dct:creator: "@id": "sbg" foaf:name: SevenBridges foaf:mbox: "mailto:support@sbgenomics.com" $namespaces: sbg: https://sevenbridges.com dct: http://purl.org/dc/terms/ foaf: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 doc: "This workflow represents the GATK Best Practices for SNP and INDEL calling on\ \ DNA data.\n\nStarting from a processed **BAM** file, the workflow performs variant\ \ calling with respect to the reference genome. Depending on **HaplotypeCaller's**\ \ output file type (**VCF** or **g.VCF**, the resulting file of this workflow can\ \ be used as a stand alone result for single-sample analysis, or as one of the cohort\ \ files downstream joint calling analysis. On the GATK website you can find more\ \ detailed information about calling germline variants for single sample or joint\ \ calling analysis [1].\n\n### Common Use Cases\n\n* The **haplotypecaller-gvcf-gatk4**\ \ (original WDL name) workflow [1] runs the **HaplotypeCaller** tool from GATK4\ \ in GVCF mode on a single sample according to GATK Best Practices. \n* To run HaplotypeCaller\ \ in a mode appropriate for joint calling analysis, one needs to set (`--emit_ref_confidence`)\ \ parameter to GVCF. \n* When executed, the workflow scatters the **HaplotypeCaller**\ \ tool over the **Calling intervals** file (`--in_intervals`). \n* The resulting\ \ g.VCF files are merged with **GATK MergeVCF**. \n* The output file produced will\ \ be a single g.VCF file which can be further processed in joint-discovery workflow.\ \ \n* By default, the output file is compressed with gzip, leading to a G.VCF.GZ\ \ extension.\n\n* This workflow can also be used for single sample analysis. For\ \ that purpose, it produces a VCF file which is obtained by setting (the `--emit_ref_confidence`)\ \ parameter to NONE. \n\n\n### Changes Introduced by Seven Bridges\n\n* The original\ \ **Generic germline variant per-sample calling** WDL implementation has a step\ \ called **CramToBamTask** which accepts CRAM files and converts them to BAM files\ \ with **samtools view**, while also indexing them. In this CWL implementation,\ \ this step is skipped as **GATK HaplotypeCaller** has the option to work with CRAM\ \ files. Keep in mind that CRAM files need to be indexed. \n\n* To enable scattering\ \ of **GATK Haplotypecallier** tool, we have introduced the **GATK IntervalListTool**,\ \ solution given in **GATK Production Germline short variant per-sample calling**\ \ [2]. \n\n### Common Issues and Important Notes\n\n* The **HaplotypeCaller** app\ \ uses **Intervals list** to restrict processing to specific genomic intervals.\ \ You can set the **Scatter count** value in order to split **Intervals list** into\ \ smaller intervals. **HaplotypeCaller** processes these intervals in parallel,\ \ which can significantly reduce workflow execution time in some cases.\n\n* The\ \ workflow accepts multiple flowcell BAMs on input, however, they must all share\ \ the same sample ID. Otherwise, some GATK tools will fail.\n\n* Running a **batch\ \ task**: Batching is performed by **Sample ID** metadata field on the **Aligned\ \ and Processed BAM** input port. For running analyses in batches, it is necessary\ \ to set **Sample ID** metadata for each **Processed and aligned BAM** file.\n\n\ ### Performance Benchmarking\n \n| BAM Input size | Experiment\ \ type | Coverage | Duration | Cost | Instance |\n|-----------------------|-----------------\ \ |------------ |-------------|--------|--------------|\n| 55.8GiB \ \ | WGS (scatter count = 20) | ~50x | 17h 35min\ \ | $9.42 | c4.2xlarge |\n| 55.8GiB | WGS (scatter\ \ count = 80) | ~50x | 10h 32min | $5.64 | c4.2xlarge\ \ |\n| 24.6GiB | WGS (scatter count = 80) | ~10x \ \ | 4h 12min | $2.25 | c4.2xlarge |\n| 3.5GiB \ \ | WES (scatter count = 1) | ~70x | 17min \ \ | $0.16 | c4.2xlarge |\n| 1.9GiB | WES \ \ (scatter count = 1) | ~40x | 11min | $0.11 \ \ | c4.2xlarge | \n| 1.1GiB | WES (scatter count =\ \ 1) | ~20x | 9min | $0.08 | c4.2xlarge | \n\ | 434MiB | WES (scatter count = 1) | ~10x \ \ | 6min | $0.06 | c4.2xlarge | \n\n\n\n### API Python\ \ Implementation\nThe app's draft task can also be submitted via the **API**. In\ \ order to learn how to get your **Authentication token** and **API endpoint** for\ \ corresponding platform visit our [documentation](https://github.com/sbg/sevenbridges-python#authentication-and-configuration).