#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner class: Workflow id: haplotypecaller label: haplotypecaller cwlVersion: v1.1 $namespaces: edam: http://edamontology.org/ inputs: reference: type: File format: edam:format_1929 doc: FastA file for reference genome secondaryFiles: - .fai - ^.dict cram: type: File format: edam:format_3462 secondaryFiles: - .crai sample_name: type: string interval_name: type: string interval_bed: type: File format: edam:format_3584 interval_list: type: File gatk4_HaplotypeCaller_java_options: type: string? gatk4_HaplotypeCaller_num_threads: type: int default: 1 ploidy: type: int bgzip_num_threads: type: int default: 1 haplotypecaller_ram_min: type: int doc: size of RAM (in MB) to be specified in default: 48000 steps: picard-CollectWgsMetrics: label: picard-CollectWgsMetrics run: ../Tools/picard-CollectWgsMetrics_gatk4.cwl in: cram: cram reference: reference interval_name: interval_name interval_list: interval_list out: [wgs_metrics, log] gatk4-HaplotypeCaller: label: gatk4-HaplotypeCaller run: ../Tools/gatk4-HaplotypeCaller.cwl in: reference: reference cram: cram sample_name: sample_name interval_name: interval_name interval_bed: interval_bed java_options: gatk4_HaplotypeCaller_java_options num_threads: gatk4_HaplotypeCaller_num_threads ploidy: ploidy ram_min: haplotypecaller_ram_min out: [vcf, log] bgzip: label: bgzip run: ../Tools/bgzip.cwl in: vcf: gatk4-HaplotypeCaller/vcf num_threads: bgzip_num_threads ram_min: haplotypecaller_ram_min out: [vcf_gz, log] tabix: label: tabix run: ../Tools/tabix-bgzipped-vcf.cwl in: vcf_gz: bgzip/vcf_gz out: [indexed_vcf_gz, log] bcftools-stats: label: bcftools-stats run: ../Tools/bcftools-stats.cwl in: vcf: tabix/indexed_vcf_gz out: [bcftools_stats, log] outputs: vcf_gz: type: File format: edam:format_3016 outputSource: tabix/indexed_vcf_gz wgs_metrics: type: File outputSource: picard-CollectWgsMetrics/wgs_metrics wgs_metrics_log: type: File outputSource: picard-CollectWgsMetrics/log haplotypecaller_log: type: File outputSource: gatk4-HaplotypeCaller/log bgzip_log: type: File outputSource: bgzip/log tabix_log: type: File outputSource: tabix/log bcftools_stats: type: File outputSource: bcftools-stats/bcftools_stats bcftools_stats_log: type: File outputSource: bcftools-stats/log