cwlVersion: v1.2 # What type of CWL process we have in this document. class: Workflow label: Spelling subworkflow doc: Login to spell server and perform a spell. inputs: credentials: type: File label: Some credentials doc: Some login, password and other secrets format: TXT spell: type: string label: MAGIC spell doc: Some very strong and very powerful MAGIC spell\n with a very long description which is attempted to be split\n in multiple lines default: ABRACADABRA outputs: spell_status: type: int label: Spell status doc: Status of the spelling, 0 is success, 1 is failure outputSource: step-2/status steps: step-1: run: step-1.cwl in: credentials: credentials out: [] step-2: run: step-2.cwl in: spell: spell out: [status]