class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 id: transcriptome_assemble label: transcriptome_assemble $namespaces: sbg: '' inputs: - id: split_spot type: boolean? 'sbg:exposed': true - id: split_files type: boolean? 'sbg:exposed': true - id: split_3 type: boolean? 'sbg:exposed': true - id: skip_technical type: boolean? 'sbg:exposed': true - id: runid type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: output_name type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: url type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: minimum_protein_length type: int 'sbg:exposed': true - id: domtblout type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: output_1 type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: cpu type: int 'sbg:x': 131 'sbg:y': -273 - id: out_flag_1 type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: outfmt_flag type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: max_target_seqs type: int? 'sbg:exposed': true - id: db_flag_1 type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: url_1 type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: output_name_1 type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: max_memory type: string 'sbg:x': 183.18011474609375 'sbg:y': -25.5 - id: seq_type type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: est_method type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: output_dir type: string? 'sbg:exposed': true - id: seqType type: string? 'sbg:exposed': true - id: db_flag type: string 'sbg:exposed': true - id: out_flag type: string 'sbg:exposed': true outputs: - id: output2 outputSource: - for_trinity/output2 type: File 'sbg:x': 455 'sbg:y': -7 - id: output1 outputSource: - for_trinity/output1 type: File 'sbg:x': 420 'sbg:y': 360 - id: output outputSource: - transdecoder/output type: Directory? 'sbg:x': 921 'sbg:y': 286 - id: out outputSource: - extract_transcript_id/out type: File? 'sbg:x': 1347 'sbg:y': -70 - id: reverse outputSource: - fasterq_dump/reverse type: File? 'sbg:x': -233.8203125 'sbg:y': 74.5 - id: forward outputSource: - fasterq_dump/forward type: File? 'sbg:x': -203.8203125 'sbg:y': 438.5 - id: blast_results outputSource: - blastp/blast_results type: File 'sbg:x': 1613.68310546875 'sbg:y': 403.5 - id: output_2 outputSource: - aaea/output type: Directory? 'sbg:x': 849 'sbg:y': 427 - id: trinity_results outputSource: - trinity_pe/trinity_results type: File 'sbg:x': 654.1796875 'sbg:y': 42.5 - id: blastdbcmd_results outputSource: - blastdbcmd/blastdbcmd_results type: File 'sbg:x': 1350.1796875 'sbg:y': 86.5 - id: db_dir outputSource: - makeblastdb/db_dir type: Directory? 'sbg:x': 1183.18017578125 'sbg:y': 318.5 - id: db_dir_1 outputSource: - makeblastdb_1/db_dir type: Directory? 'sbg:x': 1392.18017578125 'sbg:y': 672.5 - id: pep outputSource: - transdecoder/pep type: File? 'sbg:x': 903 'sbg:y': 75 steps: - id: for_trinity in: - id: IN1 source: trim_galore/out1 - id: IN2 source: trim_galore/out2 out: - id: output1 - id: output2 run: ../../tool/for_trinity/for_trinity.cwl label: for_trinity 'sbg:x': 316 'sbg:y': 176 - id: fasterq_dump in: - id: skip_technical source: skip_technical - id: split_3 source: split_3 - id: split_files source: split_files - id: split_spot source: split_spot - id: runid source: runid out: - id: fastqFiles - id: forward - id: reverse run: ../../tool/fasterq-dump/fasterq-dump.cwl label: 'fasterq-dump: dump .sra format file to generate fastq file' 'sbg:x': -375 'sbg:y': 222 - id: transdecoder in: - id: transcripts source: trinity_pe/trinity_results - id: minimum_protein_length source: minimum_protein_length out: - id: output - id: pep run: ../../tool/TransDecoder/TransDecoder-TransDecoder.LongOrfs/TransDecoder-TransDecoder.LongOrfs.cwl