$graph: - baseCommand: stage-in arguments: ['-t', './'] class: CommandLineTool hints: DockerRequirement: dockerPull: eoepca/stage-in:0.7 id: stagein inputs: inp1: inputBinding: position: 1 prefix: -u type: string inp2: inputBinding: position: 2 prefix: -p type: string inp3: inputBinding: position: 3 type: string[] outputs: results: outputBinding: glob: . type: Any requirements: EnvVarRequirement: envDef: PATH: /opt/anaconda/envs/env_stagein/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin ResourceRequirement: {} stderr: std.err stdout: std.out - class: Workflow label: Instac stage-in doc: Stage-in using Instac id: main inputs: input_reference: doc: A reference to an opensearch catalog label: A reference to an opensearch catalog type: string[] store_username: type: string store_apikey: type: string outputs: - id: wf_outputs outputSource: - node_1/results type: items: Directory type: array steps: node_1: in: inp1: store_username inp2: store_apikey inp3: input_reference out: - results run: '#stagein' cwlVersion: v1.0