cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement 'sd:upstream': first_biological_condition: - "chipseq-se.cwl" - "chipseq-pe.cwl" - "trim-chipseq-se.cwl" - "trim-chipseq-pe.cwl" - "trim-atacseq-se.cwl" - "trim-atacseq-pe.cwl" second_biological_condition: - "chipseq-se.cwl" - "chipseq-pe.cwl" - "trim-chipseq-se.cwl" - "trim-chipseq-pe.cwl" - "trim-atacseq-se.cwl" - "trim-atacseq-pe.cwl" blocked_condition: - "chipseq-se.cwl" - "chipseq-pe.cwl" - "trim-chipseq-se.cwl" - "trim-chipseq-pe.cwl" - "trim-atacseq-se.cwl" - "trim-atacseq-pe.cwl" genome_indices: - "genome-indices.cwl" inputs: alias: type: string label: "Experiment short name/Alias" sd:preview: position: 1 read_files_cond_1: type: File[] format: "" label: "Biological condition 1 samples. Minimum 2 samples" doc: "Read files for condition 1. Minimim 2 files in BAM format" 'sd:upstreamSource': "first_biological_condition/bambai_pair" 'sd:localLabel': true read_files_cond_2: type: File[] format: "" label: "Biological condition 2 samples. Minimum 2 samples" doc: "Read files for condition 2. Minimim 2 files in BAM format" 'sd:upstreamSource': "second_biological_condition/bambai_pair" 'sd:localLabel': true peak_files_cond_1: type: File[] format: "" label: "Biological condition 1 samples. Minimum 2 samples" doc: "XLS peak files for condition 1 from MACS2. Minimim 2 files. Order corresponds to read_files_cond_1" 'sd:upstreamSource': "first_biological_condition/macs2_called_peaks" peak_files_cond_2: type: File[] format: "" label: "Biological condition 2 samples. Minimum 2 samples" doc: "XLS peak files for condition 2 from MACS2. Minimim 2 files. Order corresponds to read_files_cond_2" 'sd:upstreamSource': "second_biological_condition/macs2_called_peaks" genome_coverage_files_cond_1: type: File[] format: "" label: "Genome coverage(s) for biological condition 1" doc: "Genome coverage bigWig file(s) for biological condition 1" 'sd:upstreamSource': "first_biological_condition/bigwig" genome_coverage_files_cond_2: type: File[] format: "" label: "Genome coverage(s) for biological condition 2" doc: "Genome coverage bigWig file(s) for biological condition 2" 'sd:upstreamSource': "second_biological_condition/bigwig" narrow_peaks_files_cond_1: type: - "null" - File[] format: "" label: "Called peaks for biological condition 1" doc: "Narrow peaks file(s) for biological condition 1" 'sd:upstreamSource': "first_biological_condition/macs2_narrow_peaks" narrow_peaks_files_cond_2: type: - "null" - File[] format: "" label: "Called peaks for biological condition 2" doc: "Narrow peaks file(s) for biological condition 2" 'sd:upstreamSource': "second_biological_condition/macs2_narrow_peaks" name_cond_1: type: string? default: "condition_1" label: "Condition 1 name, single word with letters and numbers only" doc: "Condition 1 name, single word with letters and numbers only" 'sd:layout': advanced: true name_cond_2: type: string? default: "condition_2" label: "Condition 2 name, single word with letters and numbers only" doc: "Condition 2 name, single word with letters and numbers only" 'sd:layout': advanced: true sample_names_cond_1: type: - "null" - string[] label: "Biological condition 1 sample names" doc: "Aliases for biological condition 1 samples to make the legend for generated plots. Order corresponds to the read_files_cond_1" 'sd:upstreamSource': "first_biological_condition/alias" sample_names_cond_2: type: - "null" - string[] label: "Biological condition 2 sample names" doc: "Aliases for biological condition 2 samples to make the legend for generated plots. Order corresponds to the read_files_cond_2" 'sd:upstreamSource': "second_biological_condition/alias" blocked_attributes: type: - "null" - string[] default: null label: "Blocking attributes for multi-factor analysis. Minimum 2" doc: | Blocking attributes for multi-factor analysis. Minimum 2. Either names from --name1 or/and --name2 or array of strings that can be parsed by R to bool. In the later case the order and size should correspond to [--read1]+[--read2]. Default: not applied 'sd:upstreamSource': "blocked_condition/alias" 'sd:localLabel': true blocked_file: type: File? label: "Blocking attribute headerless TSV/CSV file for multi-factor analysis with columns to set name and group. If this inputs is set, blocking attributes above are ignored" format: "" doc: | Blocking attribute metadata file for multi-factor analysis. Headerless TSV/CSV file. First column - names from --name1 and --name2, second column - group name. --block is ignored annotation_file: type: File label: "Genome annotation" format: "" doc: "Genome annotation file in TSV format" 'sd:upstreamSource': "genome_indices/annotation" chrom_length_file: type: File format: "" label: "Chromosome length file" doc: "Chromosome length file" 'sd:upstreamSource': "genome_indices/chrom_length" fragmentsize: type: int? default: 125 label: "Reads extension size, bp" doc: "Extended each read from its endpoint along the appropriate strand. Default: 125bp" 'sd:layout': advanced: true promoter_dist: type: int? default: 1000 label: "Promoter distance, bp" doc: "Max distance from gene TSS (in both direction) overlapping which the peak will be assigned to the promoter region. Default: 1000 bp" 'sd:layout': advanced: true upstream_dist: type: int? default: 20000 label: "Upstream distance, bp" doc: "Max distance from the promoter (only in upstream direction) overlapping which the peak will be assigned to the upstream region. Default: 20,000 bp" 'sd:layout': advanced: true min_overlap: type: int? default: 2 label: "Minimum peakset overlap" doc: "Min peakset overlap. Only include peaks in at least this many peaksets when generating consensus peakset. Default: 2" 'sd:layout': advanced: true min_read_counts: type: int? default: 0 label: "Minimum read counts. Exclude intervals where MAX read counts for all samples < specified value" doc: "Min read counts. Exclude all merged intervals where the MAX raw read counts among all of the samples is smaller than the specified value. Default: 0" 'sd:layout': advanced: true use_common: type: boolean? default: false label: "Use common peaks within each condition. Ignore Minimum peakset overlap" doc: "Derive consensus peaks only from the common peaks within each condition. Min peakset overlap is ignored. Default: false" 'sd:layout': advanced: true remove_duplicates: type: boolean? default: false label: "Remove duplicated reads" doc: "Remove reads that map to exactly the same genomic position. Default: false" 'sd:layout': advanced: true cutoff_value: type: float? default: 0.05 label: "P-value or FDR cutoff for reported results" doc: "P-value or FDR cutoff for reported results" 'sd:layout': advanced: true cutoff_param: type: - "null" - type: enum name: "cutoff" symbols: ["pvalue", "fdr"] default: "pvalue" label: "Parameter to which cutoff should be applied" doc: "Parameter to which cutoff should be applied (fdr or pvalue). Default: fdr" 'sd:layout': advanced: true analysis_method: type: - "null" - type: enum name: "method" symbols: ["deseq2", "edger"] default: "edger" label: "Analysis method" doc: "Method by which to analyze differential binding affinity. Default: deseq2" 'sd:layout': advanced: true threads: type: int? default: 4 label: "Number of threads" doc: "Number of threads for those steps that support multithreading" 'sd:layout': advanced: true outputs: genome_coverage_cond_1: type: File[] format: "" label: "Genome coverage(s) for biological condition 1" doc: "Genome coverage bigWig file(s) for biological condition 1" outputSource: pipe/coverage_files_cond_1 'sd:visualPlugins': - igvbrowser: tab: 'IGV Genome Browser' id: 'igvbrowser' type: 'wig' name: "Genome coverage 1" height: 120 genome_coverage_cond_2: type: File[] format: "" label: "Genome coverage(s) for biological condition 2" doc: "Genome coverage bigWig file(s) for biological condition 2" outputSource: pipe/coverage_files_cond_2 'sd:visualPlugins': - igvbrowser: tab: 'IGV Genome Browser' id: 'igvbrowser' type: 'wig' name: "Genome coverage 2" height: 120 narrow_peaks_cond_1: type: - "null" - File[] format: "" label: "Called peaks for biological condition 1" doc: "Narrow peaks file(s) for biological condition 1" outputSource: pipe/peaks_files_cond_1 'sd:visualPlugins': - igvbrowser: tab: 'IGV Genome Browser' id: 'igvbrowser' type: 'annotation' name: "Called peaks 1" displayMode: "COLLAPSE" height: 40 narrow_peaks_cond_2: type: - "null" - File[] format: "" label: "Called peaks for biological condition 2" doc: "Narrow peaks file(s) for biological condition 2" outputSource: pipe/peaks_files_cond_2 'sd:visualPlugins': - igvbrowser: tab: 'IGV Genome Browser' id: 'igvbrowser' type: 