cwlVersion: v1.1 class: Workflow label: 'FragPipe: ProteinProphet' doc: |- This workflow step takes the PeptideProphet output files from the first step containing the peptide validation and calculates the protein inference using ProteinProphet. $namespaces: sbg: requirements: - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement inputs: - id: workspace_in label: Workspace doc: MZML files are optional. type: type: array items: File sbg:fileTypes: TAR.GZ sbg:x: -381 sbg:y: -71 - id: minprob doc: PeptideProphet probability threshold (default 0.05) type: - 'null' - float sbg:exposed: true outputs: - id: interact_protein_xml type: - 'null' - File outputSource: - philosopher_proteinprophet/interact_protein_xml sbg:x: 191.3680877685547 sbg:y: -100.5 steps: - id: philosopher_proteinprophet label: Philosopher ProteinProphet in: - id: minprob default: 0.5 source: minprob - id: workspace_in source: - workspace_in run: cwlVersion: v1.1 class: CommandLineTool label: Philosopher ProteinProphet doc: |- Protein identification validation Usage: philosopher proteinprophet [flags] Flags: -h, --help help for proteinprophet --iprophet input is from iProphet --maxppmdiff int maximum peptide mass difference in ppm (default 2000000) --minprob float PeptideProphet probability threshold (default 0.05) --nonsp do not use NSP model --output string Output name (default "interact") --unmapped report results for UNMAPPED proteins $namespaces: sbg: requirements: - class: ShellCommandRequirement - class: ResourceRequirement coresMin: 1 ramMin: 4000 - class: DockerRequirement dockerPull: prvst/philosopher:latest - class: InitialWorkDirRequirement listing: - entryname: writable: false entry: |+ find . -name '*.tar.gz' -execdir tar -xzvf '{}' \; echo $@ philosopher workspace --init && philosopher proteinprophet $@ */interact*.pep.xml - $(inputs.workspace_in) - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement expressionLib: - |2- var setMetadata = function(file, metadata) { if (!('metadata' in file)) { file['metadata'] = {} } for (var key in metadata) { file['metadata'][key] = metadata[key]; } return file }; var inheritMetadata = function(o1, o2) { var commonMetadata = {}; if (!o2) { return o1; }; if (!Array.isArray(o2)) { o2 = [o2] } for (var i = 0; i < o2.length; i++) { var example = o2[i]['metadata']; for (var key in example) { if (i == 0) commonMetadata[key] = example[key]; else { if (!(commonMetadata[key] == example[key])) { delete commonMetadata[key] } } } for (var key in commonMetadata) { if (!(key in example)) { delete commonMetadata[key] } } } if (!Array.isArray(o1)) { o1 = setMetadata(o1, commonMetadata) if (o1.secondaryFiles) { o1.secondaryFiles = inheritMetadata(o1.secondaryFiles, o2) } } else { for (var i = 0; i < o1.length; i++) { o1[i] = setMetadata(o1[i], commonMetadata) if (o1[i].secondaryFiles) { o1[i].secondaryFiles = inheritMetadata(o1[i].secondaryFiles, o2) } } } return o1; }; inputs: - id: iprophet doc: input is from iProphet type: - 'null' - boolean default: inputBinding: prefix: --iprophet position: 0 shellQuote: false - id: maxppmdiff doc: maximum peptide mass difference in ppm (default 2000000) type: - 'null' - int default: 2000000 inputBinding: prefix: --maxppmdiff position: 1 shellQuote: false - id: minprob doc: PeptideProphet probability threshold (default 0.05) type: - 'null' - float default: 0.05 inputBinding: prefix: --minprob position: 2 shellQuote: false - id: nonsp doc: do not use NSP model type: - 'null' - boolean inputBinding: prefix: --nonsp position: 3 shellQuote: false - id: output doc: Output name (default "interact") type: - 'null' - string default: interact inputBinding: prefix: --output position: 4 shellQuote: false - id: unmapped doc: report results for UNMAPPED proteins type: - 'null' - boolean inputBinding: prefix: --unmapped position: 5 shellQuote: false - id: workspace_in type: - 'null' - type: array items: File outputs: - id: interact_protein_xml type: - 'null' - File outputBinding: glob: interact.prot.xml outputEval: $(inheritMetadata(self, inputs.workspace_in)) baseCommand: - bash id: david.roberson/pdc-webinar-dev/philosopher-proteinprophet/1 sbg:appVersion: - v1.1 sbg:content_hash: a989acf3fd9302f6fdd10aa641b380db61bfaa2d57ef4752dd32d1988afa8593b sbg:contributors: - david.roberson sbg:createdBy: david.roberson sbg:createdOn: 1616618178 sbg:id: david.roberson/pdc-webinar-dev/philosopher-proteinprophet/1 sbg:image_url: sbg:latestRevision: 1 sbg:modifiedBy: david.roberson sbg:modifiedOn: 1616619570 sbg:project: david.roberson/pdc-webinar-dev sbg:projectName: PDC Webinar Dev sbg:publisher: sbg sbg:revision: 1 sbg:revisionNotes: '' sbg:revisionsInfo: - sbg:modifiedBy: david.roberson sbg:modifiedOn: 1616618178 sbg:revision: 0 sbg:revisionNotes: Copy of david.roberson/philosopher-dev/philosopher-proteinprophet/7 - sbg:modifiedBy: david.roberson sbg:modifiedOn: 1616619570 sbg:revision: 1 sbg:revisionNotes: '' sbg:sbgMaintained: false sbg:validationErrors: [] out: - id: interact_protein_xml sbg:x: -100 sbg:y: -96 hints: - class: sbg:AWSInstanceType value: c5.2xlarge;ebs-gp2;200 id: |- sbg:appVersion: - v1.1 sbg:categories: - Proteomics sbg:content_hash: a9732c3274149710590c5c3963f5f088ad111cb6ac24893839d6e07a60c7f185c sbg:contributors: - david.roberson sbg:createdBy: david.roberson sbg:createdOn: 1618840236 sbg:id: |- david.roberson/commit-fragpipe-proteomics-pipeline-tutorial/FragPipe_ProteinProphet/1 sbg:image_url: |- sbg:latestRevision: 1 sbg:links: - id: label: sbg:modifiedBy: david.roberson sbg:modifiedOn: 1618937802 sbg:original_source: |- sbg:project: david.roberson/commit-fragpipe-proteomics-pipeline-tutorial sbg:projectName: 'COMMIT: FragPipe Proteomics Pipeline Tutorial' sbg:publisher: sbg sbg:revision: 1 sbg:revisionNotes: |- Uploaded using sbpack v2020.10.05. Source: repo: file: FragPipe_ProteinProphet/FragPipe_ProteinProphet.cwl commit: da2bd4b sbg:revisionsInfo: - sbg:modifiedBy: david.roberson sbg:modifiedOn: 1618840236 sbg:revision: 0 sbg:revisionNotes: |- Uploaded using sbpack v2020.10.05. Source: repo: file: apps/FragPipe_ProteinProphet/FragPipe_ProteinProphet.cwl commit: 2054e80 - sbg:modifiedBy: david.roberson sbg:modifiedOn: 1618937802 sbg:revision: 1 sbg:revisionNotes: |- Uploaded using sbpack v2020.10.05. Source: repo: file: FragPipe_ProteinProphet/FragPipe_ProteinProphet.cwl commit: da2bd4b sbg:sbgMaintained: false sbg:toolAuthor: Felipe da Veiga Leprevost sbg:toolkit: FragPipe sbg:toolkitVersion: v15.0 sbg:validationErrors: [] sbg:wrapperAuthor: Felipe da Veiga Leprevost; Dave Roberson