#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow label: "gdc workflow" requirements: - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement inputs: gdc_token: type: File doc: gdc_token providing permission for downloading controlled access data tcga_sample: type: string doc: String giving the TCGA sample id, i.e. TCGA-01-0001-01A reference: type: File doc: Fasta file containing the reference corresponding to the bam files transcriptome: type: File doc: GTF file giving the transcriptome used to annotate against outputs: filtered_vcf_file: type: File outputSource: filter_vcf/filtered_vcf steps: obtain_manifest_bam: run: obtain_manifest_bam.cwl in: gdc_token: gdc_token tcga_sample: tcga_sample out: [ bam_manifest ] download_bam: run: download_bam.cwl in: gdc_token: gdc_token bam_manifest: obtain_manifest_bam/bam_manifest out: [ bam_file ] obtain_manifest_vcf: run: obtain_manifest_vcf.cwl in: gdc_token: gdc_token tcga_sample: tcga_sample out: [ vcf_manifest ] download_vcf: run: download_vcf.cwl in: gdc_token: gdc_token vcf_manifest: obtain_manifest_vcf/vcf_manifest out: [ vcf_file ] decompress_vcf: scatter: [ vcf_file ] scatterMethod: dotproduct run: decompress_vcf.cwl in: vcf_file: download_vcf/vcf_file out: [ decompress_vcf_file ] bgzip_vcf: scatter: [ vcf_file ] scatterMethod: dotproduct run: bgzip_vcf.cwl in: vcf_file: decompress_vcf/decompress_vcf_file out: [ bgzip_vcf_file ] index_vcf: scatter: [ vcf_file ] scatterMethod: dotproduct run: index_vcf.cwl in: vcf_file: bgzip_vcf/bgzip_vcf_file out: [ indexed_vcf ] merge_vcf: run: merge_vcf.cwl in: vcf_file: [ index_vcf/indexed_vcf ] out: [ merged_vcf ] filter_vcf: run: filter_vcf.cwl in: merged_vcf_file: merge_vcf/merged_vcf caller_vcf_file: [ index_vcf/indexed_vcf ] out: [ filtered_vcf ] regtools: run: ../regtools/workflow.cwl in: rna_tumor_bam: download_bam/bam_file reference: reference transcriptome: transcriptome variants: filter_vcf/filtered_vcf out: []