class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 label: RD_Connect requirements: - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement $namespaces: s: edam: $schemas: - - inputs: fastq_files: {type: 'File[]', doc: "List of paired-end input FASTQ files"} reference_genome: {type: 'File[]', doc: "Compress FASTA files with the reference genome chromosomes"} known_indels_file: {type: File, doc: "VCF file correlated to reference genome assembly with known indels"} known_sites_file: {type: File, doc: "VCF file correlated to reference genome assembly with know sites (for instance dbSNP)"} chromosome: {type: string, doc: "Label of the chromosome to be used for the analysis. By default all the chromosomes are used"} readgroup_str: {type: string, default: '@RG\tID:Seq01p\tSM:Seq01\tPL:ILLUMINA\tPI:330', doc: "Parsing header which should correlate to FASTQ files"} sample_name: {type: string, default: 'ABC3', doc: "Sample name"} gqb: {type: 'int[]', default: [20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 70, 90, 99], doc: "Exclusive upper bounds for reference confidence GQ bands (must be in [1, 100] and specified in increasing order)"} outputs: metrics: {type: File, outputSource: picard_markduplicates/output_metrics, doc: "Several metrics about the result"} gvcf: {type: File, outputSource: gatk_haplotype_caller/gvcf, doc: "unannotated gVCF output file from the mapping and variant calling pipeline"} steps: - id: unzipped_known_sites in: input: known_sites_file out: [output] run: ../tools/gunzip_known_sites.cwl - id: unzipped_known_indels in: input: known_indels_file out: [output] run: ../tools/gunzip_known_sites.cwl - id: gunzip in: - id: reference_file source: - reference_genome out: - id: unzipped_fasta run: ../tools/gunzip.cwl - id: picard_dictionary # from samtools reference genome in: - id: reference_genome source: - gunzip/unzipped_fasta # produced .dict file out: - id: dict run: ../tools/picard_dictionary.cwl - id: cutadapt2 in: - id: raw_sequences source: - fastq_files out: - id: trimmed_fastq run: ../tools/cutadapt-v.1.18.cwl - id: bwa_index in: - id: reference_genome source: - gunzip/unzipped_fasta out: - id: output run: ../tools/bwa-index.cwl - id: samtools_index in: - id: input source: - gunzip/unzipped_fasta out: - id: index_fai run: ../tools/samtools_index.cwl - id: bwa_mem in: - id: sample_name source: - sample_name - id: trimmed_fastq source: - cutadapt2/trimmed_fastq - id: read_group source: - readgroup_str - id: reference_genome source: - bwa_index/output out: - id: aligned_sam run: ../tools/bwa-mem.cwl - id: samtools_sort in: - id: input source: - bwa_mem/aligned_sam out: - id: sorted_bam run: ../tools/samtools_sort_bam.cwl - id: picard_markduplicates in: - id: input source: - samtools_sort/sorted_bam out: - id: md_bam - id: output_metrics run: ../tools/picard_markduplicates.cwl label: picard-MD - id: gatk3-rtc in: - id: input source: - picard_markduplicates/md_bam - id: reference_genome source: - samtools_index/index_fai - id: dict source: - picard_dictionary/dict - id: known_indels source: - unzipped_known_indels/output out: - id: rtc_intervals_file run: ../tools/gatk3-rtc.cwl label: gatk3-rtc - id: gatk-ir in: - id: input source: - picard_markduplicates/md_bam - id: rtc_intervals source: - gatk3-rtc/rtc_intervals_file - id: reference_genome source: - samtools_index/index_fai - id: dict source: - picard_dictionary/dict out: - id: realigned_bam run: ../tools/gatk-ir.cwl label: gatk-ir - id: gatk-base_recalibration in: - id: reference_genome source: - samtools_index/index_fai - id: dict source: - picard_dictionary/dict - id: input source: - gatk-ir/realigned_bam - id: unzipped_known_sites_file source: - unzipped_known_sites/output - id: known_indels_file source: - unzipped_known_indels/output out: - id: br_model run: ../tools/gatk-base_recalibration.cwl label: gatk-base_recalibration - id: gatk-base_recalibration_print_reads in: - id: reference_genome source: - samtools_index/index_fai - id: dict source: - picard_dictionary/dict - id: input source: - gatk-ir/realigned_bam - id: br_model source: - gatk-base_recalibration/br_model out: - id: bqsr_bam run: ../tools/gatk-base_recalibration_print_reads.cwl label: gatk-base_recalibration_print_reads - id: gatk_haplotype_caller in: - id: reference_genome source: - samtools_index/index_fai - id: dict source: - picard_dictionary/dict - id: input source: - gatk-base_recalibration_print_reads/bqsr_bam - id: chromosome source: - chromosome - id: gqb source: - gqb out: - id: gvcf run: ../tools/gatk-haplotype_caller.cwl label: gatk-haplotype_caller s:author: - class: s:Person s:identifier: s:email: s:name: Raul Tonda - class: s:Person s:identifier: s:email: s:name: Leslie Matalonga - class: s:Person s:identifier: s:email: s:name: Susheel Varma s:contributor: - class: s:Person s:identifier: s:email: s:name: Jarno Laitinen - class: s:Person s:email: s:name: Ania Niewielska - class: s:Person s:identifier: s:email: s:name: Alex Kanitz - class: s:Person s:identifier: s:email: s:name: José M. Fernández - class: s:Person s:identifier: s:email: s:name: Laura Rodríguez-Navas s:citation: s:codeRepository: s:dateCreated: "2019-03-06" s:license: