#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner # TODO: will need to implement some reasonable (and adjustable) filters class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 requirements: - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement inputs: gatk_jar: type: File doc: Jar executable of the GATK tool reference: type: File doc: reference human genome file indel_mode: type: string default: 'INDEL' snp_mode: type: string default: 'SNP' select_output_filename: type: string default: 'selected.indels.vcf' filter_expression: type: string default: "QD < 2.0 || FS > 200.0 || ReadPosRankSum < -20.0" filter_output_filename: type: string default: 'filtered.indels.vcf' snpf_genome: type: string snpf_nodownload: type: boolean snpf_data_dir: type: Directory resource_mills: type: File haplotest_vcf: type: File resource_hapmap: type: File resource_omni: type: File resource_dbsnp: type: File snpeff_java_mem_opts: type: string[]? outputs: annotated_indels: type: File outputSource: snpeff_indels/annotated_vcf steps: select_indels: run: ../../tools/GATK-SelectVariants.cwl in: gatk_jar: gatk_jar raw_vcf: haplotest_vcf reference: reference select_type: indel_mode output_filename: select_output_filename out: [output_File] filter_indels: run: ../../tools/GATK-VariantFiltration.cwl in: gatk_jar: gatk_jar indels_vcf: select_indels/output_File reference: reference filter_expression: filter_expression output_filename: filter_output_filename out: [ output_File ] snpeff_indels: run: ../../tools/snpEff.cwl in: genome: snpf_genome variant_calling_file: filter_indels/output_File nodownload: snpf_nodownload data_dir: snpf_data_dir java_mem_opts: snpeff_java_mem_opts out: [ annotated_vcf ]