#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner # Note that if you are working on the analysis development locally, i.e. outside # of the REANA platform, you can proceed as follows: # # $ cd reana-demo-cms-h4l # $ mkdir cwl-local-run # $ cd cwl-local-run # $ cp -a ../code ../data ../workflow/input.yaml . # $ cwltool --quiet --outdir="../results" ../workflow/workflow.cwl input.yaml # $ firefox ../results/plot.png cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: InitialWorkDirRequirement: listing: - $(inputs.code) - $(inputs.data) inputs: data: type: Directory code: type: Directory outputs: mass4l_combine_userlvl3.pdf: type: File outputSource: make_plot/mass4l_combine_userlvl3.pdf steps: analyse_data: run: analyse_data.cwl in: code: code data: data out: [DoubleMuParked2012C_10000_Higgs.root, analyse_data.log] analyse_mc: run: analyse_mc.cwl in: code: code data: data out: [Higgs4L1file.root, analyse_mc.log] make_plot: run: make_plot.cwl in: code: code data: data DoubleMuParked2012C_10000_Higgs: analyse_data/DoubleMuParked2012C_10000_Higgs.root Higgs4L1file: analyse_mc/Higgs4L1file.root out: [mass4l_combine_userlvl3.pdf, make_plot.log]