cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow dct:creator: '@id': foaf:name: Walter Shands foaf:mbox: requirements: - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement inputs: reference_file: File reference_index_file: File input_file: File input_index_file: File? truth_md5sum_file: File outputs: workflow_output_file: type: File outputSource: checker/results_file steps: md5sum: run: md5sum/CRAM_md5sum.cwl in: reference_file: reference_file reference_index_file: reference_index_file input_file: input_file input_index_file: input_index_file out: [output_file] checker: run: checker/CRAM_md5sum_checker.cwl in: input_file_1: md5sum/output_file input_file_2: truth_md5sum_file out: [results_file] doc: | This wraps the md5sum tool with a checker workflow that runs both the tool and a tool that performs verification of results