cwlVersion: v1.2 label: "blastp_wnode_naming" class: Workflow # task type requirements: - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement inputs: scatter_gather_nchunks: string # scatter_gather_chunk_size: string blastdb_dir: Directory blastdb: string[] # cluster_blastp_wnode_output: Directory? # shortcut to bypass cluster_blastp lds2: File proteins: File affinity: string asn_cache: Directory[] max_batch_length: int nogenbank: boolean align_filter: string allow_intersection: boolean comp_based_stats: string # F/T compart: boolean dbsize: string # can't int, because too large evalue: float? extra_coverage: int? max_jobs: int max_target_seqs: int no_merge: boolean ofmt: string seg: string soft_masking: string threshold: int top_by_score: int word_size: int ids: File[] batch-size: int? taxid: int blast_hits_cache: File? blast_type: string? taxon_db: File genus_list: int[] outputs: blast_align: type: File[] outputSource: [collect_aligns/file_out, retrieve_cached_hits/hits_output] steps: retrieve_cached_hits: run: ../progs/orf_hits_cache_retrieve.cwl in: lds2: lds2 proteins: proteins # we do not need blastdb here, like in classic PGAP, the only reason we supply it there is to derive # -naming-db-version parameter: taxid: taxid blast_type: blast_type genus_list: genus_list orfs: ids sqlite_cache: blast_hits_cache taxon_db: taxon_db out: [hits_output, not_found_output] gpx_qsubmit: run: ../progs/gpx_qsubmit.cwl in: lds2: lds2 proteins: proteins ids: source: [retrieve_cached_hits/not_found_output] linkMerge: merge_flattened affinity: affinity asn_cache: asn_cache max_batch_length: max_batch_length blastdb_dir: blastdb_dir blastdb: blastdb nogenbank: nogenbank batch_size: batch-size out: [jobs] split_jobs: run: ../split_jobs/split.cwl in: input: gpx_qsubmit/jobs nchunks: scatter_gather_nchunks # chunk_size: scatter_gather_chunk_size out: [ jobs ] cluster_and_qdump: run: tt_cluster_and_qdump.cwl scatter: input_jobs in: input_jobs: split_jobs/jobs align_filter: align_filter allow_intersection: allow_intersection asn_cache: asn_cache blastdb_dir: blastdb_dir comp_based_stats: comp_based_stats compart: compart dbsize: dbsize evalue: evalue extra_coverage: extra_coverage lds2: lds2 proteins: proteins # companion to lds2 max_jobs: max_jobs max_target_seqs: max_target_seqs no_merge: no_merge nogenbank: nogenbank ofmt: ofmt seg: seg soft_masking: soft_masking threshold: threshold top_by_score: top_by_score word_size: word_size out: [blast_align] collect_aligns: run: ../split_jobs/cat_array_of_files.cwl in: files_in: cluster_and_qdump/blast_align out: [ file_out ]