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[ "python", "/pattern_parse.py" ], "doc": "Parse text using `pattern `_.\n\nDoes tokenization, lemmatization and part of speech tagging. The default language is English, but other languages can be specified (``--language [en|es|de|fr|it|nl]``).\n\nOutput is `saf `_.\n", "requirements": [ { "class": "DockerRequirement", "dockerPull": "nlppln/pattern-docker" } ], "inputs": [ { "type": "File", "inputBinding": { "position": 1 }, "id": "#pattern.cwl/in_file" }, { "type": [ "null", "string" ], "default": "en", "inputBinding": { "prefix": "-l" }, "id": "#pattern.cwl/language" } ], "outputs": [ { "type": "File", "outputBinding": { "glob": "*.json" }, "id": "#pattern.cwl/out_files" } ], "id": "#pattern.cwl" } ] }