'annotation' name: "Called peaks 2" displayMode: "COLLAPSE" height: 40 diffbind_report_file: type: File format: "" label: "Differential binding analysis results" doc: "Differential binding analysis results exported as TSV" outputSource: restore_columns/output_file 'sd:visualPlugins': - syncfusiongrid: tab: 'Differential Peak Calling' Title: 'Differential Binding Analysis Results' diffbind_bed_file: type: File format: "" label: "Estimated differential peaks" doc: "Estimated differential peaks, bigBed" outputSource: bed_to_bigbed/bigbed_file 'sd:visualPlugins': - igvbrowser: tab: 'IGV Genome Browser' id: 'igvbrowser' type: 'annotation' format: 'bigbed' name: "Differential peaks" height: 40 diffbind_peak_correlation_heatmap: type: File? format: "" label: "Peak overlap correlation heatmap" doc: "Peak overlap correlation heatmap" outputSource: diffbind/peak_overlap_corr_heatmap 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'Peak overlap correlation heatmap' diffbind_peak_correlation_heatmap_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "Peak overlap correlation heatmap" doc: "Peak overlap correlation heatmap" outputSource: diffbind/peak_overlap_corr_heatmap_pdf diffbind_counts_correlation_heatmap: type: File? format: "" label: "Raw counts correlation heatmap" doc: "Raw counts correlation heatmap" outputSource: diffbind/raw_counts_corr_heatmap 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'Raw counts correlation heatmap' diffbind_counts_correlation_heatmap_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "Raw counts correlation heatmap" doc: "Raw counts correlation heatmap" outputSource: diffbind/raw_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf diffbind_consensus_peak_venn_diagram: type: File? format: "" label: "Consensus peak Venn Diagram" doc: "Consensus peak Venn Diagram" outputSource: diffbind/consensus_peak_venn_diagram 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'Consensus peak Venn Diagram' diffbind_consensus_peak_venn_diagram_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "Consensus peak Venn Diagram" doc: "Consensus peak Venn Diagram" outputSource: diffbind/consensus_peak_venn_diagram_pdf diffbind_all_peak_overlap_rate_plot: type: File? format: "" label: "All peak overlap rate plot" doc: "All peak overlap rate plot" outputSource: diffbind/all_peak_overlap_rate_plot 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'All peak overlap rate plot' diffbind_all_peak_overlap_rate_plot_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "All peak overlap rate plot" doc: "All peak overlap rate plot" outputSource: diffbind/all_peak_overlap_rate_plot_pdf diffbind_peak_overlap_rate_plot_cond_1: type: File? format: "" label: "Condition 1 peak overlap rate plot" doc: "Condition 1 peak overlap rate plot" outputSource: diffbind/peak_overlap_rate_plot_cond_1 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'Condition 1 peak overlap rate plot' diffbind_peak_overlap_rate_plot_cond_1_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "Condition 1 peak overlap rate plot" doc: "Condition 1 peak overlap rate plot" outputSource: diffbind/peak_overlap_rate_plot_cond_1_pdf diffbind_peak_overlap_rate_plot_cond_2: type: File? format: "" label: "Condition 2 peak overlap rate plot" doc: "Condition 2 peak overlap rate plot" outputSource: diffbind/peak_overlap_rate_plot_cond_2 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'Condition 2 peak overlap rate plot' diffbind_peak_overlap_rate_plot_cond_2_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "Condition 2 peak overlap rate plot" doc: "Condition 2 peak overlap rate plot" outputSource: diffbind/peak_overlap_rate_plot_cond_2_pdf diffbind_all_data_correlation_heatmap: type: File? format: "" label: "Not filtered normalized counts correlation heatmap" doc: "Not filtered normalized counts correlation heatmap" outputSource: select_files/selected_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'Not filtered normalized counts correlation heatmap' diffbind_all_data_correlation_heatmap_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "Not filtered normalized counts correlation heatmap" doc: "Not filtered normalized counts correlation heatmap" outputSource: select_files/selected_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf diffbind_db_sites_correlation_heatmap: