#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 requirements: - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement inputs: reads1: File[] reads2: File[] adapters: type: File default: class: File path: /stornext/System/data/apps/trimmomatic/trimmomatic-0.36/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa location: /stornext/System/data/apps/trimmomatic/trimmomatic-0.36/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa outputs: # trim with trimmomatic and rename trim-logs: type: File[] outputSource: all/trim-logs rename_reads1_trimmed_file: type: File[] outputSource: all/rename_reads1_trimmed_file rename_reads2_trimmed_paired_file: type: - "null" - File[] outputSource: all/rename_reads2_trimmed_paired_file reads1_trimmed_unpaired_file: type: - "null" - File[] outputSource: all/reads1_trimmed_unpaired_file reads2_trimmed_unpaired_file: type: - "null" - File[] outputSource: all/reads2_trimmed_unpaired_file # align to mouse with bowtie2 mouse-aligned: type: File[] outputSource: all/reads2_trimmed_unpaired_file # align to human with bowtie2 human-aligned: type: File[] outputSource: all/human-aligned # convert human-sorted: type: File[] streamable: true outputSource: all/human-sorted # sort and compress human-compress: type: File[] outputSource: all/human-compress # Index human bam human-index: type: File[] outputSource: all/human-index # compare genomes with xenomapper primary_specific: type: - "null" - File[] outputSource: all/primary_specific secondary_specific: type: - "null" - File[] outputSource: all/secondary_specific primary_multi: type: - "null" - File[] outputSource: all/primary_multi secondary_multi: type: - "null" - File[] outputSource: all/secondary_multi unassigned: type: - "null" - File[] outputSource: all/unassigned unresolved: type: - "null" - File[] outputSource: all/unresolved # # pileip # human-mpileup: # type: File[] # outputSource: all/human-mpileup # # varscan output # varscan: # type: File[] # outputSource: all/varscan # platypus output platypus-tabix-output: type: File[] outputSource: all/platypus-tabix-output # gridss gridss-tabix-output: type: File[] outputSource: all/gridss-tabix-output gridss-vcf-work-dir: type: Directory[] outputSource: all/gridss-vcf-work-dir gridss-bam-work-dir: type: Directory[] outputSource: all/gridss-bam-work-dir # # VEP # vep-text: # type: File[] # outputSource: all/vep-text # vep-html: # type: File[] # outputSource: all/vep-html steps: all: run: pdx-pl.cwl scatter: [read1, read2] scatterMethod: dotproduct in: read1: source: reads1 read2: source: reads2 adapters: source: adapters out: [ trim-logs, rename_reads1_trimmed_file, rename_reads2_trimmed_paired_file, reads1_trimmed_unpaired_file, reads2_trimmed_unpaired_file, mouse-aligned, human-aligned, human-sorted, human-compress, human-index, primary_specific, secondary_specific, primary_multi, secondary_multi, unassigned, unresolved, platypus-tabix-output, gridss-tabix-output, gridss-vcf-work-dir, gridss-bam-work-dir]