{ "$graph": [ { "class": "CommandLineTool", "doc": "Output statistics of input sequence reads", "requirements": [ { "dockerPull": "ghcr.io/pitagora-network/bbmap-stats:1.0.0", "class": "DockerRequirement" } ], "baseCommand": "bash", "arguments": [ { "position": 0, "valueFrom": "/bbmap/stats.sh" } ], "inputs": [ { "type": "File", "inputBinding": { "position": 1 }, "id": "#bbmap-stats.cwl/input_fastq" } ], "stdout": "bbmap-stats.txt", "stderr": "bbmap-stats-stderr.log", "id": "#bbmap-stats.cwl", "outputs": [ { "type": "File", "id": "#bbmap-stats.cwl/stats", "outputBinding": { "glob": "bbmap-stats.txt" } }, { "type": "File", "id": "#bbmap-stats.cwl/stderr", "outputBinding": { "glob": "bbmap-stats-stderr.log" } } ] }, { "class": "CommandLineTool", "doc": "string", "requirements": [ { "dockerPull": "quay.io/biocontainers/bwa:0.7.17--h84994c4_5", "class": "DockerRequirement" }, { "listing": [ "$(inputs.input_fasta)" ], "class": "InitialWorkDirRequirement" } ], "baseCommand": [ "bwa", "index" ], "inputs": [ { "type": "File", "label": "input fasta file", "inputBinding": { "position": 1 }, "id": "#bwa-index.cwl/input_fasta" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.input_fasta.basename).amb" }, "id": "#bwa-index.cwl/amb" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.input_fasta.basename).ann" }, "id": "#bwa-index.cwl/ann" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.input_fasta.basename).bwt" }, "id": "#bwa-index.cwl/bwt" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.input_fasta.basename).pac" }, "id": "#bwa-index.cwl/pac" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.input_fasta.basename).sa" }, "id": "#bwa-index.cwl/sa" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#bwa-index.cwl/stderr", "outputBinding": { "glob": "bwa-index-stderr.log" } }, { "type": "File", "id": "#bwa-index.cwl/stdout", "outputBinding": { "glob": "bwa-index-stdout.log" } } ], "stdout": "bwa-index-stdout.log", "stderr": "bwa-index-stderr.log", "id": "#bwa-index.cwl" }, { "class": "CommandLineTool", "doc": "string", "requirements": [ { "dockerPull": "quay.io/biocontainers/bwa:0.7.17--h84994c4_5", "class": "DockerRequirement" }, { "listing": [ "$(inputs.index_base)", "$(inputs.amb)", "$(inputs.ann)", "$(inputs.bwt)", "$(inputs.pac)", "$(inputs.sa)" ], "class": "InitialWorkDirRequirement" } ], "baseCommand": [ "bwa", "mem" ], "inputs": [ { "type": "File", "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/amb" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/ann" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/bwt" }, { "type": "File", "label": "input fastq file to map (single-end or forward for pair-end)", "inputBinding": { "position": 2 }, "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/fastq_forward" }, { "type": [ "null", "File" ], "label": "input fastq file to map (reverse for pair-end)", "inputBinding": { "position": 3 }, "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/fastq_reverse" }, { "type": [ "null", "string" ], "label": "read group header line such as '@RG\tID:foo\tSM:bar'", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-R" }, "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/group_header_line" }, { "type": "File", "label": "fasta file for index basename", "inputBinding": { "position": 1 }, "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/index_base" }, { "type": "string", "label": "sam file to output results to", "default": "out.sam", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-o" }, "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/output_sam" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/pac" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/sa" }, { "type": "int", "label": "number of threads", "default": 4, "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-t" }, "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/threads" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_sam)" }, "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/output" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/stderr", "outputBinding": { "glob": "bwa-mem-stderr.log" } }, { "type": "File", "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl/stdout", "outputBinding": { "glob": "bwa-mem-stdout.log" } } ], "stdout": "bwa-mem-stdout.log", "stderr": "bwa-mem-stderr.log", "id": "#bwa-mem.cwl" }, { "class": "CommandLineTool", "doc": "string", "requirements": [ { "dockerPull": "quay.io/biocontainers/jellyfish:1.1.12--h2d50403_0", "class": "DockerRequirement" } ], "baseCommand": [ "jellyfish", "count" ], "inputs": [ { "type": "boolean", "label": "Count both strand, canonical representation", "default": true, "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-C" }, "id": "#jellyfish-count.cwl/both_strands" }, { "type": "File", "label": "fasta or fastq