cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow label: functional analysis prediction with InterProScan requirements: - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement - class: SchemaDefRequirement types: - $import: ../tools/esl-reformat-replace.yaml - $import: ../tools/InterProScan-apps.yaml - $import: ../tools/InterProScan-protein_formats.yaml inputs: go_summary_config: File predicted_CDS: File outputs: functional_annotations: type: File outputSource: combine_annotations/result go_summary: type: File outputSource: summarize_with_GO/go_summary go_summary_slim: type: File outputSource: summarize_with_GO/go_summary_slim steps: remove_asterisks_and_reformat: run: ../tools/esl-reformat.cwl in: sequences: predicted_CDS replace: { default: { find: '*', replace: X } } out: [ reformatted_sequences ] chunk_inputs: run: ../tools/fasta_chunker.cwl in: seqs: remove_asterisks_and_reformat/reformatted_sequences chunk_size: { default: 10000 } out: [ chunks ] functional_analysis: doc: | Matches are generated against predicted CDS, using a sub set of databases (Pfam, TIGRFAM, PRINTS, PROSITE patterns, Gene3d) from InterPro. run: ../tools/InterProScan5.21-60.cwl in: proteinFile: chunk_inputs/chunks applications: default: - Pfam - TIGRFAM - PRINTS - ProSitePatterns - Gene3D scatter: proteinFile out: [i5Annotations] combine_annotations: run: ../tools/concatenate.cwl in: files: functional_analysis/i5Annotations out: [ result ] summarize_with_GO: doc: | A summary of Gene Ontology (GO) terms derived from InterPro matches to the sample. It is generated using a reduced list of GO terms called GO slim ( run: ../tools/go_summary.cwl in: InterProScan_results: combine_annotations/result config: go_summary_config out: [ go_summary, go_summary_slim ] $namespaces: edam: s: $schemas: - s:license: "" s:copyrightHolder: "EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute"