employment figure year A transaction whereby more than two companies (i.e. multiple merging companies) are involved and merged into one acquiring company Multi-transaction 1000 9999 NACE Classification Code for companies. NACE (Nomenclature des Activités Économiques dans la Communauté Européenne) is a European industry standard classification system similar in function to Standard Industry Classification (SIC) and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for classifying business activities. From EUROSTAT NACE code 1 Company NACE sector. NACE (Nomenclature of Economic Activities) is the European statistical classification of economic activities. Classification of a company according to which kinds of sector (i.e. industry / market / product type) they deal in. From EUROSTAT NACE sector The name of the organization Organization name The national registration number of an acquiring/receiving/entry company. A company registration number is a unique combination of numbers and/or letters. It is used to identify a company and verify its legal existence as an incorporated entity. NAT registration number Is the management of the companies involved starting the process of setting up a Special Negotiating Body (SNB) in order to reach a negotiated agreement on the future employee participation mechanism (BLER) after the transaction? BLER (Board-Level Employee Represenation): highest level of employee involvement in a company in the supervisory board. They can take co-determine decisions of the company's management and where the company is heading. - Yes: there is a negotiated agreement to be negotiated with the SNB; - No: no negotiated agreement; - Not applicable: the conditions are not met (e.g. no employees, BLER threshold not met) for this criterion to be applicable; - Unclear: the wording of the document is unclear with regard to the impact/effect/measures taken; - Not mentioned: given the parameters, this aspect should be addressed in the transaction document, but is not mentioned Has negotiated agreement unique identifier before database entry. This id is the old ID-structure used before entry into the CbCMdb Raw transaction ID Deprecated property Registered Office Is a Special Negotiating Body (SNB) set up voluntary? Whether or not a SNB is created/will be created voluntarily. - Yes: an SNB is created voluntarily; - No: no voluntary SNB set up; - Not applicable: the conditions are not met (e.g. no employees, BLER threshold not met) for this criterion to be applicable; - Unclear: the wording of the document is unclear with regard to the impact/effect/measures taken; - Not mentioned: given the parameters, this aspect should be addressed in the transaction document, but is not mentioned SNB voluntary application Are the standard rules applied directly without and instead of the start of negotiations with a Special Negotiating Body (SNB)? Instead of an SNB being set up, the standard rules are applied instead. - Yes: the standard rules are applied; - No: standard rules ar enot applied; - Not applicable: the conditions are not met (e.g. no employees, BLER threshold not met) for this criterion to be applicable; - Unclear: the wording of the document is unclear with regard to the impact/effect/measures taken; - Not mentioned: given the parameters, this aspect should be addressed in the transaction document, but is not mentioned Standard rules application Is the company having a transnational information and consultation agreement in place? Does the company have an internal body which discusses employee rights and welfare? Different from works council. TNIC is global. Has TNIC Is an employee board level representation/participation (BLER) mechanism going to be re-negotiated in the process of the cross-border transaction? - Yes: BLER be (re-)negotiated with the SNB; - No: no BLER-(re-)negotiation; - Not applicable: the conditions are not met (e.g. no employees, BLER threshold not met) for this criterion to be applicable; - Unclear: the wording of the document is unclear with regard to the impact/effect/measures taken; - Not mentioned: given the parameters, this aspect should be addressed in the transaction document, but is not mentioned BLER to be negotiated Notes from researcher about the transaction Transaction comment Date on which the transaction was effectuated (the date that the competent authority e.g., business registry of that country, says that the criteria have been met by merging and acquiring companies and the merging/transferring company is dissolved). This is the final step of a transaction process Transaction completion date unique identifier for a transaction Transaction ID Is the transaction plan available for analysis? Merger plan, Seat transfer plan or Division plan. Transaction notice is where the transaction is announced. The other documents are where the nature and details of the transaction are specified. Transaction plan available Date of the transaction notice (document announcing the transaction) constituting the start of the transaction process. Date that the document was published (which is the important date because this is when it becomes legally binding) Transaction notice date Homepage of a company/organization website Website number of employees of company group worldwide at the moment of the transaction Total WW employees at transaction The year for which a diverging employee number is recorded Diverging employment figure year Year in which the last worldwide employment figure was recorded Last WW employment figure year Acquiring Company means the resulting or surviving company in a transaction that takes over another, merging company. Acquiring company An entity or group of entities (either biological or non-biological) that is able to perform actions autonomously in the world. An entity or group of entities (either biological or non-biological) that is able to perform actions autonomously in the world. Agent Annual reports measure a company's financial health. They focus on past and present financial performance, and make predictions about future prospects. The revenue and financial performance of a company. Annual account Annual reports measure a company's financial health. They focus on past and present financial performance, and make predictions about future prospects. The revenue and financial performance of a company. Annual report An attribute is a characteristic of some entity. An attribute is a characteristic of some entity. Attribute Behaviour is the set of actions and mannerisms made by systems (biological or otherwise) in response to stimuli or inputs, whether internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt or covert, and voluntary or involuntary. Behaviour is the set of actions and mannerisms made by systems (biological or otherwise) in response to stimuli or inputs, whether internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt or covert, and voluntary or involuntary. Behaviour deprecated Board-level representation of employees (BLER) refers to the phenomenon where employees or their representatives elect or appoint representatives to the strategic decision-making body of a company (i.e. the supervisory board or non-executive board in a one-tier system). The BLER right requires that if such a system of BLER exists prior to a cross-border company transaction, such a right must be upheld