file", "inputBinding": { "position": 1 }, "id": "#jellyfish-count.cwl/input_file" }, { "type": "int", "label": "Length of mer", "default": 21, "inputBinding": { "prefix": "--mer-len" }, "id": "#jellyfish-count.cwl/mer_len" }, { "type": "string", "label": "Output prefix", "default": "reads.jf", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-o" }, "id": "#jellyfish-count.cwl/output" }, { "type": "int", "label": "Hash size", "default": 1000000000, "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-s" }, "id": "#jellyfish-count.cwl/size" }, { "type": "int", "label": "Number of threads", "default": 4, "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-t" }, "id": "#jellyfish-count.cwl/threads" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": [ "null", "File" ], "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output)_0" }, "id": "#jellyfish-count.cwl/kmer0" }, { "type": [ "null", "File" ], "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output)_1" }, "id": "#jellyfish-count.cwl/kmer1" }, { "type": { "type": "array", "items": "File" }, "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output)*" }, "id": "#jellyfish-count.cwl/kmers" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#jellyfish-count.cwl/stderr", "outputBinding": { "glob": "jellyfish-count-stderr.log" } }, { "type": "File", "id": "#jellyfish-count.cwl/stdout", "outputBinding": { "glob": "jellyfish-count-stdout.log" } } ], "stdout": "jellyfish-count-stdout.log", "stderr": "jellyfish-count-stderr.log", "id": "#jellyfish-count.cwl" }, { "class": "CommandLineTool", "doc": "string", "requirements": [ { "dockerPull": "quay.io/biocontainers/jellyfish:1.1.12--h2d50403_0", "class": "DockerRequirement" } ], "baseCommand": [ "jellyfish", "histo" ], "inputs": [ { "type": "File", "label": "jellyfish count output", "inputBinding": { "position": 1 }, "id": "#jellyfish-histo.cwl/kmer_db" }, { "type": "int", "default": 4, "label": "Number of threads", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-t" }, "id": "#jellyfish-histo.cwl/threads" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "File", "id": "#jellyfish-histo.cwl/stderr", "outputBinding": { "glob": "jellyfish-histo-stderr.log" } }, { "type": "File", "id": "#jellyfish-histo.cwl/stdout", "outputBinding": { "glob": "reads.histo" } } ], "stdout": "reads.histo", "stderr": "jellyfish-histo-stderr.log", "id": "#jellyfish-histo.cwl" }, { "class": "CommandLineTool", "doc": "string", "requirements": [ { "dockerPull": "quay.io/biocontainers/nanoplot:1.20.0--py36_0", "class": "DockerRequirement" } ], "baseCommand": "NanoPlot", "inputs": [ { "type": "File", "label": "sequence file", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "--fastq" }, "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/sequence" }, { "type": "int", "default": 2, "label": "Set the allowed number of threads to be used by the script", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-t" }, "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/threads" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "HistogramReadlength.png" }, "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/HistogramReadlength" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "LengthvsQualityScatterPlot_dot.png" }, "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/LengthvsQualityScatterPlot_dot" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "LengthvsQualityScatterPlot_kde.png" }, "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/LengthvsQualityScatterPlot_kde" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "LogTransformed_HistogramReadlength.png" }, "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/LogTransformed_HistogramReadlength" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "NanoPlot-report.html" }, "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/NanoPlot-report" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "NanoStats.txt" }, "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/NanoStats" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "Weighted_HistogramReadlength.png" }, "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/Weighted_HistogramReadlength" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "Weighted_LogTransformed_HistogramReadlength.png" }, "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/Weighted_LogTransformed_HistogramReadlength" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "Yield_By_Length.png" }, "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/Yield_By_Length" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/stderr", "outputBinding": { "glob": "nanoplot-stderr.log" } }, { "type": "File", "id": "#nanoplot.cwl/stdout", "outputBinding": { "glob": "nanoplot-stdout.log" } } ], "stdout": "nanoplot-stdout.log", "stderr": "nanoplot-stderr.log", "id": "#nanoplot.cwl" }, { "class": "CommandLineTool", "doc": "Pilon