cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow label: Transcriptome assembly workflow (paired-end version) requirements: - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement - class: SchemaDefRequirement types: - $import: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic-end_mode.yaml - $import: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic-phred.yaml - $import: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic-sliding_window.yaml inputs: read_files: type: File[] format: edam:format_1930 # Zipped fastq label: 'FASTQ read file(s)' doc: > FASTQ file of reverse reads in Paired End mode forward_reads: type: File format: edam:format_1930 # Zipped fastq label: 'Paired-end read file 1' doc: > Read file 1 in FASTQ format reverse_reads: type: File format: edam:format_1930 # Zipped fastq label: 'Paired-end read file 2' doc: > Read file 2 in FASTQ format end_mode: type: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic-end_mode.yaml#end_mode label: 'read -end mode format' doc: > Read -end mode format to be specify to Trimmomatic trimmomatic_phred: type: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic-phred.yaml#phred label: 'quality score format' default: '33' doc: > Either PHRED "33" or "64" specifies the base quality encoding. Default: 64 trimmomatic_slidingWindow: type: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic-sliding_window.yaml#slidingWindow label: 'read filtering sliding window' default: windowSize: 4 requiredQuality: 15 doc: > Perform a sliding window trimming, cutting once the average quality within the window falls below a threshold. By considering multiple bases, a single poor quality base will not cause the removal of high quality data later in the read. specifies the number of bases to average across specifies the average quality required trinity_max_mem: type: string label: 'maximum memory allocated to Trinity' doc: > Suggested max memory to use by Trinity where limiting can be enabled. (jellyfish, sorting, etc) provided in Gb of RAM, ie. --max_memory 10G trinity_cpu: type: int? label: 'number of CPUs allocated' doc: > number of CPUs to use, default: 2 trinity_seq_type: type: string label: 'read file(s) format' doc: > type of reads: (fa or fq) trinity_ss_lib_type: type: string label: 'Strand-specific RNA-Seq read orientation' doc: > Strand-specific RNA-Seq read orientation. if paired: RF or FR, if single: F or R. (dUTP method = RF). See web documentation outputs: raw_qc_report: type: File[] # format: TODO: Zip format not found in edam ontology outputSource: generate_raw_stats/zipped_report raw_html_report: type: File[] format: edam:format_2331 outputSource: generate_raw_stats/html_report filtered_qc_report: type: File[] outputSource: generate_filtered_stats/zipped_report filtered_html_report: type: File[] format: edam:format_2331 outputSource: generate_filtered_stats/html_report trimmomatic_log_file: type: File? outputSource: filter_reads/log_file forward_reads_paired: type: File format: edam:format_1930 outputSource: filter_reads/reads1_trimmed forward_reads_unpaired: type: File? format: edam:format_1930 outputSource: filter_reads/reads1_trimmed_unpaired reverse_reads_paired: type: File format: edam:format_1930 outputSource: filter_reads/reads2_trimmed_paired reverse_reads_unpaired: type: File? format: edam:format_1930 outputSource: filter_reads/reads2_trimmed_unpaired assembly_output_dir: type: Directory outputSource: run_assembly/assembly_dir assembled_contigs: type: File format: edam:format_1929 # FASTA outputSource: run_assembly/assembled_contigs # TODO: Get this back in # evaluation_matrix: # type: File # format: edam:format_3752 # CSV # outputSource: evaluate_contigs/evaluation_matrix transrate_output_dir: type: Directory outputSource: evaluate_contigs/transrate_output_dir steps: generate_raw_stats: label: Generates a QC for the provided read file(s). doc: | Provide reverse and forward read files for paired-end (PE) or a single read file for single-end (SE). run: ../tools/FastQC/FastQC-v0.11.7.cwl in: in_fastq: read_files out: [ zipped_report, html_report ] filter_reads: label: Filtering and trimmming read file(s) doc: | Low quality trimming (low quality ends and sequences with < quality scores less than 15 over a 4 nucleotide wide window are removed) run: ../tools/Trimmomatic/Trimmomatic-v0.36.cwl in: reads1: forward_reads reads2: reverse_reads phred: trimmomatic_phred leading: { default: 3 } trailing: { default: 3 } end_mode: end_mode minlen: { default: 100 } slidingwindow: trimmomatic_slidingWindow out: [log_file, reads1_trimmed, reads1_trimmed_unpaired, reads2_trimmed_paired, reads2_trimmed_unpaired] run_assembly: label: Runs the actual assembly doc: | provide filtered/trimmed read file(s) run: ../tools/Trinity/Trinity-V2.6.5.paired-end.cwl in: left_reads: filter_reads/reads1_trimmed right_reads: filter_reads/reads2_trimmed_paired trinity_max_mem: trinity_max_mem trinity_cpu: trinity_cpu trinity_seq_type: trinity_seq_type trinity_ss_lib_type: trinity_ss_lib_type out: [ assembly_dir, assembled_contigs ] generate_filtered_stats: label: Generates a QC for the filtered read file(s). doc: | Provide filtered/trimmed read file(s) run: ../tools/FastQC/FastQC-v0.11.7.cwl in: in_fastq: source: [filter_reads/reads1_trimmed] linkMerge: merge_flattened out: [ zipped_report, html_report ] evaluate_contigs: label: Evaluates the contig quality. doc: | Provide the assembled contigs (FASTA file) run: ../tools/Transrate/Transrate-V1.0.3.cwl in: in_fasta: run_assembly/assembled_contigs left_fastq: filter_reads/reads1_trimmed right_fastq: filter_reads/reads2_trimmed_paired out: [ transrate_output_dir ] $namespaces: edam: s: $schemas: - - s:license: "" s:copyrightHolder: "EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute, 2019" s:author: "Arnaud Meng, Maxim Scheremetjew"