$namespaces: arv: "http://arvados.org/cwl#" cwltool: "http://commonwl.org/cwltool#" cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow label: Creates a FastJ file for each gVCF by path requirements: - class: DockerRequirement dockerPull: arvados/l7g - class: ResourceRequirement coresMin: 2 coresMax: 2 - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement hints: arv:RuntimeConstraints: keep_cache: 4096 cwltool:LoadListingRequirement: loadListing: shallow_listing inputs: refdirectory: type: Directory label: Directory of input gVCFs ref: type: string label: Reference genome reffa: type: File label: Reference genome in FASTA format afn: type: File label: Compressed assembly fixed width file aidx: type: File label: Assembly index file refM: type: string label: Mitochondrial reference genome reffaM: type: File label: Reference mitochondrial genome in FASTA format afnM: type: File label: Compressed mitochondrial assembly fixed width file aidxM: type: File label: Mitochondrial assembly index file seqidM: type: string label: Mitochondrial naming scheme for gVCF tagdir: type: File label: Compressed tagset in FASTA format outputs: out1: type: Directory[] label: Directories of FastJs outputSource: step2/out1 steps: step1: run: getdirs.cwl in: refdirectory: refdirectory out: [out1,out2] step2: scatter: [gffDir,gffPrefix] scatterMethod: dotproduct in: gffDir: step1/out1 gffPrefix: step1/out2 ref: ref reffa: reffa afn: afn aidx: aidx refM: refM reffaM: reffaM afnM: afnM aidxM: aidxM seqidM: seqidM tagdir: tagdir run: convertgvcf.cwl out: [out1,out2]