#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow label: "joint genotyping for trios or small cohorts" requirements: - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement - class: SchemaDefRequirement types: - $import: ../types/vep_custom_annotation.yml - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement inputs: reference: type: - string - File secondaryFiles: [.fai, ^.dict] gvcfs: type: File[] intervals: type: type: array items: type: array items: string doc: "intervals used to parallelize genotyping. Example: [[chr1],[chr2],[chr3],[chr4,chr5]]" vep_cache_dir: type: - string - Directory vep_ensembl_assembly: type: string doc: "genome assembly to use in vep. Examples: GRCh38 or GRCm38" vep_ensembl_version: type: string doc: "ensembl version - Must be present in the cache directory. Example: 95" vep_ensembl_species: type: string doc: "ensembl species - Must be present in the cache directory. Examples: homo_sapiens or mus_musculus" vep_plugins: type: string[] default: [Frameshift, Wildtype] synonyms_file: type: File? annotate_coding_only: type: boolean? vep_custom_annotations: type: ../types/vep_custom_annotation.yml#vep_custom_annotation[] doc: "custom type, check types directory for input format" roi_intervals: type: File doc: "region of interest interval list file, used to limit called variants in final filtered output files" variants_to_table_fields: type: string[]? default: ['CHROM','POS','ID','REF','ALT'] variants_to_table_genotype_fields: type: string[]? vep_to_table_fields: type: string[]? final_tsv_prefix: type: string? default: 'variants' filter_gnomAD_maximum_population_allele_frequency: type: float default: 0.05 outputs: raw_vcf: type: File outputSource: merge_vcfs/merged_vcf secondaryFiles: [.tbi] final_vcf: type: File outputSource: filter_vcf/final_vcf secondaryFiles: [.tbi] filtered_vcf: type: File outputSource: filter_vcf/filtered_vcf secondaryFiles: [.tbi] vep_summary: type: File outputSource: annotate_variants/vep_summary final_tsv: type: File outputSource: set_final_tsv_name/replacement filtered_tsv: type: File outputSource: set_filtered_tsv_name/replacement steps: combine_gvcfs: run: ../tools/combine_gvcfs.cwl in: reference: reference gvcfs: gvcfs out: [gvcf] genotype_gvcf: scatter: [intervals] run: ../tools/gatk_genotypegvcfs.cwl in: reference: reference gvcfs: source: [combine_gvcfs/gvcf] linkMerge: merge_flattened intervals: intervals out: [genotype_vcf] merge_vcfs: run: ../tools/picard_merge_vcfs.cwl in: vcfs: genotype_gvcf/genotype_vcf out: [merged_vcf] annotate_variants: run: ../tools/vep.cwl in: vcf: merge_vcfs/merged_vcf cache_dir: vep_cache_dir ensembl_assembly: vep_ensembl_assembly ensembl_version: vep_ensembl_version ensembl_species: vep_ensembl_species synonyms_file: synonyms_file coding_only: annotate_coding_only reference: reference custom_annotations: vep_custom_annotations plugins: vep_plugins out: [annotated_vcf, vep_summary] bgzip_index_annotated_vcf: run: bgzip_and_index.cwl in: vcf: annotate_variants/annotated_vcf out: [indexed_vcf] filter_vcf: run: germline_filter_vcf.cwl in: annotated_vcf: annotate_variants/annotated_vcf filter_gnomAD_maximum_population_allele_frequency: filter_gnomAD_maximum_population_allele_frequency gnomad_field_name: source: vep_custom_annotations valueFrom: | ${ if(self){ for(var i=0; i