for hybrid genome assembly", "requirements": [ { "dockerPull": "quay.io/biocontainers/pilon:1.23--0", "class": "DockerRequirement" }, { "listing": [ { "entry": "$(inputs.aligned_bam)", "entryname": "$(inputs.aligned_bam.basename)" }, { "entry": "$(inputs.bam_index)", "entryname": "$(inputs.bam_index.basename)" } ], "class": "InitialWorkDirRequirement" } ], "baseCommand": [ "java" ], "arguments": [ { "position": -2, "valueFrom": "-jar" }, { "position": -1, "valueFrom": "/usr/local/share/pilon-1.23-0/pilon-1.23.jar" } ], "inputs": [ { "type": "File", "label": "A bam file of unknown type", "doc": "A bam file of unknown type; Pilon will scan it and attempt to classify it", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "--bam" }, "id": "#pilon.cwl/aligned_bam" }, { "type": "File", "label": "A bam file index", "id": "#pilon.cwl/bam_index" }, { "type": "File", "label": "genome fasta file to be polished", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "--genome" }, "id": "#pilon.cwl/genome_fasta" }, { "type": "string", "default": "14g", "label": "maximum memory size allocated for JVM", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-Xms", "separate": false, "position": -3 }, "id": "#pilon.cwl/java_heapsize" }, { "type": "string", "label": "Prefix for output files", "default": "worm.pilon", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "--output" }, "id": "#pilon.cwl/output_prefix" }, { "type": "int", "label": "Degree of parallelism to use for certain processing", "default": 4, "doc": "Degree of parallelism to use for certain processing (default 1). Experimental.", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "--threads" }, "id": "#pilon.cwl/threads" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).fasta" }, "id": "#pilon.cwl/fasta" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "*bam" }, "id": "#pilon.cwl/out_bam" }, { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "*bai" }, "id": "#pilon.cwl/out_bam_index" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#pilon.cwl/stderr", "outputBinding": { "glob": "pilon-stderr.log" } }, { "type": "File", "id": "#pilon.cwl/stdout", "outputBinding": { "glob": "pilon-stdout.log" } } ], "stdout": "pilon-stdout.log", "stderr": "pilon-stderr.log", "id": "#pilon.cwl" }, { "class": "CommandLineTool", "doc": "samtools index to create index for given bam file", "requirements": [ { "dockerPull": "quay.io/biocontainers/samtools:1.9--h8571acd_11", "class": "DockerRequirement" }, { "listing": [ "$(inputs.input_bamfile)" ], "class": "InitialWorkDirRequirement" } ], "baseCommand": [ "samtools", "index" ], "inputs": [ { "type": "File", "inputBinding": { "position": 1 }, "id": "#samtools-index.cwl/input_bamfile" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.input_bamfile.basename).bai" }, "id": "#samtools-index.cwl/bam_index" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#samtools-index.cwl/stderr", "outputBinding": { "glob": "samtools-index-stderr.log" } }, { "type": "File", "id": "#samtools-index.cwl/stdout", "outputBinding": { "glob": "samtools-index-stdout.log" } } ], "stdout": "samtools-index-stdout.log", "stderr": "samtools-index-stderr.log", "id": "#samtools-index.cwl" }, { "class": "CommandLineTool", "doc": "samtools sort, sort given bam file", "requirements": [ { "dockerPull": "quay.io/biocontainers/samtools:1.9--h8571acd_11", "class": "DockerRequirement" } ], "baseCommand": [ "samtools", "sort" ], "inputs": [ { "type": "File", "label": "Input bamfile", "inputBinding": { "position": 1 }, "id": "#samtools-sort.cwl/input_bamfile" }, { "type": "string", "default": "aln.sorted.bam", "label": "Write final output to FILENAME", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-o" }, "id": "#samtools-sort.cwl/output_bam" }, { "type": "int", "default": 4, "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-@" }, "id": "#samtools-sort.cwl/threads" }, { "type": "string", "default": "sort.tmp", "label": "Write temporary files to PREFIX.nnnn.bam", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-T" }, "id": "#samtools-sort.cwl/tmpfile" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_bam)" }, "id": "#samtools-sort.cwl/sorted_bam" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#samtools-sort.cwl/stderr", "outputBinding": { "glob": "samtools-sort-stderr.log" } }, { "type": "File", "id": "#samtools-sort.cwl/stdout", "outputBinding": { "glob": "samtools-sort-stdout.log" } } ], "stdout": "samtools-sort-stdout.log", "stderr": "samtools-sort-stderr.log", "id": "#samtools-sort.cwl" }, { "class": "CommandLineTool", "doc": "samtools view to convert sam format to bam format", "requirements": [ { "dockerPull": "quay.io/biocontainers/samtools:1.9--h8571acd_11", "class": "DockerRequirement" } ], "baseCommand": [ "samtools", "view" ], "inputs": [ { "type": [ "null", "string" ], "label": "Do not output alignments with any bits set in INT present in the FLAG field. INT can be specified in hex by beginning with `0x' (i.e. /^0x[0-9A-F]+/) or in octal by beginning with `0' (i.e. /^0[0-7]+/) [0].", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-F" }, "id": "#samtools-view.cwl/filter_alignments" }, { "type": "boolean", "label": "ignored for compatibility with previous samtools versions", "default": false, "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-S" }, "id": "#samtools-view.cwl/ignore_previous_version" }, { "type": "boolean", "label": "include the header in the output", "default": false, "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-h" }, "id": "#samtools-view.cwl/include_header" }, { "type": "File", "label": "input file", "inputBinding": { "position": 1 }, "id": "#samtools-view.cwl/input_file" }, { "type": "boolean", "label": "output BAM", "default": true, "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-b" }, "id": "#samtools-view.cwl/output_bam" }, { "type": "string", "label": "output file name", "default": "aln.bam", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-o" }, "id": "#samtools-view.cwl/output_filename" }, { "type": [ "null", "int" ], "label": "Skip alignments with MAPQ smaller than INT [0].", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-q" }, "id": "#samtools-view.cwl/skip_alignments" }, { "type": "int", "label": "Number of additional threads to use", "default": 4, "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-@" }, "id": "#samtools-view.cwl/threads" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_filename)" }, "id": "#samtools-view.cwl/bam" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#samtools-view.cwl/stderr", "outputBinding": { "glob": "samtools-view-stderr.log" } }, { "type": "File", "id": "#samtools-view.cwl/stdout", "outputBinding": { "glob": "samtools-view-stdout.log" } } ], "stdout": "samtools-view-stdout.log", "stderr": "samtools-view-stderr.log", "id": "#samtools-view.cwl" }, { "class": "CommandLineTool", "doc": "string", "requirements": [ { "dockerPull": "quay.io/inutano/wtdbg2:v2.2", "class": "DockerRequirement" } ], "baseCommand": "wtdbg2", "inputs": [ { "type": "string", "label": "Provide genome size, e.g. 100.4m, 2.3g. In this version, it is used with -X/--rdcov-cutoff in selecting reads just after readed all.", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "--genome-size" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/genome_size" }, { "type": "string", "label": "Prefix of output files (REQUIRED)", "default": "worm.wtdbg2", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-o" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/output_prefix" }, { "type": "boolean", "label": "Force to overwrite output files", "default": true, "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-f" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/overwrite" }, { "type": "File", "label": "Long reads sequences file (REQUIRED; can be multiple)", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-i" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/sequence" }, { "type": "int", "label": "Number of threads, 0 for all cores", "default": 0, "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-t" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/threads" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "File", "label": "Distribution of number of k-mers in a BIN", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).binkmer*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/binkmer" }, { "type": "File", "label": "Filtered BINs", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).closed_bins*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/closed_bins" }, { "type": "File", "label": "Reads clip information", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).clps*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/clps" }, { "type": "File", "label": "Contigs layout file. Will be read by wtdbg-cns. This file is the main result of wtdbg", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).ctg.lay*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/contig_layout" }, { "type": "File", "label": "DOT file for contigs", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).ctg.dot*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/dot_contig" }, { "type": "File", "label": "DOT file after merging bubble and remove tips", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).3.dot*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/dot_file_after_merging_bubble" }, { "type": "File", "label": "DOT file after transitive reduction", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).2.dot*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/dot_file_after_transitive_reduction" }, { "type": "File", "label": "DOT