cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement 'sd:upstream': first_biological_condition: - "chipseq-se.cwl" - "chipseq-pe.cwl" - "trim-chipseq-se.cwl" - "trim-chipseq-pe.cwl" - "trim-atacseq-se.cwl" - "trim-atacseq-pe.cwl" second_biological_condition: - "chipseq-se.cwl" - "chipseq-pe.cwl" - "trim-chipseq-se.cwl" - "trim-chipseq-pe.cwl" - "trim-atacseq-se.cwl" - "trim-atacseq-pe.cwl" genome_indices: - "genome-indices.cwl" inputs: alias: type: string label: "Experiment short name/Alias" sd:preview: position: 1 bambai_pair_cond_1: type: File[] secondaryFiles: - .bai format: "" label: "Biological condition 1" doc: "Coordinate sorted BAM alignment and index BAI files for the first biological condition" 'sd:upstreamSource': "first_biological_condition/bambai_pair" 'sd:localLabel': true bambai_pair_cond_2: type: File[] secondaryFiles: - .bai format: "" label: "Biological condition 2" doc: "Coordinate sorted BAM alignment and index BAI files for the second biological condition" 'sd:upstreamSource': "second_biological_condition/bambai_pair" 'sd:localLabel': true alias_cond_1: type: string? default: "condition_1" label: "Name for condition 1" doc: "Name to be displayed for condition 1" 'sd:layout': advanced: true alias_cond_2: type: string? default: "condition_2" label: "Name for condition 2" doc: "Name to be displayed for condition 2" 'sd:layout': advanced: true chrom_length_file: type: File format: "" label: "Chromosome length file" doc: "Chromosome length file" 'sd:upstreamSource': "genome_indices/chrom_length" annotation_file: type: File label: "Genome annotation" format: "" doc: "Genome annotation file in TSV format" 'sd:upstreamSource': "genome_indices/annotation" merge_peaks: type: boolean? default: true label: "Merge peaks closer than fragment size" doc: "Merge peaks which have a distance less than the estimated mean fragment size (recommended for histone data)" 'sd:layout': advanced: true remove_duplicates: type: boolean? default: false label: "Remove the duplicate reads" doc: "Remove the duplicate reads" 'sd:layout': advanced: true housekeeping_genes_bed_file: type: File? format: "" label: "Housekeeping genes file" doc: "Define housekeeping genes (BED format) used for normalizing" 'sd:layout': advanced: true deadzones_bed_file: type: File? format: "" label: "Dead zones file" doc: "Define blacklisted genomic regions avoided for analysis" 'sd:layout': advanced: true pvalue_cutoff: type: float? default: 0.1 label: "P-value cutoff for peak detection" doc: "P-value cutoff for peak detection. Call only peaks with p-value lower than cutoff. [default: 0.1]" 'sd:layout': advanced: true bin_size: type: int? default: 100 label: "Size of underlying bins for creating the signal" doc: "Size of underlying bins for creating the signal" 'sd:layout': advanced: true # no_correction: # type: boolean? # default: false # label: "Skip p-value correction" # doc: "Do not use multipe test correction for p-values (Benjamini/Hochberg)" # 'sd:layout': # advanced: true extension_size: type: - "null" - string - int[] label: "Comma-separated list of read extension sizes (provide value for every sample)" doc: | Read's extension size for BAM files (comma separated list for each BAM file in config file). If option is not chosen, estimate extension sizes 'sd:layout': advanced: true outputs: diffpeaks_bed_file: type: File format: "" label: "Estimated differential peaks" doc: "Estimated differential peaks, bigBed" outputSource: bed_to_bigbed/bigbed_file 'sd:visualPlugins': - igvbrowser: tab: 'IGV Genome Browser' id: 'igvbrowser' type: 'annotation' format: 'bigbed' name: "Differential peaks" height: 120 diffpeaks_annotated_file: type: File format: "" label: "Estimated differential peaks with assigned genes" doc: "File contains nearest gene information for the differential peaks BED file generated by rgt-THOR" outputSource: restore_columns/output_file 'sd:visualPlugins': - syncfusiongrid: tab: 'Differential Peak Calling' Title: 'Differential Peaks rgt-THOR Results' cond_1_bigwig_file: type: File[] format: "" label: "First biological condition ChIP-seq signals" doc: "Postprocessed ChIP-seq signals from the first biological condition samples" outputSource: thor/cond_1_bigwig_file 'sd:visualPlugins': - igvbrowser: