class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 label: "SC w/ Evaluation" doc: "Serial combination of KnowEnG tools" inputs: - id: network_file label: "Network File" doc: "gene-gene network of interactions in edge format" type: File - id: genomic_file label: "Genomic Spreadsheet File" doc: "spreadsheet of genomic data with samples as columns and genes as rows" type: File - id: num_clusters label: "Number of clusters" doc: "number of subtypes to divide the samples into" type: int - id: num_bootstraps label: "Number of bootstraps" doc: "number of times to sample the data and repeat the analysis" type: int - id: pheno_file label: "Phenotypic File" doc: "spreadsheet of phenotypic data with samples as rows and phenotypes as columns" type: File steps: clustering: run: sc_runner.cwl in: network_file: network_file genomic_file: genomic_file num_bootstraps: num_bootstraps num_clusters: num_clusters out: - samples_label_by_cluster_list clus_eval: run: ce_runner.cwl in: cluster_map: clustering/samples_label_by_cluster_list pheno_file: pheno_file out: - clust_eval_table outputs: sc_clus_map_out: outputSource: clustering/samples_label_by_cluster_list type: File ce_table_out: outputSource: clus_eval/clust_eval_table type: File