#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner label: bacterial_kmer cwlVersion: v1.2 class: Workflow requirements: - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement inputs: Extract_Kmers_From_Input___entry: File gencoll_asn: File asn_cache: Directory gc_seq_cache: Directory gc_cache: File kmer_cache_sqlite: File ref_assembly_taxid: int ref_assembly_id: int ANI_cutoff: File kmer_reference_assemblies: File tax_synon: File taxon_db: File gcextract2_sqlite: File ani_report_transform: File outputs: Identify_Top_N_ANI_annot: type: File outputSource: Identify_Top_N_ANI/annot Identify_Top_N_ANI_top: type: File outputSource: Identify_Top_N_ANI/top Identify_Top_N_ANI_top_txt: type: File outputSource: Identify_Top_N_ANI_transform/output Extract_Top_Assemblies___tax_report: type: File outputSource: Extract_Top_Assemblies/tax_report errors: type: File? outputSource: Evaluate_ANI_report/xml_output steps: # # Internal PGAP step "Get Reference Assemblies" ommitted it's a const, repplaced by # kmer_reference_assemblies # Internal PGAP step "Query_Kmer_Cache: # This task node in classic PGAP converts list of gcids to a list of URIS # we do not need to do the conversion, since kmer_store is capable of recognising list of URIs # Internal PGAP step "Extract_Kmer_List": # This task node in classic PGAP takes the list of new reference assemblies and computes kmer hashes # We do not need to do this here, because external PGAP will be always supplied with up to date # reference assemblies # Internal PGAP step "Store_in_Kmer_Cache": # Stores input kmer cache file (local to buildrun directory) in global storage # We do not need to do this here, because external PGAP will be always supplied with up to date # reference assemblies Extract_Kmers_From_Input: label: Extract Kmers From Input run: ../task_types/tt_kmer_seq_entry_extract_wnode.cwl doc: | computes kmers for input genome (Extract_Kmers_From_Input___entry) produces kmer files (.gz and xml) it will have a new output: out_kmer_dir in: entry: Extract_Kmers_From_Input___entry kmer_file_list: source: [kmer_reference_assemblies] linkMerge: merge_flattened asn_cache: asn_cache out: [out_kmer_dir] Convert_kmer_files_to_sqlite: label: Convert Kmer files to SQLITE doc: | This new step will convert input .kmer.gz (kmer_file) and .xml (kmer_metadata_file) into new sqlite database The program we are calling here takes a directory input run: ../progs/kmer_files2sqlite.cwl in: kmer_dir: Extract_Kmers_From_Input/out_kmer_dir out: [out_kmer_cache_sqlite] List_sqlite: label: List SQLITE kmer cache contents doc: Produces the list of all keys in sqlite database run: ../progs/list_kmer_sqlite.cwl in: kmer_cache_sqlite: Convert_kmer_files_to_sqlite/out_kmer_cache_sqlite out: [keys] Combine_kmer_sqlite: label: Combine kmer SQLITE doc: | This new step will combine together reference kmer store and newly created kmer store for a new assembly run: ../progs/combine_kmer_sqlite.cwl in: fast: default: true kmer_cache_sqlite: source: [kmer_cache_sqlite, Convert_kmer_files_to_sqlite/out_kmer_cache_sqlite] linkMerge: merge_flattened out: [combined_cache_sqlite] Compare_Kmer: label: Compare Kmer doc: | compares kmers from different genomes in the input and produces distance matrix filled only for ref vs current elements run: ../task_types/tt_kmer_ref_compare_wnode.cwl in: kmer_cache_sqlite: Combine_kmer_sqlite/combined_cache_sqlite kmer_list: List_sqlite/keys ref_kmer_list: kmer_reference_assemblies dist_method: default: minhash minhash_signature: default: minhash score_method: default: boolean out: [distances, outdir] Identify_Top_N: label: Identify Top N hits by Kmer doc: | Identifies Top N hits to input genome by kmer distances produces distances XML and list of matching genomes (storage URIs) run: ../task_types/tt_kmer_top_n.cwl in: kmer_cache_sqlite: Combine_kmer_sqlite/combined_cache_sqlite distances: Compare_Kmer/distances out: [matches, top_distances] Compare_Kmer_Pairwise_prepare_input: label: Glue SQLITE keys run: ../progs/cat.cwl in: input: source: [List_sqlite/keys, Identify_Top_N/matches] linkMerge: merge_flattened output_file_name: default: 'target_and_matches.ids' out: [output] Compare_Kmer__Pairwise_: label: Compare Kmer pairwise doc: | compares kmers from top hits to query genome in the input and produces distance matrix for subsequent tree: all-against-all. This is the most downstream node requiring sqlite cache run: ../task_types/tt_kmer_compare_wnode.cwl in: kmer_cache_sqlite: Combine_kmer_sqlite/combined_cache_sqlite kmer_list: Compare_Kmer_Pairwise_prepare_input/output dist_method: default: minhash minhash_signature: default: minhash score_method: default: boolean out: [distances] Extract_Top_Assemblies: label: Extract Top Assemblies doc: | Takes XML file with top distances between matches and reference assembly taxid produces XML tax report and list of top matched assemblies run: ../task_types/tt_kmer_top_n_extract.cwl in: top_distances: Identify_Top_N/top_distances ref_assembly_taxid: ref_assembly_taxid ref_assembly_id: ref_assembly_id taxon_db: taxon_db gcextract2_sqlite: gcextract2_sqlite out: [tax_report, gc_id_list] Build_Kmer_Tree: label: Build Kmer Tree doc: Output is BioTree ASN.1 run: ../task_types/tt_kmer_build_tree.cwl in: distances: Compare_Kmer__Pairwise_/distances sort: default: leaf-count-ascending no_merge: default: true skip_markup: default: true out: [tree] Get_Top_Assemblies_GenColl_ASN: label: Get Top Assemblies GenColl ASN doc: Input is list of reference assemblies, not to be mixed with list of URIs run: ../task_types/tt_gcaccess_from_list.cwl in: gc_id_list: Extract_Top_Assemblies/gc_id_list gc_cache: gc_cache out: [gencoll_asn] Extract_Input_GenColl_IDs: label: Extract Input GenColl IDs doc: Input is input ASN.1 file for our target assembly run: ../progs/gc_extract_ids.cwl in: input: gencoll_asn out: [output] Assembly_Assembly_BLASTn: label: Assembly Assembly BLASTn doc: This is rather standard blast run: ../task_types/tt_assm_assm_blastn_wnode.cwl in: queries_gc_id_list: Extract_Input_GenColl_IDs/output subjects_gc_id_list: Extract_Top_Assemblies/gc_id_list # this will brea here ref_gencoll_asn: Get_Top_Assemblies_GenColl_ASN/gencoll_asn gencoll_asn: gencoll_asn affinity: default: 'subject' # settings asn_cache: asn_cache gc_seq_cache: gc_seq_cache gc_cache: gc_cache compart: default: true evalue: default: 0.0001 gapextend: default: 1 gapopen: default: 2 max_bases_per_call: default: 500000000 max_target_seqs: default: 250 merge_align_filter: default: "((reciprocity = 3 AND align_length_ungap >= 5) OR align_length > 1000) AND pct_identity_gap > 25" merge_engine: default: "tree-merger" soft_masking: default: 'true' task: default: megablast use_common_components: default: true window_size: default: 150 word_size: default: 28 workers_per_cpu: default: 0.4 out: [blast_align] Identify_Top_N_ANI: doc: identify top N ANI label: "Identify Top N ANI" run: ../task_types/tt_ani_top_n.cwl in: asn_cache: source: [asn_cache, gc_seq_cache] linkMerge: merge_flattened ANI_cutoff: ANI_cutoff gencoll_asn: gencoll_asn ref_gencoll_asn: Get_Top_Assemblies_GenColl_ASN/gencoll_asn blast_align: Assembly_Assembly_BLASTn/blast_align ref_assembly_taxid: ref_assembly_taxid ref_assembly_id: ref_assembly_id tax_synon: tax_synon gcextract2_sqlite: gcextract2_sqlite taxon_db: taxon_db out: [top,annot] Identify_Top_N_ANI_transform: doc: transform ANI taxcheck report XML file to Genbank suitable (SMART equivalent) text report run: ../progs/xsltproc.cwl in: xml: Identify_Top_N_ANI/top xslt: ani_report_transform output_name: default: 'ani-tax-report.txt' out: [output] Evaluate_ANI_report: run: ../progs/xml_evaluate.cwl in: input: Identify_Top_N_ANI/top xpath_fail: default: > /tax-check/results[@status='MISASSIGNED' or @status='CONTAMINATED'] ignore_all_errors: default: true stdout_redir: default: errors.xml out: [xml_output]