in the acquiring/recipient company under the "before-and-after-principle". Board-level employee representation right A Board Resolution, or Company Resolution, is a way of documenting a decision made by a Company's Board of Directors on behalf of the company. After the resolution is made during a meeting, a Board Resolution document is typically used to get the specifics of the resolution in writing. Board resolution A person that is interested in research about cross-border company mobility, and actively collects and analyses data concerning cross-border company mobility. Cross-border company mobility researcher 1 A city (plural "cities") is a geo-political region in which there is a large human settlement. The distinction with the term "town" (plural "towns") is that cities are generally larger than towns. Countries are generally larger than cities and, in fact, usually consist of multiple cities. City 1 1 A company is a legal entity formed by a group of individuals to engage in and operate a business—commercial or industrial—enterprise. A company may be organized in various ways for tax and financial liability purposes depending on the corporate law of its jurisdiction. Company The headquarters or body of a company which governs it's financial and administrative activities Central Administration 1 1 1 The process of changing or converting the corporate structure of a company. For example, a limited liability company of one country to one of another country, or from a private to a public limited liability company, or vice-versa by means of the continuance of an entity into another entity. Company conversion 2 1 Article 160b - Division means: a) company being divided, on being dissolved without going into liquidation, transfers all its assets and liabilities to two or more newly formed companies (‘the recipient companies’), in exchange for the issue to the members of the company being divided of securities or shares in the recipient companies and, if any, a cash payment not exceeding 10 % of the nominal value of those securities or shares or, where they have no nominal value, a cash payment not exceeding 10% of the accounting par value of their securities or shares ('full division'); (b) a company being divided transfers part of its assets and liabilities to one or more newly formed companies (‘the recipient companies’), in exchange for the issue to the members of the company being divided of securities or shares in the recipient companies or in the company being divided or in both the recipient companies and in the company being divided, and if any a cash payment not exceeding 10 % of the nominal value of those securities or shares, or in the absence of a nominal value, a cash payment not exceeding 10 % of the accounting par value of their securities or shares (‘partial division’). (c) a company being divided transfers part of its assets and liabilities to one or more newly formed companies (‘the recipient companies’), in exchange for the issue of securities or shares in the recipient companies to the company being divided (‘division by separation’). Company division The location of a company headquarter Company headquarter Name given to describe the structure of a corporation or business in the different legal orders. For example Limited (Ltd.), Public Limited Company (PLC), Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH), Aktiengesellschaft (AG). The company legal form is regulated under national law and grants specific rights and obligations to the company stakeholders (such as shareholders, management & employees). Company form 2 1 ‘merger’ in Directive (EU) 2017/1132 means an operation whereby: (a) one or more companies, on being dissolved without going into liquidation, transfer all their assets and liabilities to another existing company, the acquiring company, in exchange for the issue to their members of securities or shares representing the capital of that other company and, if applicable, a cash payment not exceeding 10 % of the nominal value, or, in the absence of a nominal value, of the accounting par value of those securities or shares; or (b) two or more companies, on being dissolved without going into liquidation, transfer all their assets and liabilities to a company that they form, the new company, in exchange for the issue to their members of securities or shares representing the capital of that new company and, if applicable, a cash payment not exceeding 10 % of the nominal value, or in the absence of a nominal value, of the accounting par value of those securities or shares; or (c) a company, on being dissolved without going into liquidation, transfers all its assets and liabilities to the company holding all the securities or shares representing its capital;" (d) one or more companies, on being dissolved without going into liquidation, transfer all their assets and liabilities to another existing company, the acquiring company, without the issue of any new shares by the acquiring company, provided that one person holds directly or indirectly all the shares in the merging companies or the members of the merging companies hold their shares in the same proportion in all merging companies."; Company merger A legal document which provides information related to, or influencing, a company's mobility within a specific country or across national boundaries. Company mobility document The physical address or location at which the primary business activities of a company are carried out. Registered office 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The act of changing the location where the company’s business was managed (registered office or headquarters) or the place where that company’s primary business was actually conducted (central administration). Company seat transfer An individual, group, or organization that owns one or more shares in a company, and in whose name the share certificate is issued. Company shareholder A person, group or organization that has interest or concern in an organization or company in particular. Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the company's actions, objectives and policies. Stakeholder in a company An action taken by a company that modifies its corporate structure with a change of control (for e.g. through either a merger, division, conversion or seat transfer in a domestic or cross-border setting). It involves one or more companies, each of which have a company legal form valid in a Member State of the European Union. Company transaction The monitoring of the completion and legality of the decision-making process in each company involved in a transaction is carried out by a national authority having jurisdiction over each of those companies. The national authority could be a court, a notary or any other competent authority appointed by the Member State concerned. Competent authority The right of employees or their representatives to be consulted and to give advice on a business decision, such as an intended merger/division/conversion/seat transfer. Consultation right A document issued by a Competent Authority declaring that the legally required steps of a conversion are completed. The certificate needs to be presented by a company to either be registered in another company registry or to be removed from a company register. Company conversion certificate A document