file for initialized graph", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).1.dot*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/dot_file_initialized_graph" }, { "type": "File", "label": "DOT file for unitigs", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).frg.dot*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/dot_unitigs" }, { "type": "File", "label": "Log file of graph simplification", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).events*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/events" }, { "type": "File", "label": "KBMAP file, all vs all alignments", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).alignments*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/kbmap" }, { "type": "File", "label": "Distribution of k-mer depth", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).kmerdep*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/kmerdep" }, { "type": "File", "label": "nodes and their positions in reads", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).1.nodes*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/nodes" }, { "type": "File", "label": "unitigs and their nodes", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).frg.nodes*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/nodes_unitigs" }, { "type": "File", "label": "reads and their nodes", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_prefix).1.reads*" }, "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/reads" }, { "type": "File", "label": "wtdbg print runtime information on progrom's STDERR stream. --quiet to disiable it", "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/stderr", "outputBinding": { "glob": "wtdbg2-stderr.log" } }, { "type": "File", "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl/stdout", "outputBinding": { "glob": "wtdbg2-stdout.log" } } ], "stdout": "wtdbg2-stdout.log", "stderr": "wtdbg2-stderr.log", "id": "#wtdbg2.cwl" }, { "class": "CommandLineTool", "doc": "string", "requirements": [ { "dockerPull": "quay.io/inutano/wtdbg2:v2.2", "class": "DockerRequirement" } ], "baseCommand": "wtpoa-cns", "inputs": [ { "type": "File", "label": "Input file(s) *.ctg.lay from wtdbg", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-i" }, "id": "#wtpoa-cns.cwl/input_contigs" }, { "type": "string", "default": "worm.wtdbg2.fa", "label": "Output files", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-o" }, "id": "#wtpoa-cns.cwl/output_filename" }, { "type": "boolean", "default": true, "label": "Force overwrite", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-f" }, "id": "#wtpoa-cns.cwl/overwrite" }, { "type": "int", "default": 32, "label": "Number of threads", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-t" }, "id": "#wtpoa-cns.cwl/threads" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "$(inputs.output_filename)" }, "id": "#wtpoa-cns.cwl/output_file" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#wtpoa-cns.cwl/stderr", "outputBinding": { "glob": "wtpoa-cns-stderr.log" } }, { "type": "File", "id": "#wtpoa-cns.cwl/stdout", "outputBinding": { "glob": "wtpoa-cns-stdout.log" } } ], "stdout": "wtpoa-cns-stdout.log", "stderr": "wtpoa-cns-stderr.log", "id": "#wtpoa-cns.cwl" }, { "class": "Workflow", "doc": "Animal Genome Assembly pipeline by Kazuharu Arakawa (@gaou_ak) without assembly step by canu, CWLized by Tazro Ohta (@inutano)", "requirements": [ { "class": "SubworkflowFeatureRequirement" } ], "inputs": [ { "type": "string", "id": "#main/ESTIMATED_GENOME_SIZE" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#main/INPUT_LONGREAD" }, { "type": "File", "id": "#main/INPUT_SHORTREAD" }, { "type": "int", "id": "#main/THREADS" } ], "steps": [ { "run": "#bbmap-stats.cwl", "in": [ { "source": "#main/INPUT_LONGREAD", "id": "#main/bbmap-stats-initial/input_fastq" } ], "out": [ "#main/bbmap-stats-initial/stats" ], "id": "#main/bbmap-stats-initial" }, { "run": "#bbmap-stats.cwl", "in": [ { "source": "#main/wtpoa-cns/output_file", "id": "#main/bbmap-stats-wtdbg2-contigs/input_fastq" } ], "out": [ "#main/bbmap-stats-wtdbg2-contigs/stats" ], "id": "#main/bbmap-stats-wtdbg2-contigs" }, { "run": "#hybrid_error_correction.cwl", "in": [ { "source": "#main/wtpoa-cns/output_file", "id": "#main/error_correction1/INPUT_FASTA" }, { "source": "#main/INPUT_SHORTREAD", "id": "#main/error_correction1/INPUT_SHORTREAD" }, { "source": "#main/THREADS", "id": "#main/error_correction1/THREADS" } ], "out": [ "#main/error_correction1/fasta" ], "id": "#main/error_correction1" }, { "run": "#hybrid_error_correction.cwl", "in": [ { "source": "#main/error_correction1/fasta", "id": "#main/error_correction2/INPUT_FASTA" }, { "source": "#main/INPUT_SHORTREAD", "id": 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