#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 inputs: reference: label: "Reference type to map data to" type: string matrix: label: "h5 matrix containing raw counts" type: File secondary-analysis-matrix: label: "h5 matrix to save annotations to" type: File outputs: azimuth_annotated_h5ad: outputSource: write_metadata/annotated_matrix type: File label: "final secondary analysis matrix with all labels and metadata" steps: azimuth: run: steps/azimuth-annotate.cwl in: reference: source: reference matrix: source: matrix secondary_analysis_matrix: source: secondary-analysis-matrix out: - annotated_matrix - version_metadata - annotations_csv write_metadata: run: steps/write-metadata.cwl in: secondary_analysis_matrix: source: azimuth/annotated_matrix annotations_csv: source: azimuth/annotations_csv version_metadata: source: azimuth/version_metadata out: - annotated_matrix