providing details of how the conversion of a company will be implemented. Article 86d: The management or administrative organ of the company shall draw up the draft terms of a cross-border conversion. The draft terms of a cross-border conversion shall include at least the particulars listed in article 86d Company conversion plan A geo-political region that has a distinct and common political governance structure for people that inhabit it for a significant portion of their lives. The majority of people that inhabit such a region are also usually united by common descent, history, culture and language. A geo-political region that has a distinct and common political governance structure for people that inhabit it for a significant portion of their lives. The majority of people that inhabit such a region are also usually united by common descent, history, culture and language. Country Legal forum in which a body of people presided over by a judge, judges, or magistrate, and acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases resolve legal disputes. Court A person, organization, or government that is owed money. A creditor's claims and the safeguarding of these creditor rights is laid down in the company law of the Member States and EU law. Creditor The right of a creditor to influence or take a decision in the context of a transaction. Creditor decision right The creditors right to be paid out and therefore to exit the company in the context of a transaction. Creditor exit right The information rights of creditors in the context of a company transaction, which includes for instance access to documents. Creditor information right The rights of creditors, which includes debenture holders, vis-a-vis the company that obtained credit from the individual or organisation. Legal safeguards are put in place to ensure that rights of creditors are not negatively affected by a company transaction. Creditor right Member States shall provide for an adequate system of protection of the interest of creditors, and shall ensure that creditors who are dissatisfied with the safeguards offered in the draft terms of the transaction, as provided for in Article 86d (1) point (f), may apply to the appropriate administrative or judicial authority for adequate safeguards provided that they can credibly demonstrate that due to the transaction the satisfaction of their claims is at stake and that no adequate safeguards have been obtained from the company. Creditor security right 2 A cross-border conversion is an operation through which a company, formed in one country (with the EU/EEA set of countries) is converted into a company governed by the law of another. Cross-border conversion 2 A company which in a process of the cross-border division in case of a full division transfers all its assets and liabilities to two or more companies, or in case of a partial division or division by separation transfers part of its assets and liabilities to one or more companies. The companies involved in the process are located in multiple (two or more) distinct countries. Cross-border company division 2 1 1 A cross border merger involves at least one company based in an EU Member State and one company that is registered elsewhere within the European Union and is leading to a universal transfer of assets and liabilities from the merging company to the acquiring company. Cross-border merger 1 Article 89: The operation whereby one or more companies are wound up without going into liquidation and transfer to another all their assets and liabilities in exchange for the issue to the shareholders of the company or companies being acquired of shares in the acquiring company and a cash payment, if any, not exceeding 10 % of the nominal value of the shares so issued or, where they have no nominal value, of their accounting par value. Companies involved come from two or more distinct countries. Cross-border company merger by acquisition Article 90: the operation whereby several companies are wound up without going into liquidation and transfer to a company that they set up all their assets and liabilities in exchange for the issue to their shareholders of shares in the new company and a cash payment, if any, not exceeding 10 % of the nominal value of the shares so issued or, where they have no nominal value, of their accounting par value. Companies involved come from two or more distinct countries. Cross-border merger into a new company 2 1 1 1 1 1 The act of changing the location where the company’s business was managed (registered office or headquarters) or the place where that company’s primary business was actually conducted (central administration), across national boundaries. Cross-border company seat transfer 1 A data curation activity represents a researcher's involvement in annotating cross border transactions Data curation activity testing The shareholders can take a number of decisions affecting the company, such as amending the company's articles of association, appointing or dismissing board members and to approve important transactions (e.g. mergers, divisions and conversions/seat transfers). These are taken through a shareholder resolution. Shareholder decision right A document issued by a Competent Authority declaring that the legally required steps of a division are completed. The certificate needs to be presented by a company to either be registered (or register a newly established emerging/recipient company) in another company registry or to be removed from a company register. Company division certificate The management or administrative organ of the company shall draw up the draft terms of a division. The draft terms of a division shall include at least the particulars listed in article 160d. Company division plan A digital document repository containing documents related to company mobility. Company mobility document repository 1 A domestic conversion is an operation through which a company's form is converted into a another while still remaining governed by the same law as the original company. For instance, the modification of a company's form from a public to a private limited company. Domestic company conversion 1 A company which in a process of the domestic division - in case of a full division - transfers all its assets and liabilities to two or more companies, or - in case of a partial division or division by separation - transfers part of its assets and liabilities to one or more companies. All companies involved in the process are located in a single country. Company domestic division 1 A domestic merger involves at least two companies based in the same EU Member State and is leading to a universal transfer of assets and liabilities from the merging company to the acquiring company. Company domestic merger 1 Article 89: The operation whereby one or more companies are wound up without going into liquidation and transfer to another all their assets and liabilities in exchange for the issue to the shareholders of the company or companies being acquired of shares in the acquiring company and a cash payment, if any, not exceeding 10 % of the nominal value of the shares so issued or, where they have no nominal value, of their accounting par value. All companies involved are from a single country. Domestic company merger by acquisition Article 90: the operation whereby several