label: transdecoder 'sbg:x': 803 'sbg:y': 191 - id: wget-Sod_Cu-hmm in: - id: output_name source: output_name - id: url source: url out: - id: downloaded - id: stderr run: ../../tool/wget/wget.cwl label: 'wget:Sod_Cu.hmm' 'sbg:x': 874 'sbg:y': -66 - id: gzip in: - id: file source: fasterq_dump/reverse out: - id: compressed - id: stderr run: ../../tool/gzip/gzip.cwl 'sbg:x': -70 'sbg:y': 147 - id: gzip_1 in: - id: file source: fasterq_dump/forward out: - id: compressed - id: stderr run: ../../tool/gzip/gzip.cwl 'sbg:x': -61 'sbg:y': 306 - id: trim_galore in: - id: read1 source: gzip_1/compressed - id: read2 source: gzip/compressed - id: fastqc default: true - id: trim1 default: true - id: paired default: true out: - id: out1 - id: out2 run: ../../tool/trim_galore/trim_galore-pe/trim_galore-pe.cwl label: trim_galore 'sbg:x': 122 'sbg:y': 234 - id: hmmsearch in: - id: cpu source: cpu - id: domtblout source: domtblout - id: hmm source: wget-Sod_Cu-hmm/downloaded - id: pep source: transdecoder/pep out: - id: output run: ../../tool/hmmer/hmmer-hmmsearch/hmmer-hmmsearch.cwl label: hmmsearch 'sbg:x': 1123 'sbg:y': -176 - id: extract_transcript_id in: - id: input source: hmmsearch/output - id: output source: output_1 out: - id: out run: ../../tool/extract_transcript_id/extract_transcript_id.cwl label: extract_transcript_id 'sbg:x': 1205 'sbg:y': -61 - id: wget-uniprot-taxonomy_50557-fasta in: - id: output_name default: uniprot-taxonomy_50557.fasta source: output_name_1 - id: url default: '' source: url_1 out: - id: downloaded - id: stderr run: ../../tool/wget/wget.cwl label: 'wget:uniprot-taxonomy_50557.fasta' 'sbg:x': 1019 'sbg:y': 623 - id: makeblastdb_1 in: - id: input_pep source: wget-uniprot-taxonomy_50557-fasta/downloaded - id: out default: uniprot_insect out: - id: db_dir run: ../../tool/blast/blast-makeblastdb/blast-makeblastdb.cwl label: makeblastdb 'sbg:x': 1245 'sbg:y': 530 - id: blastp in: - id: blastdb_dir source: makeblastdb_1/db_dir - id: db_flag source: db_flag_1 - id: num_threads_flag source: cpu - id: out_flag default: uniprot_insect source: out_flag_1 - id: outfmt_flag source: outfmt_flag - id: query_flag source: blastdbcmd/blastdbcmd_results - id: max_target_seqs source: max_target_seqs out: - id: blast_results run: ../../tool/blast/blast-blastp/blast-blastp.cwl label: BLASTP search. 'sbg:x': 1455 'sbg:y': 404 - id: trinity_pe in: - id: cpu source: cpu - id: fq1 source: for_trinity/output1 - id: fq2 source: for_trinity/output2 - id: max_memory source: max_memory - id: seq_type source: seq_type out: - id: trinity_results run: ../../tool/Trinity/Trinity-pe/Trinity-pe.cwl label: Trinity 'sbg:x': 545 'sbg:y': 174 - id: aaea in: - id: thread_count default: true - id: left source: for_trinity/output1 - id: right source: for_trinity/output2 - id: est_method default: kallisto source: est_method - id: kallisto_add_opts default: true - id: prep_reference default: true - id: output_dir source: output_dir - id: seqType source: seqType - id: transcripts source: trinity_pe/trinity_results - id: cpu source: cpu out: - id: output run: ../../tool/Trinity/Trinity-aaea/Trinity-aaea.cwl label: 'sbg:x': 668 'sbg:y': 425 - id: makeblastdb in: - id: input_pep source: transdecoder/pep - id: out default: trinity_rslt out: - id: db_dir run: ../../tool/blast/blast-makeblastdb/blast-makeblastdb.cwl label: makeblastdb 'sbg:x': 1029 'sbg:y': 181 - id: blastdbcmd in: - id: blastdb_dir source: makeblastdb/db_dir - id: db_flag source: db_flag - id: entry_batch_flag source: extract_transcript_id/out - id: out_flag source: out_flag out: - id: blastdbcmd_results run: ../../tool/blast/blast-blastdbcmd/blast-blastdbcmd.cwl label: Blastdbcmd to dump seqs/info. 'sbg:x': 1231 'sbg:y': 161 requirements: []