#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner class: Workflow id: "infuse-workflow" label: "workflow to detect fusion events" cwlVersion: v1.0 requirements: - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement inputs: in_bam: type: File doc: "input BAM file." sample_name: type: string doc: "Sample name, which will used to prefix output file names." tophat_fusion_reference: type: File doc: "Tophat fusion reference bundle tar file." star_reference: type: File doc: "STAR reference bundle tar file." defuse_reference: type: File doc: "Defuse reference bundle tar file." gtf: type: File doc: "GTF file which is used to annotate break points." vagrent_cache: type: File doc: "VAGrENT cache file that should be the same reference and gene build as the GTF file." secondaryFiles: - ".tbi" - $(self.basename.replace("cache.gz", "fa")) - $(self.basename.replace("cache.gz", "fa.fai")) tophat_threads: type: int? default: 1 doc: "Number of threads to use for tophat fusion process." star_threads: type: int? default: 1 doc: "Number of threads to use for tophat fusion process." defuse_threads: type: int? default: 1 doc: "Number of threads to use for tophat fusion process." outputs: tophat_fusions: type: File outputSource: tophat_fusion/output star_fusions: type: File outputSource: star_fusion/output defuse_fusions: type: File outputSource: defuse/output combined_fusions: type: File outputSource: combine_fusions/output steps: bam_to_fq: in: in_bam: source: in_bam out: [output_fqs] run: tools/bam_to_fq.cwl tophat_fusion: in: reads: source: bam_to_fq/output_fqs reference: source: tophat_fusion_reference sample_name: source: sample_name threads: source: tophat_threads out: [output] run: tools/run-cgprna_tophat-fusion.cwl star_fusion: in: reads: source: bam_to_fq/output_fqs reference: source: star_reference sample_name: source: sample_name threads: source: star_threads out: [output] run: tools/run-cgprna_star-fusion.cwl defuse: in: reads: source: bam_to_fq/output_fqs reference: source: defuse_reference sample_name: source: sample_name threads: source: defuse_threads out: [output] run: tools/run-cgprna_defuse.cwl combine_fusions: in: sample_name: source: sample_name gtf: source: gtf vagrent_cache: source: vagrent_cache tophat_fusion_output: source: tophat_fusion/output star_fusion_output: source: star_fusion/output defuse_output: source: defuse/output out: [output] run: tools/compare_overlapping_fusions.cwl doc: | A workflow to run cpgRna Infuse pipeline from a single input BAM file (can be aligned or unaligned) of RNA-seq reads using cgpRna container. See the [cgpRna](https://github.com/cancerit/cgpRna) website for more information. $schemas: - https://schema.org/version/latest/schema.rdf $namespaces: s: http://schema.org/ s:codeRepository: https://github.com/cancerit/cgpRna s:license: https://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 s:author: - class: s:Person s:email: mailto:yx2@sanger.ac.uk s:name: Yaobo Xu