companies are wound up without going into liquidation and transfer to a company that they set up all their assets and liabilities in exchange for the issue to their shareholders of shares in the new company and a cash payment, if any, not exceeding 10 % of the nominal value of the shares so issued or, where they have no nominal value, of their accounting par value. All companies involved are from a single country. Domestic merger into a new company 1 1 1 1 The act of changing the location where the company’s business was managed (registered office or headquarters) or the place where that company’s primary business was actually conducted (central administration), within a specific country. Domestic company seat transfer Created in 1994, the European Economic Area (EEA) combines the countries of the European Union (EU) and member countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) to facilitate participation in the European Market trade and movement without having to apply to be one of the EU member countries European Economic Area country A country which forms part of the European Union. The European Union is a conglomeration of European countries whose governance structures agree to abide with common political and economic criteria to improve efficiency of goods and services trading as well as movement and migration of inhabitants between these countries A country which forms part of the European Union. The European Union is a conglomeration of European countries whose governance structures agree to abide with common political and economic criteria to improve efficiency of goods and services trading as well as movement and migration of inhabitants between these countries EU country A company being divided transfers part of its assets and liabilities to one or more newly formed companies, which are the recipient companies in a (cross-border) division. Emerging company The workforce of a company. An employee is a party to an employment relationship characterised as a contract of employment (or contract of service) between the employer and employee. However, this is only one of several different legal formulations of the concept of ‘worker’ in the EU which differ between Member States. Company employee A body that regulates the financial services industry in a country (e.g. the UK), including most financial services markets, exchanges and firms. Financial service authority A spatial region on earth whose boundaries are determined by a combination of geographical, ecological, climatic, socio-economic and political criteria. A spatial region on earth whose boundaries are determined by a combination of geographical, ecological, climatic, socio-economic and political criteria. Geo-political region A global ultimate owner (GUO) is the individual or entity at the top of the corporate ownership structure. Global ultimate owner The right of employees or their representatives to be informed on the likely repercussions of the cross-border transaction on employment, which includes the dismissal as well as the hiring of employees or relocation of work. See for instance article 122 of Directive 2017/1132. Impact on employment information right An Independent Expert provides impartial advice to shareholders and other company stakeholders on the fairness and/or reasonableness of a transaction. A company may be required to commission an Independent Expert Report (IER) in the case of a (cross-border) merger, division or conversion. Independent expert Article 86g and 160i: Member States must ensure that an independent expert examines the draft terms of the transaction and draws up a report intended for members which is made available to them not less than one month before the date of the general meeting. Depending on the law of Member States, the expert may be a natural person or a legal person. The report must assess the cash compensation proposed and valuation method. Report by an independent expert The right of employees or their representatives to be informed and to receive any documents necessary for the exercise of their consultation and board-level employee representation rights in the context of an intended merger/division/conversion/seat transfer. Information right Interim accounts are accounts that are published during a company's financial year and that show the financial situation on a given accounting date. Interim account The group of persons comprising the governing body of the legal entity that is entrusted with the decision-making in the company. It is also called Executive Board in a one-tier board system. Management board A report drawn up by the company's management on the intended transaction, laying out the main features of the transactions and its consequences. Management report A person or group of persons that are responsible for overseeing the operations of a company. Manager The right of the board of management or individual managers to take decisions or to not take a decision in the context of a transaction. These are in the form of a board resolution. Manager decision right The right of a manager or the board of management to resign and therefore exit a company. Manager exit right The right of a manager to information and access to documents that he or she has in accordance with national or European company law. Manager information right The rights of members of the management in the context of a company transaction. Manager right The national gazette or record in a particular Member State. In the official journal companies publish company transaction notices in order to inform concerned stakeholders and interested parties. Member State Official Journal A document issued by a Competent Authority declaring that the legally required steps of a merger are completed. The certificate needs to be presented by a company to either be registered in another company registry or to be removed from a company register (depending on the company being the merging or acquiring company). Company merger certificate Article 91: The administrative or management bodies of the merging companies shall draw up draft terms of merger in writing by specifying at least the elements mentioned in article 91. Company merger plan Merging Company means the dissolving company that is being acquired by another (acquiring) company in the process of a transaction. In the context of company mobility, this means a universal transfer of assets and liabilities from the merging to the acquiring company (see article 131 of Directive 2017/1132). Merging company A national registry is a business registry in a Member State, which includes information on the population of companies in the jurisdiction and holds inter alia data on registration numbers, place of registration, notices and transaction documents in the national registry repository. National registry The digital repository in which documents published in the official journal or by by the national registry (on behalf of a company) are kept as well as related documents. In some EU Member States, this repository is overlapping or identical with the Official Journal Repository. National registry repository A country which does not belong to the European Economic Area (EEA). Non-EEA country A country that does not officially belong to the EU conglomeration Non-EU country A person authorized to perform certain legal formalities, especially