type: File? format: "" label: "Normalized counts correlation heatmap for significantly differentially bound sites" doc: "Normalized counts correlation heatmap for significantly differentially bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'Normalized counts correlation heatmap for significantly differentially bound sites' diffbind_db_sites_correlation_heatmap_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "Normalized counts correlation heatmap for significantly differentially bound sites" doc: "Normalized counts correlation heatmap for significantly differentially bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf diffbind_db_sites_binding_heatmap: type: File? format: "" label: "Binding heatmap for significantly differentially bound sites" doc: "Binding heatmap for significantly differentially bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_binding_heatmap 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'Binding heatmap for significantly differentially bound sites' diffbind_db_sites_binding_heatmap_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "Binding heatmap for significantly differentially bound sites" doc: "Binding heatmap for significantly differentially bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_binding_heatmap_pdf diffbind_pca_plot: type: File? format: "" label: "PCA plot for significantly differentially bound sites" doc: "PCA plot for significantly differentially bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_diff_filtered_pca_plot 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'PCA plot for significantly differentially bound sites' diffbind_pca_plot_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "PCA plot for significantly differentially bound sites" doc: "PCA plot for significantly differentially bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_diff_filtered_pca_plot_pdf diffbind_all_pca_plot: type: File? format: "" label: "PCA plot for all bound sites" doc: "PCA plot for all bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_all_pca_plot 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'PCA plot for all bound sites' diffbind_all_pca_plot_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "PCA plot for all bound sites" doc: "PCA plot for all bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_all_pca_plot_pdf diffbind_ma_plot: type: File? format: "" label: "MA plot for significantly differentially bound sites" doc: "MA plot for significantly differentially bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_ma_plot 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'MA plot for significantly differentially bound sites' diffbind_ma_plot_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "MA plot for significantly differentially bound sites" doc: "MA plot for significantly differentially bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_ma_plot_pdf diffbind_volcano_plot: type: File? format: "" label: "Volcano plot for for significantly differentially bound sites" doc: "Volcano plot for for significantly differentially bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_volcano_plot 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'Volcano plot for for significantly differentially bound sites' diffbind_volcano_plot_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "Volcano plot for for significantly differentially bound sites" doc: "Volcano plot for for significantly differentially bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_volcano_plot_pdf diffbind_boxplot_plot: type: File? format: "" label: "Box plots of read distributions for significantly differentially bound sites" doc: "Box plots of read distributions for significantly differentially bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_boxplot 'sd:visualPlugins': - image: tab: 'Plots' Caption: 'Box plots of read distributions for significantly differentially bound sites' diffbind_boxplot_plot_pdf: type: File? format: "" label: "Box plots of read distributions for significantly differentially bound sites" doc: "Box plots of read distributions for significantly differentially bound sites" outputSource: select_files/selected_boxplot_pdf diffbind_stdout_log: type: File format: "" label: "diffbind stdout log" doc: "diffbind stdout log" outputSource: diffbind/stdout_log diffbind_stderr_log: type: File format: "" label: "diffbind stderr log" doc: "diffbind stderr log" outputSource: diffbind/stderr_log steps: pipe: run: cwlVersion: v1.0 class: ExpressionTool inputs: genome_coverage_files_cond_1: type: File[] genome_coverage_files_cond_2: type: File[] narrow_peaks_files_cond_1: type: - "null" - File[] narrow_peaks_files_cond_2: type: - "null" - File[] outputs: coverage_files_cond_1: type: File[] coverage_files_cond_2: type: File[] peaks_files_cond_1: type: - "null" - File[] peaks_files_cond_2: type: - "null" - File[] expression: | ${ return { "coverage_files_cond_1": inputs.genome_coverage_files_cond_1, "coverage_files_cond_2": inputs.genome_coverage_files_cond_2, "peaks_files_cond_1": inputs.narrow_peaks_files_cond_1, "peaks_files_cond_2": inputs.narrow_peaks_files_cond_2 }; } in: genome_coverage_files_cond_1: genome_coverage_files_cond_1 genome_coverage_files_cond_2: genome_coverage_files_cond_2 narrow_peaks_files_cond_1: narrow_peaks_files_cond_1 narrow_peaks_files_cond_2: narrow_peaks_files_cond_2 out: - coverage_files_cond_1 - coverage_files_cond_2 - peaks_files_cond_1 - peaks_files_cond_2 diffbind: run: ../tools/diffbind.cwl in: read_files_cond_1: read_files_cond_1 read_files_cond_2: read_files_cond_2 peak_files_cond_1: peak_files_cond_1 peak_files_cond_2: peak_files_cond_2 name_cond_1: name_cond_1 name_cond_2: name_cond_2 sample_names_cond_1: sample_names_cond_1 sample_names_cond_2: sample_names_cond_2 cutoff_value: cutoff_value cutoff_param: cutoff_param fragmentsize: fragmentsize remove_duplicates: remove_duplicates analysis_method: analysis_method blocked_attributes: blocked_attributes blocked_file: blocked_file min_overlap: min_overlap min_read_counts: min_read_counts use_common: use_common threads: threads peakformat: default: "macs" out: - diff_filtered_report_deseq - diff_filtered_report_deseq_blocked - diff_filtered_report_edger - diff_filtered_report_edger_blocked - boxplot_deseq - boxplot_deseq_blocked - boxplot_edger - boxplot_edger_blocked - boxplot_deseq_pdf - boxplot_deseq_blocked_pdf - boxplot_edger_pdf - boxplot_edger_blocked_pdf - volcano_plot_deseq - volcano_plot_deseq_blocked - volcano_plot_edger - volcano_plot_edger_blocked - volcano_plot_deseq_pdf - volcano_plot_deseq_blocked_pdf - volcano_plot_edger_pdf - volcano_plot_edger_blocked_pdf - ma_plot_deseq - ma_plot_deseq_blocked - ma_plot_edger - ma_plot_edger_blocked - ma_plot_deseq_pdf - ma_plot_deseq_blocked_pdf - ma_plot_edger_pdf - ma_plot_edger_blocked_pdf - diff_filtered_pca_plot_deseq - diff_filtered_pca_plot_deseq_blocked - diff_filtered_pca_plot_edger - diff_filtered_pca_plot_edger_blocked - diff_filtered_pca_plot_deseq_pdf - diff_filtered_pca_plot_deseq_blocked_pdf - diff_filtered_pca_plot_edger_pdf - diff_filtered_pca_plot_edger_blocked_pdf - all_pca_plot_deseq - all_pca_plot_deseq_blocked - all_pca_plot_edger - all_pca_plot_edger_blocked - all_pca_plot_deseq_pdf - all_pca_plot_deseq_blocked_pdf - all_pca_plot_edger_pdf - all_pca_plot_edger_blocked_pdf - binding_heatmap_deseq - binding_heatmap_deseq_blocked - binding_heatmap_edger - binding_heatmap_edger_blocked - binding_heatmap_deseq_pdf - binding_heatmap_deseq_blocked_pdf - binding_heatmap_edger_pdf - binding_heatmap_edger_blocked_pdf - diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq - diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq_blocked - diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger - diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger_blocked - diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq_pdf - diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq_blocked_pdf - diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger_pdf - diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger_blocked_pdf - all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq - all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq_blocked - all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger - all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger_blocked - all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq_pdf - all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq_blocked_pdf - all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger_pdf - all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger_blocked_pdf - consensus_peak_venn_diagram - raw_counts_corr_heatmap - peak_overlap_corr_heatmap - all_peak_overlap_rate_plot - peak_overlap_rate_plot_cond_1 - peak_overlap_rate_plot_cond_2 - consensus_peak_venn_diagram_pdf - raw_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf - peak_overlap_corr_heatmap_pdf - all_peak_overlap_rate_plot_pdf - peak_overlap_rate_plot_cond_1_pdf - peak_overlap_rate_plot_cond_2_pdf - stdout_log - stderr_log filter_columns: run: ../tools/custom-bash.cwl in: input_file: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/diff_filtered_report_deseq, diffbind/diff_filtered_report_deseq_blocked, diffbind/diff_filtered_report_edger, diffbind/diff_filtered_report_edger_blocked] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } script: default: > cat $0 | grep -v "Start" | awk 'BEGIN {print "chr\tstart\tend\tlength\tabs_summit\tpileup\t-log10(pvalue)\tfold_enrichment\t-log10(qvalue)\tname"} {print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$3-$2+1"\t0\t"NR"\t0\t0\t0\t0"}' > `basename $0` out: [output_file] assign_genes: run: ../tools/iaintersect.cwl in: input_filename: filter_columns/output_file annotation_filename: annotation_file promoter_bp: promoter_dist upstream_bp: upstream_dist out: [result_file] restore_columns: run: ../tools/custom-bash.cwl in: input_file: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/diff_filtered_report_deseq, diffbind/diff_filtered_report_deseq_blocked, diffbind/diff_filtered_report_edger, diffbind/diff_filtered_report_edger_blocked, assign_genes/result_file] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return [self[6], self[2]]; } else { return [self[6], self[3]]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return [self[6], self[4]]; } else { return [self[6], self[5]]; } } } script: default: | cat $0 | grep -v "start" | sort -k 11n | cut -f 1-5,15 > iaintersect_result.tsv cat $1 | grep -v "Start" > diffbind_result.tsv HEADER=`head -n 1 $1`; echo -e "Refseq_id\tGene_id\ttxStart\ttxEnd\tStrand\tRegion\t${HEADER}" > `basename $0`; cat iaintersect_result.tsv | paste - diffbind_result.tsv >> `basename $0` rm iaintersect_result.tsv diffbind_result.tsv out: [output_file] convert_to_bed: run: ../tools/custom-bash.cwl in: input_file: restore_columns/output_file script: default: | cat "$0" | awk -F "\t" 'NR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {ix[$i]=i} } NR>1 {color="255,0,0"; if ($ix["Fold"]<0) color="0,255,0"; print $ix["Chr"]"\t"$ix["Start"]"\t"$ix["End"]"\tPv="$ix["p-value"]";FDR="$ix["FDR"]"\t"1000"\t"$ix["Strand"]"\t"$ix["Start"]"\t"$ix["End"]"\t"color}' > `basename $0` out: [output_file] sort_bed: run: ../tools/linux-sort.cwl in: unsorted_file: convert_to_bed/output_file key: default: ["1,1","2,2n"] out: [sorted_file] bed_to_bigbed: run: ../tools/ucsc-bedtobigbed.cwl in: input_bed: sort_bed/sorted_file bed_type: default: "bed4+5" chrom_length_file: chrom_length_file output_filename: source: sort_bed/sorted_file valueFrom: $(self.basename.split('.').slice(0,-1).join('.') + ".bigBed") out: [bigbed_file] select_files: in: input_boxplot: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/boxplot_deseq, diffbind/boxplot_deseq_blocked, diffbind/boxplot_edger, diffbind/boxplot_edger_blocked] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_boxplot_pdf: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/boxplot_deseq_pdf, diffbind/boxplot_deseq_blocked_pdf, diffbind/boxplot_edger_pdf, diffbind/boxplot_edger_blocked_pdf] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_volcano_plot: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/volcano_plot_deseq, diffbind/volcano_plot_deseq_blocked, diffbind/volcano_plot_edger, diffbind/volcano_plot_edger_blocked] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_volcano_plot_pdf: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/volcano_plot_deseq_pdf, diffbind/volcano_plot_deseq_blocked_pdf, diffbind/volcano_plot_edger_pdf, diffbind/volcano_plot_edger_blocked_pdf] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_ma_plot: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/ma_plot_deseq, diffbind/ma_plot_deseq_blocked, diffbind/ma_plot_edger, diffbind/ma_plot_edger_blocked] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_ma_plot_pdf: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/ma_plot_deseq_pdf, diffbind/ma_plot_deseq_blocked_pdf, diffbind/ma_plot_edger_pdf, diffbind/ma_plot_edger_blocked_pdf] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_diff_filtered_pca_plot: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/diff_filtered_pca_plot_deseq, diffbind/diff_filtered_pca_plot_deseq_blocked, diffbind/diff_filtered_pca_plot_edger, diffbind/diff_filtered_pca_plot_edger_blocked] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_diff_filtered_pca_plot_pdf: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/diff_filtered_pca_plot_deseq_pdf, diffbind/diff_filtered_pca_plot_deseq_blocked_pdf, diffbind/diff_filtered_pca_plot_edger_pdf, diffbind/diff_filtered_pca_plot_edger_blocked_pdf] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_all_pca_plot: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/all_pca_plot_deseq, diffbind/all_pca_plot_deseq_blocked, diffbind/all_pca_plot_edger, diffbind/all_pca_plot_edger_blocked] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_all_pca_plot_pdf: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/all_pca_plot_deseq_pdf, diffbind/all_pca_plot_deseq_blocked_pdf, diffbind/all_pca_plot_edger_pdf, diffbind/all_pca_plot_edger_blocked_pdf] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_binding_heatmap: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/binding_heatmap_deseq, diffbind/binding_heatmap_deseq_blocked, diffbind/binding_heatmap_edger, diffbind/binding_heatmap_edger_blocked] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_binding_heatmap_pdf: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/binding_heatmap_deseq_pdf, diffbind/binding_heatmap_deseq_blocked_pdf, diffbind/binding_heatmap_edger_pdf, diffbind/binding_heatmap_edger_blocked_pdf] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq, diffbind/diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq_blocked, diffbind/diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger, diffbind/diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger_blocked] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq_pdf, diffbind/diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq_blocked_pdf, diffbind/diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger_pdf, diffbind/diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger_blocked_pdf] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq, diffbind/all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq_blocked, diffbind/all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger, diffbind/all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger_blocked] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } input_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf: source: [analysis_method, blocked_attributes, diffbind/all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq_pdf, diffbind/all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_deseq_blocked_pdf, diffbind/all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger_pdf, diffbind/all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_edger_blocked_pdf] valueFrom: | ${ if (self[0] == "deseq2") { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[2]; } else { return self[3]; } } else { if (self[1] == null || self[1].length == 0){ return self[4]; } else { return self[5]; } } } out: - selected_boxplot - selected_volcano_plot - selected_ma_plot - selected_diff_filtered_pca_plot - selected_all_pca_plot - selected_binding_heatmap - selected_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap - selected_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap - selected_boxplot_pdf - selected_volcano_plot_pdf - selected_ma_plot_pdf - selected_diff_filtered_pca_plot_pdf - selected_all_pca_plot_pdf - selected_binding_heatmap_pdf - selected_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf - selected_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf run: cwlVersion: v1.0 class: ExpressionTool requirements: - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement inputs: input_boxplot: type: File? input_boxplot_pdf: type: File? input_volcano_plot: type: File? input_volcano_plot_pdf: type: File? input_ma_plot: type: File? input_ma_plot_pdf: type: File? input_diff_filtered_pca_plot: type: File? input_diff_filtered_pca_plot_pdf: type: File? input_all_pca_plot: type: File? input_all_pca_plot_pdf: