#!/usr/bin/env cwlrunner class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 inputs: - id: input type: File doc: "to be hashed all the ways" outputs: - id: output type: File outputSource: unify/output steps: - id: md5 run: hashsplitter-md5.cwl.yml in: - { id: input, source: input } out: - { id: output } - id: sha run: hashsplitter-sha.cwl.yml in: - { id: input, source: input } out: - { id: output } - id: whirlpool run: hashsplitter-whirlpool.cwl.yml in: - { id: input, source: input } out: - { id: output } - id: unify run: hashsplitter-unify.cwl.yml in: - { id: md5, source: md5/output } - { id: sha, source: sha/output } - { id: whirlpool, source: whirlpool/output } out: - { id: output }