to draw up or certify contracts, deeds, and other documents for use in other jurisdictions. Notary The official gazette of record for the European Union or national gazette of record of a Member State. In the official journal companies publish transaction notices in order to inform concerned stakeholders and interested parties. Official journal Publication of a legally valid record or act in an official national gazette to inform stakeholders. Official journal publication The digital repository in which documents published in the official journal are kept as well as related documents. In some EU Member States, this repository is overlapping or identical with the National Registry Repository. Official journal repository Represents a collection of people organized together into a community or other social, commercial or political structure. The group has some common purpose or reason for existence which goes beyond the set of people belonging to it and can act as an Agent. Organizations are often decomposable into hierarchical structures. Organisation A division of a large organization such as a government, university, or business, dealing with a specific area of activity. Organisational unit An original company, in the context of a (cross-border) division, means a company which - in case of a full division - transfers all its assets and liabilities to two or more companies, or - in case of a partial division or division by separation - transfers part of its assets and liabilities to one or more companies. Original company A parent company is a company that has a controlling interest in another company, the subsidiary company, giving it control of its operations through a majority stock-ownership, decisive control over management appointments and therefore over the decision-making process. In the absence of a natural person as ultimate beneficial owner, the highest parent company in a chain of companies is the global ultimate owner. Parent company A person is an object that has certain capacities or attributes constituting personhood. A human being that has existed or continues to exist in the world (either deceased or living). Fictional human beings cannot be instances of this class. A person is an object that has certain capacities or attributes constituting personhood. A human being that has existed or continues to exist in the world (either deceased or living). Fictional human beings cannot be instances of this class. Person Article 86m: a pre-conversion certificate attests compliance with all the relevant conditions and the proper completion of all procedures and formalities in the departure Member State. Company pre-conversion certificate Article 160o: a pre-division certificate attests compliance with all the relevant conditions and the proper completion of all procedures and formalities in the Member State concerned. Company pre-division certificate Article 127: a pre-merger certificate attests compliance with all the relevant conditions and the proper completion of all procedures and formalities in the Member State of the merging company. Company pre-merger certificate A procedure is a process that attempts to achieve one or more objectives by following an established set of actions. A procedure is a process that attempts to achieve one or more objectives by following an established set of actions. Procedure A company being divided transfers part of its assets and liabilities to one or more newly formed companies, which are the recipient companies in a (cross-border) division. Recipient company A document detailing a decision made by an individual or group of natural or legal persons. This can be a decision concerning the restructuring of a company by its shareholders. Resolution Variable indicating the SE-establishment mode: by merger, conversion, holding-SE, subsidiary-SE or unsure (cases) Societas Europaea (SE) type The management or administrative organ of the company draws up the draft terms of a cross-border seat transfer. The draft terms of a cross-border seat transfer must include at least the particulars specified under national law. Company seat transfer plan The right of a shareholder to exit the company by being bought out. Shareholder exit right It is particularly important that the shareholders of the companies involved in a transaction be kept adequately informed in an objective manner, and that their rights be suitably protected. This includes for instance the availability of documents for inspection by shareholders (e.g. article 97 of Directive 2017/1132). Shareholder information right a shareholder resolution is a proposal submitted by shareholders for a vote at the company's shareholder meeting. Shareholder resolution The rights of shareholders of a company in the context of a transaction. Often, shreholder resolutions are used to effectuate shareholder rights. Many rights are laid down in the so-called Shareholder Rights Directive. Shareholder right Social rights, as opposed to rights arising from natural law, are rights for legal entities that entitle them to certain levels of societal living conditions (e.g. the right to housing, to food, to health care etc.) Social right This is a cross-border merger where two or more companies from different Member States merge into a new company that has a special legal form called a Societas Europaea (SE) which allows the behavior of this new company to be regulated under European Law (rather than national law). Cross-border merger into a new company with a Societas Europaea form The society at large is a stakeholder in a company through, inter alia, the government and its agencies, suppliers, customers, trade unions and the communities from which the business draws its resources. Society The Special Negotiation Body (SNB) or Special Negotiating Body is an organisation that represents the employees of companies in negotiations with the company authorities in order to reach a written agreement on the involvement of employees in company transactions. Special negotiating body A written agreement concerning the involvement of employees in company transactions. Special Negotiating Body (SNB) organisation represents employees in the negotiation of the terms of this agreement with the company authorities. The agreement must be reached in accordance with the EU Company Law Directive and is laid down in the SNB-agreement. Special negotiating body agreement A subsidiary, subsidiary company or daughter company is a company that is owned or controlled by another company, which is called the parent company, parent, or holding company. Subsidiary company An individual authority established by its member state to supervise the compliance with a specific regulation. SupervisoryAuthority A supervisory board must approve of major business decisions. It is a group of individuals chosen by the shareholders - and employee representatives in board-level employee representation systems - of a company to promote their interests through the governance of the company and to hire and supervise the management board. It is also called non-executive board in a one-tier board system. Supervisory board Tax Authority means any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the assessment, determination, collection or imposition of any tax. Tax authority A document issued by a Competent Authority declaring