\n\ \n```python\n# Initialize the SBG Python API\nfrom sevenbridges import Api\napi\ \ = Api(token=\"enter_your_token\", url=\"enter_api_endpoint\")\nproject_id = \"\ your_username/project\"\napp_id = \"your_username/project/app\"\n# Replace inputs\ \ with appropriate values\ninputs = {\n \"in_reference\": api.files.query(project=project_id,\ \ names=[\"Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta\"])[0], \n\t\"in_alignments\": list(api.files.query(project=project_id,\ \ names=[\"HCC1143BL_WES_1.processed.bam\"])), \n\t\"in_intervals\": list(api.files.query(project=project_id,\ \ names=[\"wgs_calling_regions.hg38.interval_list\"]))}\n\n# Creates draft task\n\ task = api.tasks.create(name=\"GATK Best Practice Germline snps and indels\ \ - API Run\", project=project_id, app=app_id, inputs=inputs, run=False)\n```\n\n\ Instructions for installing and configuring the API Python client, are provided\ \ on [github](https://github.com/sbg/sevenbridges-python#installation). For more\ \ information about using the API Python client, consult [the client documentation](http://sevenbridges-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).\ \ **More examples** are available [here](https://github.com/sbg/okAPI).\n\nAdditionally,\ \ [API R](https://github.com/sbg/sevenbridges-r) and [API Java](https://github.com/sbg/sevenbridges-java)\ \ clients are available. To learn more about using these API clients please refer\ \ to the [API R client documentation](https://sbg.github.io/sevenbridges-r/), and\ \ [API Java client documentation](https://docs.sevenbridges.com/docs/java-library-quickstart).\n\ \n### References\n\n[1] [Broad germline SNPS and INDELS](https://github.com/gatk-workflows/gatk4-germline-snps-indels)\n\ \n[2] [Broad Producion WGS germline SNPs and INDELs](https://github.com/gatk-workflows/broad-prod-wgs-germline-snps-indels)" id: nens/gatk-best-practice-generic-germline-short-variant-per-sample-calling-4-1-0-0-demo/gatk-best-practice-generic-germline-short-variant-per-sample-cal/6 inputs: - doc: Reference FASTA file. id: in_reference label: Reference sbg:fileTypes: FASTA, FA sbg:x: -566.26904296875 sbg:y: -155.61929321289062 secondaryFiles: - .fai - ^.dict type: File - doc: Aligned and processed BAM that has to match reference file provided on the *Reference* input. id: in_alignments label: Aligned and Processed BAM sbg:fileTypes: BAM, SAM, CRAM sbg:x: -553.3858032226562 sbg:y: 29.294416427612305 secondaryFiles: - ^.bai type: File[] - doc: Fraction of contamination to aggressively remove. id: contamination_fraction_to_filter label: Fraction of contamination sbg:exposed: true type: float? - doc: Mode for emitting reference confidence scores. id: emit_ref_confidence label: Emitting reference confidence scores sbg:exposed: true type: - 'null' - name: emit_ref_confidence symbols: - NONE - BP_RESOLUTION - GVCF type: enum - doc: File format of the resulting VCF file. id: output_file_format label: File format sbg:exposed: true type: - 'null' - name: output_file_format symbols: - vcf - bcf - vcf.gz type: enum - doc: Which type of calls we should output. id: output_mode label: Output mode sbg:exposed: true type: - 'null' - name: output_mode symbols: - EMIT_VARIANTS_ONLY - EMIT_ALL_CONFIDENT_SITES - EMIT_ALL_SITES type: enum - doc: Extension of the HaplotypeCaller's resulting VCF file - gzipped or not. id: output_extension label: HaplotypeCaller's resulting VCF file extension sbg:exposed: true type: - 'null' - name: output_extension symbols: - vcf - vcf.gz type: enum - doc: File with intervals that should be considered for variant calling. This file can be obtained from BED file using GATK BedToIntervalList. id: in_intervals label: Calling intervals sbg:fileTypes: VCF, INTERVAL_LIST sbg:x: -743 sbg:y: -345 type: File[] - doc: Interval list naming - unique or not id: unique label: Interval list naming options sbg:exposed: true type: boolean? - doc: Mode for scattering of the interval-list. id: subdivision_mode label: Scattering mode sbg:exposed: true type: - 'null' - name: subdivision_mode symbols: - INTERVAL_SUBDIVISION - BALANCING_WITHOUT_INTERVAL_SUBDIVISION - BALANCING_WITHOUT_INTERVAL_SUBDIVISION_WITH_OVERFLOW - INTERVAL_COUNT type: enum - doc: Sort the resulting interval list by coordinate. id: sort label: Sort interval list by coordinate sbg:exposed: true type: boolean? - doc: The number of files into which to scatter the resulting list by locus. id: scatter_count label: Scatter count sbg:exposed: true type: int? - doc: Create a new interval list with the original intervals broken up at integer multiples of this value. id: break_bands_at_multiples_of label: Redefine scatter intervals