$namespaces: arv: "http://arvados.org/cwl#" cwltool: "http://commonwl.org/cwltool#" cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow # input the script, the array of ROH files and a multisample vcf and scatter # the ROH calculations then combine the results (vcf, sample, hets in ROH, all hets, # tab separated) to a single output file # Before running on Arvados the files needed must be in keep, and a yaml with the file array generated. requirements: - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement inputs: - id: script type: File - id: ROH_chr type: File[] - id: vcf_file type: File - id: sample_mapping type: File steps: - id: ROH_calc scatter: - filein_ROH run: ../../tools/roh_comparison/ROH_comparison.cwl in: script: script filein_ROH: ROH_chr filein_VCF: vcf_file sample_mapping: sample_mapping out: [output1] - id: ROH_combine run: ../../tools/roh_comparison/ROH_combine.cwl in: files: ROH_calc/output1 out: [output1] outputs: - id: stats type: File outputSource: [ROH_combine/output1]