#!/usr/bin/env cwltool class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 id: createindex_singlevirus label: createindex_singlevirus doc: VIRTUS v1.1 $namespaces: sbg: 'https://www.sevenbridges.com/' inputs: - id: dir_name_STAR type: string 'sbg:x': -723 'sbg:y': -122 - id: runThreadN type: int? 'sbg:x': -566 'sbg:y': -675 - id: genomeFastaFiles type: File 'sbg:x': -564.734375 'sbg:y': -338 - id: genomeSAindexNbases type: int? doc: 'For small genome such as single virus, this value need to be small.' 'sbg:x': -563 'sbg:y': -516 - id: transcripts type: File 'sbg:x': -570 'sbg:y': 54 - id: index_salmon type: string 'sbg:x': -578 'sbg:y': 216 outputs: - id: starIndex outputSource: - star_index/starIndex type: Directory 'sbg:x': 36.765625 'sbg:y': -256 - id: index outputSource: - salmon_index/index type: Directory 'sbg:x': 29.8203125 'sbg:y': 159 steps: - id: star_index in: - id: genomeDir source: mkdir/created_directory - id: genomeFastaFiles source: genomeFastaFiles - id: runThreadN source: runThreadN - id: genomeSAindexNbases default: 10 source: genomeSAindexNbases out: - id: starIndex run: ../tool/star/star_index/star_index.cwl label: 'STAR genomeGenerate: Generating genome indexes.' 'sbg:x': -184 'sbg:y': -256 - id: mkdir in: - id: dir_name source: dir_name_STAR out: - id: created_directory run: ../tool/mkdir/mkdir.cwl label: Make directory if not exists 'sbg:x': -548 'sbg:y': -123 - id: salmon_index in: - id: index source: index_salmon - id: threads source: runThreadN - id: transcripts source: transcripts - id: kmer default: 31 - id: type default: quasi out: - id: index run: ../tool/salmon-cwl/salmon-index.cwl 'sbg:x': -186 'sbg:y': 158 requirements: []