tab: 'IGV Genome Browser' id: 'igvbrowser' type: 'wig' name: "Biological condition 1" height: 120 cond_2_bigwig_file: type: File[] format: "" label: "Second biological condition ChIP-seq signals" doc: "Postprocessed ChIP-seq signals from the second biological condition samples" outputSource: thor/cond_2_bigwig_file 'sd:visualPlugins': - igvbrowser: tab: 'IGV Genome Browser' id: 'igvbrowser' type: 'wig' name: "Biological condition 2" height: 120 thor_stderr_log: type: File format: "" label: "rgt-THOR stderr log" doc: "rgt-THOR stderr log" outputSource: thor/stderr_log steps: thor: run: ../tools/rgt-thor.cwl in: bambai_pair_cond_1: bambai_pair_cond_1 bambai_pair_cond_2: bambai_pair_cond_2 chrom_length_file: chrom_length_file merge_peaks: merge_peaks housekeeping_genes_bed_file: housekeeping_genes_bed_file deadzones_bed_file: deadzones_bed_file pvalue_cutoff: pvalue_cutoff extension_size: extension_size # no_correction: no_correction remove_duplicates: remove_duplicates bin_size: bin_size out: - diffpeaks_bed_file - cond_1_bigwig_file - cond_2_bigwig_file - stderr_log filter_columns: run: ../tools/custom-bash.cwl in: input_file: thor/diffpeaks_bed_file script: default: > cat $0 | awk 'BEGIN {print "chr\tstart\tend\tlength\tabs_summit\tpileup\t-log10(pvalue)\tfold_enrichment\t-log10(qvalue)\tname"} {print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$3-$2+1"\t0\t"NR"\t0\t0\t0\t0"}' > `basename $0` out: [output_file] assign_genes: run: ../tools/iaintersect.cwl in: input_filename: filter_columns/output_file annotation_filename: annotation_file promoter_bp: default: 1000 out: [result_file] restore_columns: run: ../tools/custom-bash.cwl in: input_file: [assign_genes/result_file, thor/diffpeaks_bed_file] param: [alias_cond_1, alias_cond_2] script: default: | NAME_1=$2 NAME_2=$3 cat $0 | grep -v "start" | sort -k 11n > sorted_iaintersect_result.tsv cat $1 | tr ";" "\t" > thor_result.tsv echo -e "refseq_id\tgene_id\ttxStart\ttxEnd\tstrand\tchrom\tstart\tend\tlength\tregion\tname\tscore\tcondition\tcolor\t${NAME_1}_counts\t${NAME_2}_counts\t-log10(pvalue)" > `basename $0`; cat sorted_iaintersect_result.tsv | paste - thor_result.tsv | cut -f 1-9,15,19-21,24,26-28 >> `basename $0` rm sorted_iaintersect_result.tsv thor_result.tsv out: [output_file] sort_bed: run: ../tools/linux-sort.cwl in: unsorted_file: thor/diffpeaks_bed_file key: default: ["1,1","2,2n"] out: [sorted_file] bed_to_bigbed: run: ../tools/ucsc-bedtobigbed.cwl in: input_bed: sort_bed/sorted_file bed_type: default: "bed4+7" chrom_length_file: chrom_length_file output_filename: source: sort_bed/sorted_file valueFrom: $(self.basename + ".bigBed") out: [bigbed_file] $namespaces: s: $schemas: - s:name: "THOR - differential peak calling of ChIP-seq signals with replicates" label: "THOR - differential peak calling of ChIP-seq signals with replicates" s:alternateName: "THOR is an HMM-based approach to detect and analyze differential peaks in two sets of ChIP-seq data from distinct biological conditions with replicates" s:downloadUrl: s:codeRepository: s:license: s:isPartOf: class: s:CreativeWork s:name: Common Workflow Language s:url: s:creator: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center" s:location: - class: s:PostalAddress s:addressCountry: "USA" s:addressLocality: "Cincinnati" s:addressRegion: "OH" s:postalCode: "45229" s:streetAddress: "3333 Burnet Ave" s:telephone: "+1(513)636-4200" s:logo: "" s:department: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Allergy and Immunology" s:department: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Barski Research Lab" s:member: - class: s:Person s:name: Michael Kotliar s:email: s:sameAs: - id: # doc: # $include: ../descriptions/ doc: | What is THOR? -------------- THOR is an HMM-based approach to detect and analyze differential peaks in two sets of ChIP-seq data from distinct biological conditions with replicates. THOR performs genomic signal processing, peak calling and p-value calculation in an integrated framework. For more information please refer to: ------------------------------------- Allhoff, M., Sere K., Freitas, J., Zenke, M., Costa, I.G. (2016), Differential Peak Calling of ChIP-seq Signals with Replicates with THOR, Nucleic Acids Research, epub gkw680.