that certain steps of the transaction are completed. Company transaction certificate Document required by law to document the step of a company transaction or an agreement made between stakeholders involved in the transaction that are either printed, inserted and mailed, or electronically presented. Transaction document A written notice, published in an official journal of a Member State of the EU and/or the European Official Journal indicating the intention to engage in a transaction and which informs the members, creditors and representatives of the employees of the company, or, where there are no such representatives, the employees themselves of said transaction. Company transaction notice A legal right of a legal entity involved in the process of a company transaction. A legal right here refers to the entitlement of a person to be allowed to perform an activity, or to possess or obtain access to an object. Transaction right Act of modifying the location where the company’s business was managed or the place where that company’s business was actually conducted. Transfer of company central administration The act of changing the registered office, which is the official address of an incorporated company, association or any other legal entity. Transfer of company registered office Transferring Company means the company transferring its assets and liabilities to a recipient company. Transferring company Ultimate Beneficial owner refers to the natural person(s) who ultimately owns or controls a customer and/or the natural person on whose behalf a transaction is being conducted. It also includes those persons who exercise ultimate effective control over a legal person or arrangement. Ultimate beneficial owner The exercise of employee participation through the representation of employees vis-a-vis the management of a company. The works council is a shop-floor level representation mechanism with information, consultation and veto-rights - depending on the extent of rights given in a Member State - and also at EU level through European Works Councils. Employee works council AT Austria Österreich BE Belgique Belgium BG Bulgaria Bǎlgariya България HR Croatia Hrvatska CY Cyprus CZ Czech Republic Czechia Česká republika DK Danmark Denmark Kingdom of Denmark EE Eesti Estonia FI Finland Suomi FR France French Republic République française DE Deutschland Germany EL GR Ellada Greece Ελλάδα HU Hungary Magyarország IS Iceland Ísland IE Ireland Éire IT Italia Italian Republic Italy Repubblica Italiana LV Latvia Latvija Latvijas Republika Republic of Latvia LI Fürstentum Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Principality of Liechtenstein LT Lietuva Lietuvos Respublika Lithuania Republic of Lithuania LU Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg Großherzogtum Luxemburg​ Luxembourg Lëtzebuerg MT Malta Melita Repubblika ta' Malta NL Holland Nederland Netherlands The Netherlands NO Kingdom of Norway Kongeriket Noreg Kongeriket Norge Noreg Norge Norgga Norgga gonagasriika Norway Nöörjen Vuona PL Poland Polska Republic of Poland Rzeczpospolita Polska PT Portugal Portuguese Republic República Portuguesa RO Romania România SK Slovak Republic Slovakia Slovensko Slovenská republika 7.1808630554767 241.6783288255424 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 255.03229712273688 132.03848355417568 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 126.91251100807739 194.54094889701943 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 143.69597681603065 191.57516634769303 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 255.28713943923407 277.7860413201921 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 250.28265001612223 17.779310164409353 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 67.26592136482995 195.39358378832364 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 137.8726186678454 150.42486588976413 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 189.1653478306684 289.9707044471894 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 165.83544115187456 154.98450044856756 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 115.67252467915873 107.91167534620872 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 110.85517389976832 271.5994274615904 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 176.73319936385965 168.4700518123201 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 74.06439273412745 141.5983054032879 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 86.70589945626561 80.59915240550438 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 198.29243344570858 243.34073360301582 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 272.6072752966426 207.15905473890163 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 35.78319291697038 101.48120003940404 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 55.28213929989567 196.86427483194888 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 41.13541617905973 11.028683306666812 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 35.38141223492617 292.3640814981097 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 18.896356430331895 293.2391048416998 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 176.55479364610375 193.0503398741002 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 130.95486209419764 146.4880897944417 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 81.75626708582863 128.8863631880492 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 28.764216387775047 243.23796989617148 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 61.530578065886296 60.210456156221056 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 236.74617899157928 273.1051930252097 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 191.67731560974352 281.3627119441426 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 106.45559196571034 69.94751308456023 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 65.82910021828245 10.307924969462757 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 71.03680677110084 52.05298320883994 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 69.33316759149946 221.56037559499444 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 65.42451098340007 177.53694512511427 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 290.78934613918614 285.13237477555566 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 11.806501569175973 266.3880979890687 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 143.47748596911322 219.3996038495368 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 35.933964425097344 258.5099794114055 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 52.12446089724935 30.267912068108608 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 266.18798107220033 177.08003492861513 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 244.43186342713443 242.42091488245512 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 107.24090116681467 97.57588854422639 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 181.12999496968988 149.5393386146698 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 101.5931884899861 186.71127758816417 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 28.54350686833721 279.13445695705747 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 8.429893106041735 161.17776704067705 