class: Workflow cwlVersion: v1.0 label: ProGENI doc: network-guided gene prioritization method implementation by KnowEnG that ranks gene measurements by their correlation to observed phenotypes requirements: - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement inputs: - id: genomic_spreadsheet_file label: Genomic Spreadsheet doc: the genomic spreadsheet input for the pipeline type: File - id: phenotypic_spreadsheet_file label: Phenotypic Spreadsheet doc: spreadsheet of phenotypic data with samples as rows and phenotypes as columns type: File - id: correlation_measure label: Correlation Measure doc: "keyword for correlation metric, one of either ['t_test', 'pearson']" type: string - id: num_bootstraps label: Number of bootstraps doc: number of types to sample the data and repeat the analysis type: int default: 0 - id: use_network label: Use Network Flag doc: whether or not to use a network for ProGENI type: boolean default: true - id: edge_type label: Subnetwork Edge Type doc: the edge type keyword for the subnetwork of interest type: string default: STRING_experimental - id: network_type label: Subnetwork Class doc: the type of subnetwork type: string default: Gene - id: taxonid label: Species TaxonID doc: taxon id of species related to genomic spreadsheet type: ["null", string] default: '9606' - id: redis_host label: RedisDB host URL doc: url of Redis db type: ["null", string] default: - id: redis_port label: RedisDB Port doc: port for Redis db type: ["null", int] default: 6379 - id: redis_pass label: RedisDB AuthStr doc: password for Redis db type: ["null", string] default: KnowEnG steps: - id: kn_fetcher run: kn_fetcher.cwl in: - { id: get_network, source: "#use_network" } - { id: network_type, source: "#network_type" } - { id: taxonid, source: "#taxonid" } - { id: edge_type, source: "#edge_type" } out: - { id: network_edge_file } - { id: cmd_log_file } - { id: node_map_file } - { id: network_metadata_file } - id: data_cleaning run: data_cleaning.cwl in: - { id: pipeline_type, valueFrom: "gene_prioritization_pipeline" } - { id: genomic_spreadsheet_file, source: "#genomic_spreadsheet_file" } - { id: taxonid, source: "#taxonid" } - { id: phenotypic_spreadsheet_file, source: "#phenotypic_spreadsheet_file" } - { id: gene_prioritization_corr_measure, source: "#correlation_measure" } - { id: redis_host, source: "#redis_host" } - { id: redis_port, source: "#redis_port" } - { id: redis_pass, source: "#redis_pass" } out: - { id: cleaning_log_file } - { id: gene_map_file } - { id: gene_unmap_file } - { id: cleaning_yml_file } - { id: clean_genomic_file } - { id: clean_phenotypic_file } - id: gp_runner run: gp_runner.cwl in: - { id: use_network, source: "#use_network" } - { id: genomic_file, source: "#data_cleaning/clean_genomic_file" } - { id: phenotypic_file, source: "#data_cleaning/clean_phenotypic_file" } - { id: correlation_measure, source: "#correlation_measure" } - { id: network_file, source: "#kn_fetcher/network_edge_file" } - { id: num_bootstraps, source: "#num_bootstraps" } out: - { id: top100_genes_matrix } - { id: top_ranked_genes } - { id: ranked_genes_file } - { id: params_yml } outputs: - id: network_edge_file label: Subnetwork Edge File doc: 4 column format for subnetwork for single edge type and species type: File outputSource: "#kn_fetcher/network_edge_file" - id: fetch_cmd_log_file label: Fetch Command Log File doc: Fetch Command Log File type: File outputSource: "#kn_fetcher/cmd_log_file" - id: cleaning_log_file label: Cleaning Log File doc: information on souce of errors for cleaning pipeline type: ["null", File] outputSource: "#data_cleaning/cleaning_log_file" - id: clean_genomic_file label: Clean Genomic Spreadsheet doc: matrix with gene names mapped and data cleaned type: ["null", File] outputSource: "#data_cleaning/clean_genomic_file" - id: clean_phenotypic_file label: Clean Phenotypic Spreadsheet doc: phenotype file prepared for pipeline type: ["null", File] outputSource: "#data_cleaning/clean_phenotypic_file" - id: gene_map_file label: Genomic Spreadsheet Map doc: two columns for internal gene ids and original gene ids type: ["null", File] outputSource: "#data_cleaning/gene_map_file" - id: gene_unmap_file label: Genomic Spreadsheet Unmapped Genes doc: two columns for original gene ids and unmapped reason code type: ["null", File] outputSource: "#data_cleaning/gene_unmap_file" - id: cleaning_yml_file label: Cleanup Parameter File doc: data cleaning parameters in yaml format type: ["null", File] outputSource: "#data_cleaning/cleaning_yml_file" - id: top100_genes_matrix label: top100 Genes File doc: Membership spreadsheet with phenotype columns and gene rows type: File outputSource: "#gp_runner/top100_genes_matrix" - id: top_ranked_genes label: Lists of Top Genes doc: Lists of Top Genes type: File outputSource: "#gp_runner/top_ranked_genes" - id: ranked_genes_file label: Ranked Genes File doc: Ranked Genes File type: File outputSource: "#gp_runner/ranked_genes_file" - id: params_yml label: Configuration Parameter File doc: contains the values used in analysis type: File outputSource: "#gp_runner/params_yml"