# Copyright (c) 2022,2023 T-Systems International GmbH # Copyright (c) 2022,2023 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG) # Copyright (c) 2022,2023 ZF Friedrichshafen AG # Copyright (c) 2022,2023 Mercedes-Benz AG # Copyright (c) 2022,2023 Contributors to the Catena-X Association # # See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. # # This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the # terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 @prefix : . @prefix dc: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix schema: . @prefix json: . @prefix cx-core: . @prefix cx-common: . @prefix cx-fx: . @prefix cx-behaviour: . @prefix cx-vehicle: . @prefix cx-reliability: . @base . rdf:type owl:Ontology ; dc:contributor "Oguzhan Balandi" ; dc:creator "Christoph Jung" ; dc:date "2023-07-04"^^xsd:date ; dc:description "Ontology for behaviour predictions." ; dc:title "Behaviour Ontology" ; owl:imports ; owl:imports ; owl:imports ; owl:imports ; owl:imports ; owl:versionInfo "1.9.4" . cx-behaviour:RemainingUsefulLife rdf:type cx-fx:Function; dc:description "Remaining Useful Life is a Prediction of the Estimated Mileage/Runtime until a Breakdown."@en ; dc:title "Remaining Useful Life" ; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:notification; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:sender; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:senderConnector; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:recipient; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:recipientConnector; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:recipient; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:recipientConnector; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:severity; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:status; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:targetDate; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:timeStamp; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:classification; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:component; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:metadata; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:statusDate; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:statusOperatingHours; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:statusMileage; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:countingMethod; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:countingValue; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:countingUnit; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:headerChannels; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:bodyClasses; cx-fx:input cx-behaviour:bodyCountsList; cx-fx:result cx-behaviour:response. cx-behaviour:notification rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "An optional notification output template."@en ; dc:title "Notification Template"; cx-fx:dataType json:Object. cx-behaviour:sender rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Sender of the notification as a BPN."@en ; dc:title "Notification Sender"; cx-fx:dataType rdfs:Resource. cx-behaviour:senderConnector rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Sender Address of the notification as a URL."@en ; dc:title "Notification Sender Address"; cx-fx:dataType rdfs:Resource. cx-behaviour:recipient rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Recipient of the notification as a BPN."@en ; dc:title "Notification Recipient"; cx-fx:dataType rdfs:Resource. cx-behaviour:recipientConnector rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Recipient Address of the notification as a URL."@en ; dc:title "Notification Recipient Address"; cx-fx:dataType rdfs:Resource. cx-behaviour:severity rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Severity of the notification."@en ; dc:title "Notification Severity"; cx-fx:dataType xsd:string. cx-behaviour:status rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Status of the notification."@en ; dc:title "Notification Status"; cx-fx:dataType xsd:string. cx-behaviour:targetDate rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Target Date of the notification."@en ; dc:title "Notification Target Date"; cx-fx:dataType xsd:dateTime. cx-behaviour:timeStamp rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Timestamp of the notification."@en ; dc:title "Notification Timestamp"; cx-fx:dataType xsd:dateTime. cx-behaviour:classification rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Classification of the notification."@en ; dc:title "Notification Classification"; cx-fx:dataType xsd:string. cx-behaviour:component rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Component of the Predicition."@en ; dc:title "Predicted Component"; cx-fx:dataType cx-vehicle:Part. cx-behaviour:metadata rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Additional Metadata of the Loadspectrum."@en ; dc:title "Loadspectrum Metadata"; cx-fx:dataType json:Object. cx-behaviour:statusDate rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Time of Recording."@en ; dc:title "Loadspectrum Recording Time"; cx-fx:dataType xsd:dateTime. cx-behaviour:statusOperatingHours rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Operating Hours of Target Component at Time of Recording."@en ; dc:title "Loadspectrum Operating Hours"; cx-fx:dataType xsd:float. cx-behaviour:statusMileage rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Mileage of Component at Time of Recording."@en ; dc:title "Loadspectrum Mileage"; cx-fx:dataType xsd:int. cx-behaviour:countingUnit rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Counting Unit of Load Spectrum."@en ; dc:title "Loadspectrum Counting Unit"; cx-fx:dataType xsd:string. cx-behaviour:countingValue rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Counting Value Name of Load Spectrum."@en ; dc:title "Loadspectrum Counting Value"; cx-fx:dataType xsd:string. cx-behaviour:countingMethod rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Counting Method of Load Spectrum."@en ; dc:title "Loadspectrum Counting Method"; cx-fx:dataType xsd:string. cx-behaviour:headerChannels rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Channels of Load Spectrum."@en ; dc:title "Loadspectrum Channels"; cx-fx:dataType json:Object. cx-behaviour:bodyClasses rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Classes of Load Spectrum."@en ; dc:title "Loadspectrum Classes"; cx-fx:dataType json:Object. cx-behaviour:bodyCountsList rdf:type cx-fx:Argument; dc:description "Counts List of Load Spectrum."@en ; dc:title "Loadspectrum Counts List"; cx-fx:dataType json:Object. cx-behaviour:response rdf:type cx-fx:Result; dc:description "The asynchronous notification response."@en ; dc:title "Asynchronous notification response." ; cx-fx:output cx-behaviour:remainingOperatingHours; cx-fx:output cx-behaviour:remainingRunningDistance. cx-behaviour:remainingOperatingHours rdf:type cx-fx:ReturnValue; dc:description "Predicted Operating Hours of Remaining Useful Life Response"@en ; dc:title "Remaining Useful Life Operating Hours" ; cx-fx:dataType xsd:float. cx-behaviour:remainingRunningDistance rdf:type cx-fx:ReturnValue; dc:description "Predicted Distance of Remaining Useful Life Response"@en ; dc:title "Remaining Useful Life Distance" ; cx-fx:dataType xsd:int. ### Generated by the OWL API (version https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi