#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner label: "Bacterial Annotation (two-pass)" cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement inputs: asn_cache: Directory inseq: File hmm_path: Directory hmms_tab: File uniColl_cache: Directory # Cached computational steps hmm_hits: File outputs: aligns: type: File outputSource: bacterial_hit_mapping/aligns # hmm_hits: # type: File # outputSource: hmmsearch/hmm_hits # strace: # type: File # outputSource: hmmsearch/strace # proteins: # type: File # outputSource: protein_extract/proteins # lds2: # type: File # outputSource: protein_extract/lds2 # seqids: # type: File # outputSource: protein_extract/seqids steps: gp_getorf: run: gp_getorf.cwl in: asn_cache: asn_cache input: inseq out: [asncache, outseqs] protein_extract: run: protein_extract.cwl in: input: gp_getorf/outseqs out: [proteins, lds2, seqids] # Skipped due to compute cost, for now hmmsearch: run: wf_hmmsearch.cwl in: proteins: protein_extract/proteins hmm_path: hmm_path seqids: protein_extract/seqids lds2: protein_extract/lds2 hmms_tab: hmms_tab asn_cache: gp_getorf/asncache out: [hmm_hits] #[strace] bacterial_hit_mapping: run: bacterial_hit_mapping.cwl in: seq_cache: gp_getorf/asncache unicoll_cache: uniColl_cache asn_cache: [gp_getorf/asncache, uniColl_cache] #hmm_hits: hmm_hits # Should be from hmmsearch hmm_hits: hmmsearch/hmm_hits sequences: gp_getorf/outseqs out: [asncache, aligns] get_off_frame_orfs: run: get_off_frame_orfs.cwl in: aligns: bacterial_hit_mapping/aligns seq_entries: gp_getorf/outseqs out: [prot_ids]