#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow # make a workflow with jobs.xml as an input and a single file as an output to apply scatter/gather label: "trnascan_wnode and gpx_qdump combined" inputs: asn_cache: Directory input_jobs: File taxid: int gcode_othmito: string? taxon_db: File superkingdom: int outputs: intermediate: type: File outputSource: Run_tRNAScan_dump/intermediate steps: Run_tRNAScan_wnode: run: trnascan_wnode.cwl in: asn_cache: asn_cache input_jobs: input_jobs taxid: taxid gcode_othmito: gcode_othmito taxon_db: taxon_db superkingdom: superkingdom out: [outdir] Run_tRNAScan_dump: run: gpx_qdump.cwl in: input_path: Run_tRNAScan_wnode/outdir out: [intermediate]