type: File? input_binding_heatmap: type: File? input_binding_heatmap_pdf: type: File? input_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap: type: File? input_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf: type: File? input_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap: type: File? input_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf: type: File? outputs: selected_boxplot: type: File? selected_volcano_plot: type: File? selected_ma_plot: type: File? selected_diff_filtered_pca_plot: type: File? selected_all_pca_plot: type: File? selected_binding_heatmap: type: File? selected_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap: type: File? selected_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap: type: File? selected_boxplot_pdf: type: File? selected_volcano_plot_pdf: type: File? selected_ma_plot_pdf: type: File? selected_diff_filtered_pca_plot_pdf: type: File? selected_all_pca_plot_pdf: type: File? selected_binding_heatmap_pdf: type: File? selected_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf: type: File? selected_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf: type: File? expression: | ${ return { "selected_boxplot": inputs.input_boxplot, "selected_volcano_plot": inputs.input_volcano_plot, "selected_ma_plot": inputs.input_ma_plot, "selected_diff_filtered_pca_plot": inputs.input_diff_filtered_pca_plot, "selected_all_pca_plot": inputs.input_all_pca_plot, "selected_binding_heatmap": inputs.input_binding_heatmap, "selected_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap": inputs.input_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap, "selected_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap": inputs.input_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap, "selected_boxplot_pdf": inputs.input_boxplot_pdf, "selected_volcano_plot_pdf": inputs.input_volcano_plot_pdf, "selected_ma_plot_pdf": inputs.input_ma_plot_pdf, "selected_diff_filtered_pca_plot_pdf": inputs.input_diff_filtered_pca_plot_pdf, "selected_all_pca_plot_pdf": inputs.input_all_pca_plot_pdf, "selected_binding_heatmap_pdf": inputs.input_binding_heatmap_pdf, "selected_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf": inputs.input_diff_filtered_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf, "selected_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf": inputs.input_all_norm_counts_corr_heatmap_pdf }; } $namespaces: s: $schemas: - label: "DiffBind - Differential Binding Analysis of ChIP-Seq Peak Data" s:name: "DiffBind - Differential Binding Analysis of ChIP-Seq Peak Data" s:alternateName: "Compute differentially bound sites from multiple ChIP-seq experiments using affinity (quantitative) and occupancy data." s:downloadUrl: s:codeRepository: s:license: s:isPartOf: class: s:CreativeWork s:name: Common Workflow Language s:url: s:creator: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center" s:location: - class: s:PostalAddress s:addressCountry: "USA" s:addressLocality: "Cincinnati" s:addressRegion: "OH" s:postalCode: "45229" s:streetAddress: "3333 Burnet Ave" s:telephone: "+1(513)636-4200" s:logo: "" s:department: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Allergy and Immunology" s:department: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Barski Research Lab" s:member: - class: s:Person s:name: Michael Kotliar s:email: s:sameAs: - id: # doc: # $include: ../descriptions/ doc: | Differential Binding Analysis of ChIP-Seq Peak Data --------------------------------------------------- DiffBind processes ChIP-Seq data enriched for genomic loci where specific protein/DNA binding occurs, including peak sets identified by ChIP-Seq peak callers and aligned sequence read datasets. It is designed to work with multiple peak sets simultaneously, representing different ChIP experiments (antibodies, transcription factor and/or histone marks, experimental conditions, replicates) as well as managing the results of multiple peak callers. For more information please refer to: ------------------------------------- Ross-Innes CS, Stark R, Teschendorff AE, Holmes KA, Ali HR, Dunning MJ, Brown GD, Gojis O, Ellis IO, Green AR, Ali S, Chin S, Palmieri C, Caldas C, Carroll JS (2012). “Differential oestrogen receptor binding is associated with clinical outcome in breast cancer.” Nature, 481, -4.