#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner class: Workflow id: bam2gvcf-woBQSR-female-chrX-wXTR label: bam2gvcf-woBQSR-female-chrX-wXTR cwlVersion: v1.0 $namespaces: edam: 'http://edamontology.org/' requirements: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement: {} inputs: reference: type: File format: edam:format_1929 doc: FastA file for reference genom secondaryFiles: - .amb - .ann - .bwt - .pac - .sa - .fai - ^.dict RG_ID: type: string doc: Read group identifier (ID) in RG line RG_PL: type: string doc: Platform/technology used to produce the read (PL) in RG line RG_PU: type: string doc: Platform Unit (PU) in RG line RG_LB: type: string doc: DNA preparation library identifier (LB) in RG line RG_SM: type: string doc: Sample (SM) identifier in RG line bam_files: type: File[] format: edam:format_2572 doc: array of input BAM alignment files (each file should be sorted) nthreads: type: int doc: number of cpu cores to be used outprefix: type: string doc: Output prefix name chrXY_outprefix: type: string doc: Output prefix name for chrXY steps: picard_MarkDuplicates: label: picard_MarkDuplicates doc: Merge BAM files and remove duplicates run: ../Tools/picard-MarkDuplicates.cwl in: bam_files: bam_files outprefix: outprefix out: [out_bam, out_metrics, log] samtools_extract_chrXY_unmap: label: samtools_extract_chrXY_unmap doc: Extract reads mapped on chrXY or unmapped run: ../Tools/samtools-extract-chrXY+unmap.cwl in: in_bam: picard_MarkDuplicates/out_bam nthreads: nthreads outprefix: chrXY_outprefix out: [chrXY_fastq] bwa_mem_SE_wXTR: label: bwa_mem_SE doc: Map single-end reads run: ../Tools/bwa-mem-SE.cwl in: reference: reference RG_ID: RG_ID RG_PL: RG_PL RG_PU: RG_PU RG_LB: RG_LB RG_SM: RG_SM fq: samtools_extract_chrXY_unmap/chrXY_fastq nthreads: nthreads outprefix: chrXY_outprefix out: [sam, log] picard_SortSam_wXTR: label: picard_SortSam_wXTR doc: Sort sam file and save as bam file run: ../Tools/picard-SortSam.cwl in: sam: bwa_mem_SE_wXTR/sam outprefix: chrXY_outprefix out: [bam, log] picard_MarkDuplicates_wXTR: label: picard_MarkDuplicates_wXTR doc: Merge BAM files and remove duplicates run: ../Tools/picard-MarkDuplicates-singleBam.cwl in: bam_file: picard_SortSam_wXTR/bam outprefix: chrXY_outprefix out: [out_bam, out_metrics, log] gatk3_HaplotypeCaller_X_ploidy2: label: gatk3_HaplotypeCaller_X_ploidy2 doc: Haplotype calling using GATK3 for chrX region with ploidy=2 run: ../Tools/gatk3-HaplotypeCaller-X-ploidy2.cwl in: in_bam: picard_MarkDuplicates_wXTR/out_bam nthreads: nthreads reference: reference outprefix: chrXY_outprefix out: [vcf, log] outputs: rmdup_bam: type: File format: edam:format_2572 outputSource: picard_MarkDuplicates/out_bam secondaryFiles: - ^.bai rmdup_metrics: type: File outputSource: picard_MarkDuplicates/out_metrics rmdup_log: type: File outputSource: picard_MarkDuplicates/log samtools_extract_chrXY_unmap_chrXY_fastq: type: File format: edam:format_1930 outputSource: samtools_extract_chrXY_unmap/chrXY_fastq bwa_mem_SE_wXTR_sam: type: File format: edam:format_2573 outputSource: bwa_mem_SE_wXTR/sam bwa_mem_SE_wXTR_log: type: File outputSource: bwa_mem_SE_wXTR/log picard_SortSam_wXTR_bam: type: File format: edam:format_2572 outputSource: picard_SortSam_wXTR/bam picard_SortSam_wXTR_log: type: File outputSource: picard_SortSam_wXTR/log picard_MarkDuplicates_wXTR_bam: type: File format: edam:format_2572 outputSource: picard_MarkDuplicates_wXTR/out_bam secondaryFiles: - ^.bai picard_MarkDuplicates_wXTR_metrics: type: File outputSource: picard_MarkDuplicates_wXTR/out_metrics picard_MarkDuplicates_wXTR_log: type: File outputSource: picard_MarkDuplicates_wXTR/log gatk3_HaplotypeCaller_X_ploidy2_vcf: type: File format: edam:format_3016 outputSource: gatk3_HaplotypeCaller_X_ploidy2/vcf secondaryFiles: - .tbi gatk3_HaplotypeCaller_log: type: File outputSource: gatk3_HaplotypeCaller_X_ploidy2/log