cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow label: Functional analyis of sequences that match the 16S SSU requirements: - class: SchemaDefRequirement types: - $import: ../tools/qiime-biom-convert-table.yaml inputs: 16S_matches: type: File outputs: otu_table_summary: type: File outputSource: create_otu_text_summary/otu_table_summary tree: type: File outputSource: prune_tree/pruned_tree biom_json: type: File outputSource: convert_new_biom_to_old_biom/result steps: pick_closed_reference_otus: run: ../tools/qiime-pick_closed_reference_otus.cwl in: sequences: 16S_matches out: [ otu_table, otus_tree ] convert_new_biom_to_old_biom: run: ../tools/qiime-biom-convert.cwl in: biom: pick_closed_reference_otus/otu_table table_type: { default: OTU Table } json: { default: true } out: [ result ] convert_new_biom_to_classic: run: ../tools/qiime-biom-convert.cwl in: biom: pick_closed_reference_otus/otu_table header_key: { default: taxonomy } table_type: { default: OTU Table } tsv: { default: true } out: [ result ] create_otu_text_summary: run: ../tools/qiime-biom-summarize_table.cwl in: biom: pick_closed_reference_otus/otu_table out: [ otu_table_summary ] extract_observations: run: class: CommandLineTool inputs: { tsv_otu_table: File } baseCommand: [ awk, '/#/ {next};{print $1}' ] stdin: $(inputs.tsv_otu_table.path) stdout: observations # helps cwltool's cache outputs: { observations: stdout } in: { tsv_otu_table: convert_new_biom_to_classic/result } out: [ observations ] prune_tree: run: ../tools/qiime-filter_tree.cwl in: tree: pick_closed_reference_otus/otus_tree tips_or_seqids_to_retain: extract_observations/observations out: [ pruned_tree ]