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 240.0027724881138 111.43258260074302 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 187.77010907114797 14.845654119928787 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 80.8771489838024 17.963298319155722 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 238.3474594368345 123.46221383706843 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 131.54816779005884 8.817742238887039 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 31.733812683874483 124.25202636218214 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 66.72994749890702 29.763459687986888 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 155.30759761766964 245.90165854196664 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 169.3838654440731 16.55813918693264 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 260.3444008641074 17.15921205433361 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 241.61522720124236 148.61742870165108 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 142.23301817604346 127.8720311884132 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 7.893435210269165 235.7528455758641 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 50.58595729952889 244.26994172626837 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 225.48046952557277 266.03873148666065 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 90.9580734272183 177.1083906910626 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 139.53115916189458 289.20143563808284 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 222.20200062208355 9.301752353902469 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 187.87257061929267 273.08685625360033 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 143.0121185287264 175.37034131435243 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 102.97791164894174 220.50340919371476 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 255.33872816165007 101.74018980534287 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 68.478522511586 223.39629614148157 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 262.7768499425678 245.55110052442663 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 143.6432675101612 123.39626348456598 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 100.68738477341026 213.01461505654413 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 107.43623102247348 129.88046751595175 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 276.9733905621957 147.23970510616738 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 221.92898583435658 196.58312903470244 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 217.12121779262185 100.83729366048524 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 234.4838716249161 260.13785809555594 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 11.505726890655758 298.46981551503904 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 80.17428163453475 275.24668244143015 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 92.06451662706473 273.0177715932372 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 56.28944966538015 280.96796660163295 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 50.302555531775546 246.93820263180197 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 118.52899267564982 235.53118442980525 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 234.2005530811132 268.9536177481755 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 53.00501234049062 249.16432506444053 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 266.3774679637017 151.75255166372014 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 18.60762027636168 158.12098050565604 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 73.05750474990312 213.43746597077725 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 200.92840759111368 14.241868874997104 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 164.92255628203452 195.7746040140031 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 270.6598611213299 230.17239798563722 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 261.3991187414414 216.3773275625499 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 199.91687244031976 291.65970907681094 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 60.72612280576839 216.53692750322864 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 127.92838937233955 295.2726163109125 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 83.62888044594364 188.84200669650346 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 139.39903443255537 142.64906693661192 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 259.8641767341787 141.81062591873996 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 112.18668389761085 198.7975537218199 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 272.05118963883785 279.7317598351278 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 54.567750498984374 266.3528805993735 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 249.11205052540654 260.3454725364793 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 149.56315097749217 239.14678840881578 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 208.525212634583 206.33370239048014 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 77.00914110402874 293.9661756024349 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 115.5742918611993 78.99288710365471 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 133.07894884155147 204.49364169261378 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 135.9577611146716 5.799956832418123 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 131.1694963522508 116.43831846425745 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 118.49018012003486 283.37643375648975 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 210.0879626302195 24.487612524612793 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 233.50701415067806 84.30831286232869 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 181.53183624074484 279.75477353816734 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 45.54262094480286 22.868311703824315 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 275.757905503565 240.72812695479394 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 30.41568814879539 44.482295217479006 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 293.41528659106655 32.344300374582026 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 141.60152732818455 232.75293984177262 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 76.24578994947785 294.15047197456164 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 69.33559435098756 50.91336898555698 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 24.25001224840435 264.57556265040444 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 290.1721926344435 101.7341322933415 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 64.72631246318619 61.32884440106744 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 165.18606165349766 243.95669794464655 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 18.23164396733823 104.96258901033252 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 30.945899686803486 29.564885717520582 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 145.31812860041032 8.472621286432489 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 