sbg:exposed: true type: int? - doc: CPU per job. id: cpu_per_job label: CPU per job sbg:exposed: true type: int? - doc: Memory per job. id: mem_per_job label: Memory per job sbg:exposed: true type: int? label: Broad Best Practice Germline snps and indels variant calling outputs: - doc: Merged VCF file. id: out_variants label: VCF file outputSource: - gatk_mergevcfs_4_1_0_0/out_variants sbg:fileTypes: VCF, VCF.GZ, BCF sbg:x: 17 sbg:y: -190 type: File? requirements: - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement sbg:appVersion: - v1.0 sbg:categories: - Genomics - Variant Calling sbg:content_hash: a5b1fadf1920aae9697b44426ded316b073abd70545438658ba98bf40eeb95582 sbg:contributors: - nens sbg:createdBy: nens sbg:createdOn: 1565797611 sbg:id: nens/gatk-best-practice-generic-germline-short-variant-per-sample-calling-4-1-0-0-demo/gatk-best-practice-generic-germline-short-variant-per-sample-cal/6 sbg:image_url: https://igor.sbgenomics.com/ns/brood/images/nens/gatk-best-practice-generic-germline-short-variant-per-sample-calling-4-1-0-0-demo/gatk-best-practice-generic-germline-short-variant-per-sample-cal/6.png sbg:latestRevision: 6 sbg:license: BSD 3-Clause License sbg:links: - id: https://github.com/gatk-workflows/gatk4-germline-snps-indels label: Homepage - id: https://github.com/gatk-workflows/gatk4-germline-snps-indels/blob/master/haplotypecaller-gvcf-gatk4.wdl label: Source Code - id: https://github.com/broadinstitute/gatk/releases/download/ label: Download - id: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=20644199 label: Publication - id: https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/documentation/tooldocs/current/ label: Documentation sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1573052212 sbg:project: nens/gatk-best-practice-generic-germline-short-variant-per-sample-calling-4-1-0-0-demo sbg:projectName: GATK Best Practice Generic germline short variant per-sample calling - DEMO sbg:publisher: sbg sbg:revision: 6 sbg:revisionNotes: dev v36 - with requirements for cwltool sbg:revisionsInfo: - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1565797611 sbg:revision: 0 sbg:revisionNotes: null - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1565797659 sbg:revision: 1 sbg:revisionNotes: v25 dev - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1568624787 sbg:revision: 2 sbg:revisionNotes: v32 - dev - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1570714260 sbg:revision: 3 sbg:revisionNotes: secondary files added - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1570806429 sbg:revision: 4 sbg:revisionNotes: Description update - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1570807662 sbg:revision: 5 sbg:revisionNotes: Description improved - performance benchmarking results addd - sbg:modifiedBy: nens sbg:modifiedOn: 1573052212 sbg:revision: 6 sbg:revisionNotes: dev v36 - with requirements for cwltool sbg:sbgMaintained: false sbg:toolAuthor: Broad Institute sbg:validationErrors: [] sbg:wrapperAuthor: nevena.ilic.raicevic@sbgenomics.com steps: gatk_haplotypecaller_4_1_0_0: in: - id: contamination_fraction_to_filter source: contamination_fraction_to_filter - id: emit_ref_confidence source: emit_ref_confidence - id: in_alignments source: - in_alignments - id: include_intervals source: gatk_intervallisttools_4_1_0_0/output_interval_list - id: mem_per_job source: mem_per_job - id: output_mode source: output_mode - id: in_reference source: in_reference - id: cpu_per_job source: cpu_per_job - id: output_extension source: output_extension label: GATK HaplotypeCaller out: - id: out_variants - id: out_alignments - id: out_graph run: steps/gatk_haplotypecaller_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: -349 sbg:y: -162 scatter: - include_intervals scatterMethod: dotproduct gatk_intervallisttools_4_1_0_0: in: - id: break_bands_at_multiples_of source: break_bands_at_multiples_of - id: in_intervals source: - in_intervals - id: scatter_count source: scatter_count - id: sort source: sort - id: subdivision_mode source: subdivision_mode - default: false id: unique source: unique label: GATK IntervalListTools out: - id: output_interval_list run: steps/gatk_intervallisttools_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: -584 sbg:y: -342 gatk_mergevcfs_4_1_0_0: in: - id: in_variants source: - gatk_haplotypecaller_4_1_0_0/out_variants - id: output_file_format source: output_file_format label: GATK MergeVcfs out: - id: out_variants run: steps/gatk_mergevcfs_4_1_0_0.cwl sbg:x: -156 sbg:y: -192