cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow doc: | This workflow compares two groups of sequences by running two steps: \n 1. a MSA aligment to calculate a distance matrix \n 2. generate and plot a phylogenetic tree annotated by group labels \n \n For more information please see: \n inputs: fasta_1: type: File doc: | Protein / DNA / RNA sequences of first group in fasta format. fasta_2: type: File doc: | Protein / DNA / RNA sequences of second group in fasta format. group_name_1: type: string default: "group1" doc: | Name of first group. group_name_2: type: string default: "group2" doc: | Name of second group. msa_method: type: type: enum symbols: - ClustalW - ClustalOmega - Muscle default: "ClustalW" doc: | Which multiple sequence alignment algorithm to use. One of "ClustalW", "ClustalOmega", or "Muscle". For more information see: seq_type: type: type: enum symbols: - protein - dna - rna default: "protein" doc: | The type of sequence. One of "protein", "dna", or "rna". homology_method: type: type: enum symbols: - identity - similarity default: "identity" doc: | Which distance measure to use. Either "similarity" or "identity". tree_color_by_group: type: boolean default: True doc: | Whether to color the phylogenetic tree by group. steps: calc_msa_and_dist_mat: # doc: samtools sort - sorting of filtered bam file by read name run: "../tools/calc_msa_and_dist_mat.cwl" in: fasta_1: fasta_1 fasta_2: fasta_2 group_name_1: group_name_1 group_name_2: group_name_2 msa_method: msa_method seq_type: seq_type homology_method: homology_method out: - dist_tsv - dist_rds generate_tree_and_visualize: # doc: bedtools bamtobed run: "../tools/generate_tree_and_visualize.cwl" in: dist_rds: source: calc_msa_and_dist_mat/dist_rds tree_color_by_group: tree_color_by_group out: - tree_plot outputs: dist_tsv: type: File outputSource: calc_msa_and_dist_mat/dist_tsv tree_plot: type: File outputSource: generate_tree_and_visualize/tree_plot