# # This is a variant of revsort.cwl where the "sorted" # step has not yet been implemented, but has a placeholder # Operation. # class: Workflow doc: "Reverse the lines in a document, then sort those lines." cwlVersion: v1.2 inputs: input: type: File doc: "The input file to be processed." reverse_sort: type: boolean default: true doc: "If true, reverse (decending) sort" outputs: output: type: File outputSource: sort/sorted doc: "The output with the lines reversed and sorted." steps: rev: in: input: input out: [output] run: revtool.cwl sort: in: input: rev/output reverse: reverse_sort out: [sorted] run: class: Operation id: "sort" doc: "Sort the lines of the file" inputs: input: type: File doc: "The input file to be sorted." reverse: type: boolean default: true doc: "If true, reverse (decending) sort" outputs: sorted: type: File doc: "The sorted file"