cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow id: cosifer_workflow label: cosifer-workflow inputs: data_matrix: {type: File, doc: "Gene expression data matrix"} gmt_filepath: {type: "File?", doc: "Optional GMT file to perform inference on multiple gene sets"} index_col: {type: "int?", doc: "Column index in the data. Defaults to None, a.k.a., no index"} outdir: {type: string, doc: "Path to the output directory"} separator: {type: "string?", doc: "Separator for the data. Defaults to ."} samples_on_rows: {type: "boolean?", doc: "Flag that indicates that data contain the samples on rows. Defaults to False."} outputs: resdir: {type: Directory, outputSource: cosifer/resdir} steps: cosifer: run: ./cosifer.cwl in: data_matrix: data_matrix separator: separator index_col: index_col gmt_filepath: gmt_filepath outdir: outdir samples_on_rows: samples_on_rows out: [resdir]