class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 doc: Split reads in a BAM file by strands and index forward and reverse output BAM files requirements: - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement inputs: bamtools_reverse_filter_file: doc: JSON filter file for reverse strand used in bamtools (see bamtools-filter command) type: File bamtools_forward_filter_file: doc: JSON filter file for forward strand used in bamtools (see bamtools-filter command) type: File input_bam_files: type: File[] input_basenames: type: string[] steps: split-bam-minus: run: ../quant/bamtools-filter.cwl scatterMethod: dotproduct scatter: - in - out in: script: bamtools_reverse_filter_file out: source: input_basenames valueFrom: $(self + ".Aligned.minus.bam") in: source: input_bam_files valueFrom: ${return [self]} out: - output_file index_minus_bam: run: ../map/samtools-index.cwl in: input_file: split-bam-minus/output_file scatter: input_file out: - indexed_file split-bam-plus: run: ../quant/bamtools-filter.cwl scatterMethod: dotproduct scatter: - in - out in: in: source: input_bam_files valueFrom: ${return [self]} out: source: input_basenames valueFrom: $(self + "") script: bamtools_forward_filter_file out: - output_file index_plus_bam: run: ../map/samtools-index.cwl scatter: input_file in: input_file: split-bam-plus/output_file out: - indexed_file outputs: bam_minus_files: doc: BAM files containing only reads in the reverse (minus) strand. type: File[] outputSource: index_minus_bam/indexed_file bam_plus_files: doc: BAM files containing only reads in the forward (plus) strand. type: File[] outputSource: index_plus_bam/indexed_file