cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow requirements: - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement - class: StepInputExpressionRequirement - class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement - class: InlineJavascriptRequirement expressionLib: - var default_output_name = function(named_input, ext, segment) { ext = ext || ""; segment = segment || 1; if (Array.isArray(named_input) && named_input.length > 0){ return named_input[0].location.split('/').slice(-1)[0].split('.').slice(0,segment).join('.')+ext; } else { return named_input.location.split('/').slice(-1)[0].split('.').slice(0,segment).join('.')+ext; } }; inputs: fastq_file_upstream: type: File label: "FASTQ upstream input file" format: "" doc: "Upstream reads data in a FASTQ format, received after paired end sequencing" fastq_file_downstream: type: File label: "FASTQ downstream input file" format: "" doc: "Downstream reads data in a FASTQ format, received after paired end sequencing" fasta_file_adapters: type: File label: "Adapters FASTA file" format: "" doc: "Adapters FASTA file to be used by Trimmomatic" rsem_indices_folder: type: Directory label: "RSEM indices folder" doc: "Path to RSEM indices generated with BowTie2" bowtie_indices_folder: type: Directory label: "BowTie Ribosomal Indices" doc: "Path to Bowtie generated indices for ribosomal FASTA" threads: type: int? default: 2 label: "Number of threads" doc: "Number of threads for those steps that support multithreading" outputs: rsem_isoforms_file: type: File format: "" label: "RSEM isoforms expression file" doc: "RSEM isoforms expression file" outputSource: rename_rsem_isoforms_file/target_file biowardrobe_isoforms_file: type: File format: "" label: "Biowardrobe compatible isoforms expression file" doc: "Biowardrobe compatible isoforms expression file" outputSource: make_biowardrobe_isoforms/biowardrobe_isoforms_file rsem_genes_file: type: File format: "" label: "RSEM genes expression file" doc: "RSEM genes expression file" outputSource: rename_rsem_genes_file/target_file bambai_pair: type: File format: "" label: "Coordinate sorted BAM alignment file (+index BAI)" doc: "Coordinate sorted BAM file and BAI index file" outputSource: rename_rsem_bambai_pair/target_file bigwig_file: type: File format: "" label: "BigWig file" doc: "Generated BigWig file" outputSource: bam_to_bigwig/bigwig_file fastx_statistics_upstream: type: File format: "" label: "FASTQ upstream statistics" doc: "fastx_quality_stats generated upstream FASTQ quality statistics file" outputSource: fastx_quality_stats_upstream/statistics_file fastx_statistics_downstream: type: File format: "" label: "FASTQ downstream statistics" doc: "fastx_quality_stats generated downstream FASTQ quality statistics file" outputSource: fastx_quality_stats_downstream/statistics_file get_stat_log: type: File label: "RSEM & Bowtie combined log" format: "" doc: "Mapping statistics from RSEM & Bowtie logs" outputSource: get_stat/output_file rsem_stat_folder: type: Directory label: "RSEM alignment statistics" doc: "RSEM generated statistics folder. Mostly for debug purposes" outputSource: rsem_calculate_expression/stat_folder bowtie_log: type: File format: "" label: "Ribo Bowtie alignment log" doc: "Ribo Bowtie alignment log file. Mostly for debug purposes" outputSource: ribo_bowtie_aligner/log_file steps: extract_fastq_upstream: run: ../tools/extract-fastq.cwl in: compressed_file: fastq_file_upstream out: [fastq_file] extract_fastq_downstream: run: ../tools/extract-fastq.cwl in: compressed_file: fastq_file_downstream out: [fastq_file] fastx_quality_stats_upstream: run: ../tools/fastx-quality-stats.cwl in: input_file: extract_fastq_upstream/fastq_file out: [statistics_file] fastx_quality_stats_downstream: run: ../tools/fastx-quality-stats.cwl in: input_file: extract_fastq_downstream/fastq_file out: [statistics_file] fastqc_stats_upstream: run: ../tools/fastqc.cwl in: fastq_file: extract_fastq_upstream/fastq_file out: [summary_file] fastqc_stats_downstream: run: ../tools/fastqc.cwl in: fastq_file: extract_fastq_downstream/fastq_file out: [summary_file] fastqc_results_trigger_upstream: run: ../expressiontools/fastqc-results-trigger.cwl in: summary_file: fastqc_stats_upstream/summary_file out: [trigger] fastqc_results_trigger_downstream: run: ../expressiontools/fastqc-results-trigger.cwl in: summary_file: fastqc_stats_downstream/summary_file out: [trigger] trim_adapters: run: ../tools/trimmomatic.cwl in: fastq_file_upstream: extract_fastq_upstream/fastq_file fastq_file_downstream: extract_fastq_downstream/fastq_file adapters_file: fasta_file_adapters trigger: source: [fastqc_results_trigger_upstream/trigger, fastqc_results_trigger_downstream/trigger] valueFrom: | ${ return self[0] && self[1]; } lib_type: default: "PE" illuminaclip_step_param: default: '2:30:15' threads: threads out: - upstream_trimmed_file - downstream_trimmed_file rsem_calculate_expression: run: ../tools/rsem-calculate-expression.cwl in: upstream_read_file: trim_adapters/upstream_trimmed_file downstream_read_file: trim_adapters/downstream_trimmed_file indices_folder: rsem_indices_folder bowtie2: default: true sort_bam_by_coordinate: default: true output_genome_bam: default: true threads: threads out: - isoform_results_file - gene_results_file - genome_sorted_bam_bai_pair - stat_folder - total_reads_number - mapped_reads_number - multimapped_reads_number rename_rsem_bambai_pair: run: ../tools/rename.cwl in: source_file: rsem_calculate_expression/genome_sorted_bam_bai_pair target_filename: source: fastq_file_upstream valueFrom: $(default_output_name(self, ".bam")) out: [target_file] rename_rsem_isoforms_file: run: ../tools/rename.cwl in: source_file: rsem_calculate_expression/isoform_results_file target_filename: source: fastq_file_upstream valueFrom: $(default_output_name(self, ".isoforms.tsv")) out: [target_file] rename_rsem_genes_file: run: ../tools/rename.cwl in: source_file: rsem_calculate_expression/gene_results_file target_filename: source: fastq_file_upstream valueFrom: $(default_output_name(self, ".genes.tsv")) out: [target_file] get_chr_length_file: run: ../expressiontools/get-file-by-name.cwl in: input_files: rsem_indices_folder basename_regex: default: "chrlist$" out: [selected_file] bam_to_bigwig: run: ../subworkflows/bam-bedgraph-bigwig.cwl in: bam_file: rename_rsem_bambai_pair/target_file chrom_length_file: get_chr_length_file/selected_file mapped_reads_number: source: rsem_calculate_expression/mapped_reads_number valueFrom: $(self*2) out: [bigwig_file] ribo_bowtie_aligner: run: ../tools/bowtie-alignreads.cwl in: upstream_filelist: trim_adapters/upstream_trimmed_file downstream_filelist: trim_adapters/downstream_trimmed_file indices_folder: bowtie_indices_folder output_filename: source: fastq_file_upstream valueFrom: $(default_output_name(self, ".txt")) v: default: 3 threads: threads out: - mapped_reads_number - log_file get_stat: run: ../tools/custom-bash.cwl in: input_file: rsem_calculate_expression/isoform_results_file script: default: "echo -n $1 $2 $3 $4 `cat $0 | cut -f 5 | grep -v expected_count | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print int(sum)}'` > $5" param: source: - rsem_calculate_expression/total_reads_number - rsem_calculate_expression/mapped_reads_number - ribo_bowtie_aligner/mapped_reads_number - rsem_calculate_expression/multimapped_reads_number - fastq_file_upstream valueFrom: | ${ self[4] = default_output_name(self[4], ".stat"); return; } out: [output_file] get_annotation_file: run: ../expressiontools/get-file-by-name.cwl in: input_files: rsem_indices_folder basename_regex: default: "ti$" out: [selected_file] make_biowardrobe_isoforms: run: ../tools/python-make-biowardrobe-isoforms.cwl in: rsem_isoforms_file: rename_rsem_isoforms_file/target_file rsem_annotation_file: get_annotation_file/selected_file out: [biowardrobe_isoforms_file] $namespaces: s: $schemas: - s:name: "xenbase-rnaseq-pe" s:downloadUrl: s:codeRepository: s:license: s:isPartOf: class: s:CreativeWork s:name: Common Workflow Language s:url: s:creator: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center" s:location: - class: s:PostalAddress s:addressCountry: "USA" s:addressLocality: "Cincinnati" s:addressRegion: "OH" s:postalCode: "45229" s:streetAddress: "3333 Burnet Ave" s:telephone: "+1(513)636-4200" s:logo: "" s:department: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Allergy and Immunology" s:department: - class: s:Organization s:legalName: "Barski Research Lab" s:member: - class: s:Person s:name: Michael Kotliar s:email: s:sameAs: - id: doc: | XenBase workflow for analysing RNA-Seq paired-end data s:about: | 1. Convert input SRA file into pair of upsrtream and downstream FASTQ files (run fastq-dump) 2. Analyze quality of FASTQ files (run fastqc with each of the FASTQ files) 3. If any of the following fields in fastqc generated report is marked as failed for at least one of input FASTQ files: "Per base sequence quality", "Per sequence quality scores", "Overrepresented sequences", "Adapter Content", - trim adapters (run trimmomatic) 4. Align original or trimmed FASTQ files to reference genome, calculate genes and isoforms expression (run RSEM) 5. Count mapped reads number in sorted BAM file (run bamtools stats) 6. Generate genome coverage BED file (run bedtools genomecov) 7. Sort genearted BED file (run sort) 8. Generate genome coverage bigWig file from BED file (run bedGraphToBigWig)