cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: InlineJavascriptRequirement: {} hints: DockerRequirement: dockerPull: rabix/lobstr inputs: p1: doc: list of files containing the first end of paired end reads in fasta or fastq format type: File[]? p2: doc: list of files containing the second end of paired end reads in fasta or fastq format type: File[]? output_prefix: doc: prefix for output files. will output prefix.aligned.bam and prefix.aligned.stats type: string reference: doc: lobSTR's bwa reference files type: File secondaryFiles: - .amb - .ann - .bwt - .pac - .rbwt - .rpac - .rsa - .sa - ${return self.basename.replace(/(.*)ref\.fasta/, "$");} - ${return self.basename.replace(/(.*)ref\.fasta/, "$1mergedref.bed");} - ${return self.basename.replace(/(.*)ref\.fasta/, "$");} rg-sample: doc: Use this in the read group SM tag type: string rg-lib: doc: Use this in the read group LB tag type: string strinfo: doc: File containing statistics for each STR. type: File noise_model: doc: File to read noise model parameters from (.stepmodel) type: File secondaryFiles: - ^.stuttermodel steps: lobSTR: run: lobSTR-tool.cwl out: - bam - bam_stats in: p1: p1 p2: p2 output_prefix: output_prefix reference: reference rg-sample: rg-sample rg-lib: rg-lib samsort: run: samtools-sort.cwl out: - output_file in: input: lobSTR/bam output_name: default: aligned.sorted.bam samindex: run: samtools-index.cwl out: - bam_with_bai in: input: samsort/output_file allelotype: run: allelotype.cwl out: - vcf - vcf_stats in: bam: samindex/bam_with_bai reference: reference output_prefix: output_prefix noise_model: noise_model strinfo: strinfo outputs: bam: type: File outputSource: samindex/bam_with_bai bam_stats: type: File outputSource: lobSTR/bam_stats vcf: type: File outputSource: allelotype/vcf vcf_stats: type: File outputSource: allelotype/vcf_stats