#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner class: Workflow id: germline label: germline cwlVersion: v1.1 requirements: StepInputExpressionRequirement: {} InlineJavascriptRequirement: {} ShellCommandRequirement: {} inputs: fq1: type: File[] doc: FASTQ file 1 fq2: type: File[] doc: FASTQ file 2 rg: type: string[] doc: Read group string ref: type: File doc: Reference FASTA file secondaryFiles: - ^.dict - .fai - .64.amb - .64.ann - .64.bwt - .64.pac - .64.sa - .64.alt knownSites: type: File[]? doc: A known indels file. The file must be in vcf.gz format. This option can be used multiple times. secondaryFiles: - .tbi bwa_options: type: string? default: "-T 0 -Y" num_gpus: type: int prefix: type: string doc: Output file prefix autosome_interval: type: File doc: Interval BED file for autosome regions PAR_interval: type: File doc: Interval BED file for PAR regions chrX_interval: type: File doc: Interval BED file for chrX regions chrY_interval: type: File doc: Interval BED file for chrY regions steps: fq2cram: run: ../Tools/pbrun-fq2cram-multiRGs.cwl in: ref: ref knownSites: knownSites fq1: fq1 fq2: fq2 rg: rg bwa_options: bwa_options num_gpus: num_gpus prefix: prefix out: - cram - recal haplotypecaller_autosome: run: ../Tools/pbrun-haplotypecaller-from-cram.cwl in: ref: ref cram: fq2cram/cram interval_file: autosome_interval ploidy: valueFrom: $(2) num_gpus: num_gpus tmpprefix: prefix prefix: valueFrom: $(inputs.tmpprefix).autosome out: - gvcf haplotypecaller_PAR: run: ../Tools/pbrun-haplotypecaller-from-cram.cwl in: ref: ref cram: fq2cram/cram interval_file: PAR_interval ploidy: valueFrom: $(2) num_gpus: num_gpus tmpprefix: prefix prefix: valueFrom: $(inputs.tmpprefix).PAR out: - gvcf haplotypecaller_chrX_female: run: ../Tools/pbrun-haplotypecaller-from-cram.cwl in: ref: ref cram: fq2cram/cram interval_file: chrX_interval ploidy: valueFrom: $(2) num_gpus: num_gpus tmpprefix: prefix prefix: valueFrom: $(inputs.tmpprefix).chrX_female out: - gvcf haplotypecaller_chrX_male: run: ../Tools/pbrun-haplotypecaller-from-cram.cwl in: ref: ref cram: fq2cram/cram interval_file: chrX_interval ploidy: valueFrom: $(1) num_gpus: num_gpus tmpprefix: prefix prefix: valueFrom: $(inputs.tmpprefix).chrX_male out: - gvcf haplotypecaller_chrY: run: ../Tools/pbrun-haplotypecaller-from-cram.cwl in: ref: ref cram: fq2cram/cram interval_file: chrY_interval ploidy: valueFrom: $(1) num_gpus: num_gpus tmpprefix: prefix prefix: valueFrom: $(inputs.tmpprefix).chrY out: - gvcf outputs: cram: type: File outputSource: fq2cram/cram recal: type: File outputSource: fq2cram/recal gvcf_autosome: type: File outputSource: haplotypecaller_autosome/gvcf gvcf_PAR: type: File outputSource: haplotypecaller_PAR/gvcf gvcf_chrX_female: type: File outputSource: haplotypecaller_chrX_female/gvcf gvcf_chrX_male: type: File outputSource: haplotypecaller_chrX_male/gvcf gvcf_chrY: type: File outputSource: haplotypecaller_chrY/gvcf