#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner label: "Bacterial Annotation, pass 4, blastp-based functional annotation (second pass)" cwlVersion: v1.2 class: Workflow requirements: - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement inputs: scatter_gather_nchunks: type: string lds2: # Extract Model Proteins/lds2 type: File proteins: # Extract Model Proteins/proteins type: File annotation: # Good, AntiFam filtered annotations type: File Good_AntiFam_filtered_proteins_gilist: type: File sequence_cache: type: Directory uniColl_cache: type: Directory naming_sqlite: # see bacterial_annot_pass3 type: File hmm_assignments: # XML assignments type: File wp_assignments: # XML assignments type: File Extract_Model_Proteins_prot_ids: # pass 3 type: File CDDdata: # ${GP_HOME}/third-party/data/CDD/cdd - type: Directory CDDdata2: # ${GP_HOME}/third-party/data/cdd_add type: Directory thresholds: type: File defline_cleanup_rules: # defline_cleanup_rules # ${GP_HOME}/etc/product_rules.prt type: File blast_rules_db: label: "parameter to store the literal 'blast_rules_db'" type: string default: blast_rules_db blastdb: label: "Input blastdb databases" type: string[] identification_db_dir: type: Directory taxid: type: int blast_hits_cache: type: File? taxon_db: type: File genus_list: type: int[] steps: Find_Naming_Protein_Hits: label: "Find Naming Protein Hits" run: ../task_types/tt_blastp_wnode_naming.cwl in: scatter_gather_nchunks: scatter_gather_nchunks # files/directories ids: source: [Good_AntiFam_filtered_proteins_gilist] linkMerge: merge_flattened lds2: lds2 proteins: proteins blastdb_dir: identification_db_dir blastdb: source: #will this fly? - blastdb # Get_Proteins/selected_blastdb - blast_rules_db linkMerge: merge_flattened # cluster_blastp_wnode_output: cluster_blastp_wnode_output # shortcut # literal parameters affinity: default: subject asn_cache: [sequence_cache, uniColl_cache] align_filter: default: 'score>0 && pct_identity_gapopen_only > 35' allow_intersection: default: true # batch-size: # default: 1 comp_based_stats: default: F compart: default: true dbsize: default: '6000000000' delay: default: 0 evalue: default: 0.1 # extra_coverage: # application default max_batch_length: default: 10000 max_jobs: default: 1 max_target_seqs: default: 50 no_merge: default: false nogenbank: default: true ofmt: default: asn-binary seg: default: '30 2.2 2.5' soft_masking: default: 'yes' threshold: default: 21 top_by_score: default: 10 word_size: default: 6 taxid: taxid genus_list: genus_list blast_hits_cache: source: blast_hits_cache blast_type: default: 'predicted-protein' taxon_db: taxon_db out: [blast_align] # does not go out Find_best_protein_hits: label: "Find best protein hits" run: ../progs/align_filter.cwl in: input: Find_Naming_Protein_Hits/blast_align # input: cached_Find_Naming_Protein_Hits # for shortcuts asn_cache: [sequence_cache, uniColl_cache] filter: default: 'subject_coverage >= 10' ifmt: default: seq-align-set nogenbank: default: true out: [o] Assign_Clusters_to_Proteins_sort: label: "Assign Clusters to Proteins: pre-sort alignments" run: ../progs/align_sort.cwl in: input: Find_best_protein_hits/o ifmt: default: seq-align-set k: default: query,subject,-score,-num_ident,query_align_len,subject_align_len,query_start,subject_start limit_mem: default: '13G' nogenbank: default: true # internal: tmp out: [output] Assign_Clusters_to_Proteins: label: "Assign Clusters to Proteins: actual task" run: ../progs/assign_cluster.cwl in: asn_cache: [sequence_cache, uniColl_cache] lds2: lds2 proteins: proteins comp_based_stats: default: F cutoff: default: 0.5 hfmt: default: seq-align hits: Assign_Clusters_to_Proteins_sort/output margin: default: 0.05 namedb_dir: identification_db_dir # NamingDatabase namedb: default: blast_rules_db seg: default: no sure_cutoff: default: 0.15 task: default: blastp threshold: default: 21 unicoll_sqlite: naming_sqlite word_size: default: 6 nogenbank: default: true out: [protein_assignments] # xml format does, not go out of the workflow Prepare_SPARCLBL_input: label: "Prepare SPARCLBL input" run: ../progs/prepare_sparclbl_input.cwl in: other_assignments: source: [Assign_Clusters_to_Proteins/protein_assignments, hmm_assignments, wp_assignments] linkMerge: merge_flattened input: Extract_Model_Proteins_prot_ids # pass 3 unicoll_sqlite: naming_sqlite out: [prot_ids, precedences] # not go out of the workflow Assign_SPARCL_Architecture_Names_to_Proteins_gp_fetch_sequences: label: "Assign SPARCL Architecture Names to Proteins" run: ../progs/gp_fetch_sequences.cwl in: # not sure why do we have this in PGAP. # asn_cache: [full_id_cache] # linkMerge: merge_flattened input: Prepare_SPARCLBL_input/prot_ids lds2: lds2 proteins: proteins out: [output] Assign_SPARCL_Architecture_Names_to_Proteins_asn2fasta: label: "Assign SPARCL Architecture Names to Proteins" run: ../progs/asn2fasta.cwl in: i: Assign_SPARCL_Architecture_Names_to_Proteins_gp_fetch_sequences/output serial: default: binary type: default: seq-entry prots_only: default: true fasta_name: default: proteins.fa out: [fasta] Assign_SPARCL_Architecture_Names_to_Proteins_sparclbl: label: "Assign SPARCL Architecture Names to Proteins" run: ../progs/sparclbl.cwl in: s: Assign_SPARCL_Architecture_Names_to_Proteins_asn2fasta/fasta p: Prepare_SPARCLBL_input/precedences m: # number_of_blast_processes default: 20 n: # max_files_per_proc default: 500 b: CDDdata d: CDDdata2 x: default: 1 out: [protein_assignments] # not go out of the workflow Add_Names_to_Proteins: label: "Add Names to Proteins" run: ../progs/add_prot_names_to_annot.cwl in: # let's ditch full_id_cache for now # asn_cache: [sequence_cache, full_id_cache] asn_cache: source: [sequence_cache] linkMerge: merge_flattened defline_cleanup_rules: defline_cleanup_rules # ${GP_HOME}/etc/product_rules.prt proteins: - Assign_Clusters_to_Proteins/protein_assignments - Assign_SPARCL_Architecture_Names_to_Proteins_sparclbl/protein_assignments - hmm_assignments - wp_assignments input: annotation # Good, AntiFam filtered annotations unicoll_sqlite: naming_sqlite nogenbank: default: true submission_mode_genbank: default: true out: [out_annotation] Bacterial_Annot_Filter: label: "Bacterial Annot Filter" run: ../progs/bact_annot_filter.cwl in: abs_short_model_limit: default: 60 asn_cache: source: [sequence_cache] linkMerge: merge_flattened input: source: [Add_Names_to_Proteins/out_annotation] linkMerge: merge_flattened long_model_limit: default: 1000000 # 1,000,000 max_overlap: default: 120 max_unannotated_region: default: 5000 short_model_limit: default: 180 thr: thresholds nogebank: default: true out: - out_annotation # this goes out # - good_proteins # internal to taxcheck # this is later. # WP_Tax_Check: # label: "WP Tax Check" # run: ../progs/wp_taxcheck.cwl # in: # __input__: Bacterial_Annot_Filter/good_proteins outputs: out_annotation: type: File outputSource: Bacterial_Annot_Filter/out_annotation