#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 label: Vardict Somatic Variant Caller requirements: - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement inputs: - id: normal_bam type: File secondaryFiles: - .bai - id: tumor_bam type: File secondaryFiles: - .bai - id: normal_name type: string - id: tumor_name type: string - id: intervals type: File - id: allele_freq_threshold type: float default: 0.05 - id: header_lines type: File - id: reference type: File secondaryFiles: - .fai - .amb - .ann - .bwt - .pac - .sa - ^.dict - id: vardict_chromNamesAreNumbers doc: Indicate the chromosome names are just numbers, such as 1, 2, not chr1, chr2 type: boolean default: true - id: vardict_vcfFormat doc: VCF format output type: boolean default: true - id: vardict_chromColumn doc: The column for chromosome type: int default: 1 - id: vardict_regStartCol doc: The column for region start, e.g. gene start type: int default: 2 - id: vardict_geneEndCol doc: The column for region end, e.g. gene end type: int default: 3 - id: compressvcf_stdout doc: 'c: Write to standard output, keep original files unchanged.' type: boolean default: true outputs: - id: variants type: File secondaryFiles: - .tbi outputSource: tabixvcf/out - id: out type: File outputSource: filterpass/out steps: - id: vardict label: Vardict (Somatic) in: - id: tumorBam source: tumor_bam - id: normalBam source: normal_bam - id: intervals source: intervals - id: reference source: reference - id: tumorName source: tumor_name - id: normalName source: normal_name - id: alleleFreqThreshold source: allele_freq_threshold - id: chromNamesAreNumbers source: vardict_chromNamesAreNumbers - id: chromColumn source: vardict_chromColumn - id: geneEndCol source: vardict_geneEndCol - id: regStartCol source: vardict_regStartCol - id: vcfFormat source: vardict_vcfFormat run: vardict_somatic_1_6_0.cwl out: - id: out - id: annotate label: 'BCFTools: Annotate' in: - id: vcf source: vardict/out - id: headerLines source: header_lines run: bcftoolsAnnotate_v1_5.cwl out: - id: out - id: compressvcf label: BGZip in: - id: file source: annotate/out - id: stdout source: compressvcf_stdout run: bgzip_1_2_1.cwl out: - id: out - id: tabixvcf label: Tabix in: - id: inp source: compressvcf/out run: tabix_1_2_1.cwl out: - id: out - id: splitnormalisevcf label: Split Multiple Alleles in: - id: vcf source: annotate/out - id: reference source: reference run: SplitMultiAllele_v0_5772.cwl out: - id: out - id: trim label: Trim IUPAC Bases in: - id: vcf source: splitnormalisevcf/out run: trimIUPAC_0_0_5.cwl out: - id: out - id: filterpass label: Filter Vardict Somatic Vcf in: - id: vcf source: trim/out run: FilterVardictSomaticVcf_v1_9.cwl out: - id: out id: vardictSomaticVariantCaller