#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner class: Workflow id: vcf.gz2bed label: vcf.gz2bed cwlVersion: v1.1 $namespaces: edam: http://edamontology.org/ inputs: vcf_gz: type: File format: edam:format_3016 doc: A VCF.GZ file containing variants outprefix: type: string steps: bedops-vcf.gz2vcf: label: bedops-vcf.gz2vcf doc: Convert VCF.GZ to VCF run: ../Tools/bedops-vcf.gz2vcf.cwl in: gz: vcf_gz outprefix: outprefix out: [out, log] bedops-vcf2bed: label: bedops-vcf2bed doc: Convert VCF to BED run: ../Tools/bedops-vcf2bed.cwl in: vcf: bedops-vcf.gz2vcf/out outprefix: outprefix out: [bed, log] outputs: bed: type: File format: edam:format_3584 outputSource: bedops-vcf2bed/bed bedops-vcf.gz2vcf_log: type: File outputSource: bedops-vcf.gz2vcf/log bedops-vcf2bed_log: type: File outputSource: bedops-vcf2bed/log