cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow label: Transcriptome assembly workflow requirements: SchemaDefRequirement: types: - $import: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic-end_mode.yaml - $import: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic-sliding_window.yaml - $import: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic-phred.yaml - $import: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic-illumina_clipping.yaml - $import: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic-max_info.yaml MultipleInputFeatureRequirement: {} inputs: read_files: type: File[] format: edam:format_1930 # Zipped fastq doc: FASTQ file of reverse reads in Paired End mode forward_reads: type: File format: edam:format_1930 # Zipped fastq reverse_reads: type: File? format: edam:format_1930 # Zipped fastq end_mode: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic-end_mode.yaml#end_mode trinity_max_mem: type: string trinity_cpu: type: int? trinity_seq_type: type: type: enum symbols: - fa - fq trinity_ss_lib_type: type: type: enum symbols: - FR - RF - F - R outputs: raw_qc_report: type: File[] # format: TODO: Zip format not found in edam ontology outputSource: generate_raw_stats/zipped_report raw_html_report: type: File[] format: edam:format_2331 outputSource: generate_raw_stats/html_report filtered_qc_report: type: File[] outputSource: generate_filtered_stats/zipped_report filtered_html_report: type: File[] format: edam:format_2331 outputSource: generate_filtered_stats/html_report trimmomatic_log_file: type: File? outputSource: filter_reads/log_file forward_reads_paired: type: File format: edam:format_1930 outputSource: filter_reads/reads1_trimmed forward_reads_unpaired: type: File? format: edam:format_1930 outputSource: filter_reads/reads1_trimmed_unpaired reverse_reads_paired: type: File? format: edam:format_1930 outputSource: filter_reads/reads2_trimmed_paired reverse_reads_unpaired: type: File? format: edam:format_1930 outputSource: filter_reads/reads2_trimmed_unpaired assembly_output_dir: type: Directory outputSource: run_assembly/assembly_dir assembled_contigs: type: File format: edam:format_1929 # FASTA outputSource: run_assembly/assembled_contigs # TODO: Get this back in # evaluation_matrix: # type: File # format: edam:format_3752 # CSV # outputSource: evaluate_contigs/evaluation_matrix transrate_output_dir: type: Directory outputSource: evaluate_contigs/transrate_output_dir steps: generate_raw_stats: label: Generates a QC for the provided read file(s). doc: | Provide reverse and forward read files for paired-end (PE) or a single read file for single-end (SE). run: ../tools/FastQC/FastQC-v0.11.7.cwl in: in_fastq: read_files out: [ zipped_report, html_report ] filter_reads: doc: | Low quality trimming (low quality ends and sequences with < quality scores less than 15 over a 4 nucleotide wide window are removed) run: ../tools/Trimmomatic/trimmomatic.cwl in: reads1: forward_reads reads2: reverse_reads phred: { default: '33' } leading: { default: 3 } trailing: { default: 3 } end_mode: end_mode minlen: { default: 100 } slidingwindow: default: windowSize: 4 requiredQuality: 15 out: [log_file, reads1_trimmed, reads1_trimmed_unpaired, reads2_trimmed_paired, reads2_trimmed_unpaired] run_assembly: label: Runs the actual assembly run: ../tools/Trinity/Trinity-V2.6.5.cwl in: left_reads: filter_reads/reads1_trimmed right_reads: filter_reads/reads2_trimmed_paired single_reads: filter_reads/reads1_trimmed max_mem: trinity_max_mem cpu: trinity_cpu seq_type: trinity_seq_type ss_lib_type: trinity_ss_lib_type out: [ assembly_dir, assembled_contigs ] generate_filtered_stats: label: Generates a QC for the filtered read file(s). doc: | Provide filtered read files run: ../tools/FastQC/FastQC-v0.11.7.cwl in: in_fastq: source: [filter_reads/reads1_trimmed] linkMerge: merge_flattened out: [ zipped_report, html_report ] evaluate_contigs: label: Evaluates the contig quality. run: ../tools/Transrate/Transrate-V1.0.3.cwl in: in_fasta: run_assembly/assembled_contigs left_fastq: forward_reads right_fastq: reverse_reads out: [ transrate_output_dir ] $namespaces: edam: s: $schemas: - - s:license: ""