This ontology provides a vocabulary for expressing time. It is a simplified version of the W3C's Time Ontology. <b>Example Of Usage</b> Representing a day, e.g. April 23 2015, as an interval. <pre> @prefix time: &#60;; :April23015Beg a time:Instant ; time:inXSDDateTime "2015-04-23T00:00:00+02:00" . :April23015End a time:Instant ; time:inXSDDateTime "2015-04-23T23:59:00+02:00" . :April23015 a time:Interval ; time:hasBeginning :April23015Beg ; time:hasEnd :April23015End . </pre> <b>References</b> - W3C's Time Ontology Time Ontology It associates something with a temporal entity (for any reason). at time It associates an Interval with the Instant when it begins. has beginning It associates an Interval with the Instant when it ends. has end in XSD date time A very short segment of time. Instant A segment of time. Interval This class represents any entity describing a time period. Temporal entity