271.4060191302092 136.12357204672944 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 34.232942432039486 43.59706388390724 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 232.05108775996405 94.87943358517005 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 205.63858499468532 211.08101379570442 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 87.28614759312607 249.62242605720274 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 95.57191324621544 18.09904131507916 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 256.9075679272785 53.80105649965677 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 13.492948758835098 254.38646259999092 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 134.2048824296458 243.74535550131444 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 208.96179101635812 248.0793141112707 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 200.4737250571208 61.89354059165436 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 209.24203764870728 27.153209016526702 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 42.011423587201364 77.61589925340833 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 143.0760569786945 205.74953025622148 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 284.76647483358886 69.88501053785384 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 13.979425487423738 212.70736804000302 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 297.4816662483587 103.23498423096065 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 27.24400809699391 150.84827715993404 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 51.581143916293996 284.32699686683605 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 226.41529346648915 151.00297655613727 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 38.09816258693692 78.83721973670418 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 5.230804892398894 190.27823337848955 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 179.4149954335206 174.28300216841396 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 93.06278917729631 31.878096888108217 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 58.06505889581793 291.31313144550154 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 270.8596897409068 157.43078465846642 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 276.0115870665009 294.9635318549822 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 295.9330197078383 66.09191894254323 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 139.10665490384542 171.75380343990585 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 56.39142121243984 216.7825777726235 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 298.5674566125939 90.52226590467312 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 269.5633829773079 122.87965078063148 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 46.82985876509674 252.14393321570253 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 35.11706116658252 293.43814503150423 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 203.15647508716086 13.47221136421604 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 108.15208532227724 178.8167600210412 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 209.7252878494862 288.0907141087795 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 30.70103706546807 82.95180979707261 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 255.33845538498926 160.2244819330443 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 257.60865771127436 284.67062326777886 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 64.26195094994145 130.33558418291966 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 226.86760350018855 168.21082276004154 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 117.7666860918943 216.65703424349607 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 30.621950598679454 294.2270568539971 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 108.47238212220519 214.27123601513512 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 179.99500355435825 2.5621061400510543 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 159.42172416207433 289.50172216822966 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 217.781961942788 224.7979276936274 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 191.645511128654 139.17768712299383 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 196.316332036142 249.95028341974285 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 46.31957247761616 34.96391683939311 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 39.890708486514455 90.27129916163625 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 153.2388903125871 111.86056274753707 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 214.11641253731037 134.19157709173146 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 62.432611420326666 51.099202273356305 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 250.935230379447 217.644898075059 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 182.4609448874594 175.2035610509981 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 245.79476251487904 275.1033741128023 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 202.01210091125137 299.5595446738471 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 90.9861772743164 109.03647135579364 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 248.07165150045202 159.6891664652149 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 39.26582493769651 20.559888062141415 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 4.045785894080908 258.29866804820614 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 151.79064556421153 223.262266343131 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 131.11688892684865 83.35251365961733 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 89.07393569063014 255.2221941277188 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 144.54909990026624 46.502018924869994 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 21.38698645493781 257.0334908946398 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 282.45502237433436 231.05248398309334 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 190.6864679082266 133.79335356253344 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 60.104481168433864 57.8326666648158 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 140.1633297609779 87.43539384190532 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 232.7136997444631 106.88266359209778 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 138.3469489059055 99.0876742197817 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 56.79302020727886 120.19618503015933 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 255.74268679131885 42.2059024226523 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 44.37433370834429 103.69004799077238 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 159.33996695202816 229.01179631361057 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 266.82391948733857 212.27581118427403 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view. 137.45599283527315 140.18810313160142 This is an entity positioning annotation generated by CoModIDE ( Removing this annotation will break rendering the CoModIDE schema diagram view.