cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement inputs: outline: File fill_gradient: File highlight_gradient: File outputs: texture_small: type: File outputSource: small/texture texture_default: type: File outputSource: default/texture texture_map: type: File outputSource: map/texture steps: gradient: run: tools/gradient_emblem.cwl in: outline: outline fill_gradient: fill_gradient out: [gradient_emblem] highlight_mask: run: tools/highlight_mask.cwl in: outline: outline gradient_mask: highlight_gradient out: [highlight_mask] highlight: run: tools/highlight_emblem.cwl in: gradient_emblem: gradient/gradient_emblem gradient_mask: highlight_mask/highlight_mask out: [highlight_emblem] border: run: tools/border_emblem.cwl in: outline: outline out: [border_emblem] map: run: tools/texture_map.cwl in: # needed to transform to generate file_name outline: outline file_name: valueFrom: $(inputs.outline.nameroot) out: [texture] default: run: tools/texture_default.cwl in: # needed to transform to generate file_name highlight: highlight/highlight_emblem file_name: source: outline valueFrom: $(self.nameroot) out: [texture] small: run: tools/texture_small.cwl in: # needed to transform to generate file_name highlight: highlight/highlight_emblem border: border/border_emblem file_name: source: outline valueFrom: $(self.nameroot) out: [texture]